Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef 4 musings: Howard’s End

I was in such a tizzy yesterday after my negative and cynical blog that I didn’t give Howard the fair farewell I give other contestants.  I’m sorry about that, Howard.

Howard’s exit was not mandated by the judges.  He stood up there next to Lynn, the two bottom dishes in the challenge.  And the judges gave them a choice.  “One of you knows he had the worst dish, and we’re giving you the chance to leave the MasterChef kitchen with dignity.  Do the honorable thing.”

Howard steps forward, pulls off his apron, and leaves the kitchen.

This isn’t the first time such a thing has happened on MasterChef.  In my season, Erryn Cobb and Adrien Nieto had landed at the bottom of a challenge, and the producers gave them the same choice.  “One of you knows your time is over.  Do the honorable thing and and pull off your apron.”  The difference there is that BOTH of them stepped forward at the exact same time to leave, and Erryn basically punched Adrien and made him stay.

It was an incredibly intense moment in the studio.  We were all stunned.  That was one of the first sociological games the producers began playing on MasterChef, but it was one that allows an eliminated contestant to leave as a hero.  It’s an uplifting game.  One that celebrates integrity and decency.  And if this season’s MasterChef was filled with such games, I wouldn’t be as furious as I am about the show.

There’s no telling exactly what happened in those moments after Gordon made his announcement.  The editing doesn’t give us any indication of what happened in real time.  Perhaps it was staged…they filmed it both ways, and then they decided it was Howard.  Perhaps Gordon’s proposal was recorded later and edited back in, and Howard was, in fact eliminated.  Perhaps Lynn tried to leave and there was a production halt, and the judges decided to eliminate Howard.

But I think it probably did happen voluntarily.  I wonder if it took excruciating moments, or if it happened immediately?

But, if I were Howard, I’d have been ready to leave, too.  The way Joe has treated him since almost the very beginning has been deplorable.  He insults Howard’s emotional sensitivity as often as he does his food.

After Howard branched outside the traditional Italian flavor profile in this challenge, Joe spewed one of his longest rants ever at him:

“If you’re here putting your spin on everything you make because you wanna show us how cutsie and intelligent and crafty you are, that’s gonna get you a one-way ticket back to…wherever you came from.  And then you can show your friends, and the 6 people who told you you were good, how cutsie and smart you are, when you’re home cooking at dinner parties, while the rest of this group goes  on, and competes to become the next MasterChef. …  The only thing worse than a cook who can’t boil is a narcissist in full denial.  Thank you for nothing.”

If only 6 people had told Howard he was good, he wouldn’t have made it to the top 19 on MasterChef (if the show is really about selecting America’s best home cooks), so this kind of insult is simply ridiculous and completely untrue.

But if Joe has been constantly harassing me like that, I’d be ready to leave, too, whether I truly thought my dish was the worst or not.

Howard, I wish your MasterChef experience had been more positive.  I feel like the judges were harder on you than they were on anyone else, consistently throughout the competition.  Your military experience probably prepared you better for this kind of bullying better than the other contestants…however your military service should demand an extra level of respect from everyone around you, including the judges.

Follow Howard on Facebook and Twitter, and give us your impressions of Howard’s exit below:

30 responses to “MasterChef 4 musings: Howard’s End”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    Well, since I didn’t watch it, I can only say that Howard is a victim of “unreality” TV. I wish him the best.

  2. Amanda McKay Avatar
    Amanda McKay

    I watched it, and I wanted to reach through the tv and smack Joe. I really liked Howard. I’m sure we’ll be seeing great things from him!

  3. Susan Sullivan Avatar

    I wonder if Joe was so hateful to Howard because of his military experience. I don’t believe Joe ever served in the military and he probably felt a need to put Howard down to make himself feel like a big, man.

  4. Tony Rossi Avatar
    Tony Rossi

    I think Joe turned the switch way up on his obnoxious level this season, and it’s part of a theme. That jive on the first episode where he set a pile of money ON FIRE was distasteful and disgraceful, and he’s only gotten worse. He was just being a bully to Howard, not simply critiquing his plate. IDK, maybe I’m old but that’s just not in any way cool. Apparently the ‘Joe’ character sells commercials so they keep him on but if I ever stop watching this stupid show it’ll be because Joe once again forgets to treat the contestants with a shred of decency. Ben, you should be a judge!

    1. carrie Avatar

      He set money on fire?!? OMG that is such a slap in the face to everyone who isn’t filthy rich. “I’m so rich I can set money on fire!! Look how rich I am!!” What an arrogant jerk. How much money was it?

      1. Steve Avatar

        It was fake money. Also, it would not have been an independent decision by Joe himself, but part of the production of the show.

        1. carrie Avatar

          oh phew!! I should have known haha.

  5. celebrationgeneration Avatar

    Howard went on a hateful tirade against me on a fellow contestant’s Facebook profile, but not until after he blocked me to prevent me from seeing it. Kinda gutless and bizarre, considering I can’t recall ever even interacting with the guy. Also weird, as the post he was replying to had nothing to do with him, no one mentioned him, and it was a completely out of the blue attack.

    Among the gems from his fingers were:

    1. I’m a “retard”. Yep. He used the R word against someone with Aspergers. Classy one, there.

    2. I was only on MasterChef because of my hair colour. Fun, coming from someone who was a “token” himself – token military guy. They have one every year.

    3. Made some insane comments about my use of canned mango in my upside down cake… never mind that canned mango has a better texture for that use, AND that THAT cake got me on the preferred vendor list at Wolfgang Puck catering, when I was still making cakes. The kicker? He apparently used canned/frozen peaches (I’ve heard both, I’m assuming there’s some “telephone” going on there) in his audition dish, which was a cobbler.

    Aside from my personal impressions of Howard (hey, you asked!), nothing he was shown to have cooked on the show gave any indication that he knows anything about cooking whatsoever. Making fun of Krissi’s Mac N Cheese, only to turn out a crappy little salad? What?

    Good riddance.

    1. Ben Avatar

      You’re not lying, Marie. 🙂

    2. Dente S. Avatar
      Dente S.

      This could quite possibly make it more difficult for me to feel sorry for Howard – you’d think he’d redirect his pent-up anger towards Joe and his inferiority complex, and not another contestant he may have never even engaged with in any experience.

      Can someone provide me a link to this?

  6. Kevin Dazet Avatar
    Kevin Dazet

    Joe was defending his mother over a perceived slight, and he launched into a rant that seemed out of place. It was so cutting and swiftly delivered, yet oddly inappropriate (take the word “cutesy” for example, which I would never think to use to describe an ex-military man), that I suspect Joe utters these words regularly when he encounters people he thinks haven’t paid their dues. I can even picture the person who would perhaps deserve to be bumped down a few pegs by hearing a well-respected chef point out how undeserving they are. That person isn’t Howard (or at least not the Howard I saw on TV).

    Masterchef is a cooking competition, not a cooking class. Howard tried to add personal flair to his dish. He failed, but what he did wasn’t particularly offensive. Joe’s response was childish.

  7. Jennifer Allen Rossi Avatar

    I do think Joe is often too harsh and personal in his critiques of contestants. No matter how I personally feel about Howard, I don’t think he (or anyone else for that matter) deserves that. It reminds me of when Joe insulted David’s grandmother last season. It’s just not necessary to go there to express your displeasure.

  8. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    Those sorts of unnecessary personal attacks from judges are one of the reasons I stopped watching the show. It’s supposed to be a cooking competition, not a stage for bullies. There are judges on other competitions who are the same way and go after the person rather than the food and it makes me sick and angry, every time.

  9. thehungryflexitarian Avatar

    I didn’t always agree with Howard’s style of cooking, he seemed to push the envelope a lot and not always successfully. Of course I only got to see what the producers wanted us viewers to see. In the end he showed that he was a class act and I am sad to see him go. I know it is Joe’s “act” to be the prick, but he tends to cross the personal insult line way too often.

  10. Cathy Hodge Smith Avatar
    Cathy Hodge Smith

    Ben, perhaps you recall my disdain for Joe from the beginning. He is a cold, insecure phony without a personality worth noticing. To prove his value to the show, he has to attack people because he does not have a valuable contribution to make. Glad that you write this blog to make sense out of that calculated mess of a show that is such a far cry from the professionalism shown on the original British production. You are a fantastic writer and person!

  11. juliezielinskiblog Avatar

    I agree with Cathy Hodge Smith. Joe may be the smart businessman you describe, & perhaps his love of food did send him to a lower tax bracket. But the way he belittles contestants infuriates me. Every time he asks if they’re serious about being there & starts all his bullying BS, I wonder if he gets that people’s lives are on hold, & their passion is so great, they were compelled to do what they are doing, damn all costs.

    I spent years earning my living as an actress. I understand drive against all odds. & I can say with every fiber of my being that every director or producer who treated me decently stood out. It’s not easy to be in a position where you’re constantly judged publicly. Yes, we choose it, but sometimes I think it chooses us. It is a calling, & it’s one that’s hard to ignore. People who respect & honor your time, dedication, & sacrifice — regardless of your talent — are the winners every time.

    That’s why so many people love you, Ben. I’ve never met you, but I’d leave my job & drive for days if you needed me. You inspire goodness in others. Joe, not so much.


    1. Ben Avatar

      Oh, Julie, you’re such a dear. I can’t wait to meet you someday!!!

  12. Scott_PJ Avatar

    As I said before, Joe doesn’t have the same right as Gordon or Graham to go on these rants about the importance of food since he isn’t a chef. We have not seen him cook. Is he a good restauranteur? Yes. Is he the son of a brilliant, culinary icon? Yes. But what has he proved to be worthy of this position? I frankly didn’t even know of the guy until this show, it feels strange for Fox to pick such an unknown. All I’ve heard about him before his success is when he appeared on Lidia’s show when he weighed much more. I think I wouldn’t be so irritated with Joe this season, but he spent a lot of time giving Howard hell compared to the others.

    I do have some new ideas on Howard because of Marie’s posts (Very insightful!) but I do think Howard got a lot of chances this season before being cut. This was his 3rd time being at the bottom, so I understand why he had to leave…but I would be salty/mad leaving after receiving that diatribe.

  13. jezziebezzie Avatar

    I rarely understand Joe. I swear he’s bipolar, or at the very least takes perverse pride in being Passive-Aggressive. In one breath he’ll rant about how “you” need to be on the plate & then he’ll spew out something the exact opposite like he’s done a million times to Howard. It’s like he’s using an entirely different & sketchy set of criteria to judge different cooks. And I get he’s opened restaurants & eaten a lot of Mama’s pasta, but does that truly qualify him to speak with the quasi-authority he does? At least Ramsay has earned the right to be a jerk. And even when Graham thinks he’s being a tool, he’s still not so bad by comparison.

  14. Anony Mouse Avatar
    Anony Mouse

    None; it was fake money. Destroying real currency is technically a felony.

  15. Jamie C. Baker Avatar

    I like Howard 🙂 He didn’t really get much of a chance to shine (maybe the pressure was too much) and he took a LOT of crap from Joe, so I definitely think he did step up to leave and it was not edited or changed afterward. It’s a shame that he took to Facebook in the manner he did, but I can understand why he’s upset. His MC experience wasn’t exactly positive. It doesn’t excuse the behavior, but I get it.
    As far as Howard being too emotional, I am pretty darn sure that Joe could make me cry in a split second too! The guy is ruthless. The way he stares while tasting dishes, the biting comments, the way he throws down silverware and plates… he’s a scary guy.
    For anyone who hasn’t done so yet, I highly recommend watching Masterchef UK or Australia. (Ben’s suggestion to me, and what a great one!) It’s amazing how different everything is! It made me look at the US version very differently and makes me ask a lot of questions.

    1. Scott_PJ Avatar

      They’ve been airing episodes of Masterchef UK on BBC America lately. Fantastic show, they really let the contestants cook to their creative potential. Judges are very nice, give pin-point critique and there’s really no drama or irritating music cues.

  16. Tiger Gray Avatar

    I really hate Joe. He’s nasty for no reason. I know he’s meant to be the heel in this particular bit of performance art but it’s so over the top and gross. It’s not needed! No one HAS to be the nasty guy! I also love that they have him do stupid tough guy stuff like having him eat from a long shiny skewer.

    1. Constance Avatar

      From what I’ve read about Joe he is nothing like the person he portrays on MC. The producers have assigned the judges their roles. Graham is always the good guy, the lovable teddy bear. Joe is the bad guy, the enforcer. Gordon can swing either way. It’s like the good cop/bad cop trope seen in almost every police drama.

      1. Ben Avatar

        Joe is a very friendly guy, and he spent MORE time with the contestants off stage than either Gordon or Graham. He’s a good guy. I like him.

        1. Levy Avatar

          Joe is not a good guy and never was one. I knew him way back when he was a student at Boston College and he was a conceited elitist prick then, just as he appears to be now. Maybe he needs people to like him because he doesn’t like himself so he is chummy in the studio, but not a good guy. Just not. And he isn’t even a cook let alone a chef, just a gourmand who was born into an insanely rich family with restaurants and wineries. He is a fraud. Sure he can be chummy but always in an elitist priggish way, from my experience. Sometimes I even feel bad for him actually because he seems so uncomfortable in his own skin. Oh well… I still enjoy the show and he can be entertaining. But it IS Gordon Ramsey’s anyway..

  17. scott masson Avatar
    scott masson

    I dont know Joe personnally but here’s what I know… He spent time at Merryl Lynch on Wall St. after college… I had the misfortune to work for a business consultant who also worked for Merryl Lynch; he was sued for sooo many dishonorable things before he came to my town, as I did my research. I quit as the chef because I didnt trust him. Joe and his business partner where sued $5 million dollars for stealing tips from their staff… know im not one to stereotype or anything but anyone who does this type of thing does not get ANY RESPECT from me… if your business is losing money, then obviously you need to step up your management skills, not taking it out on people who are trying to make a simple living. Between the association of the two-former Lynch employees, and Joes overall pompous attitude, I will never again watch Masterchef in my life, unless he is replaced… and Im willing to bet it was his idea to advertise Wal-Mart beef on the show, not long before the recall due to the E Coli outbreak. It sucks because I love Gordon and Graham… Graham should teach Joe some lessons in class.

  18. Charles Murray Avatar
    Charles Murray

    I couldn’t really blame Joe for raging at Howard because Joe’s been through soo much in judging unqualifiable masterchef contestants that it got to his anger when he realized that Howard’s dish was in some ways insulting to the pasta itself, Joe’s mother for teaching the classic method in preparing it, and Italian cooking

  19. Howard Simpson Avatar

    I just saw this and thank you for the post. Some of these people have no idea what actually happen. But it was a great experience and I’m super glad i did it. This was one of the better blog post for season 4, you nailed most of it! take care

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