Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: pour

  • Curbs for Gravel Substrate Retention, June 2009

    The sub-base for the flagstone is going to be 6″ of compacted “flex-base.” Flex-base is recycled pavement from roads that have been torn up or resurfaced, so it’s a very green product, considering you’re saving it from going into a landfill. More on flex-base later when it actually arrives, but before it does, we need…

  • Retaing walls! May 2009

    There was already a wooden retaining wall descending into the garden, but I knew that if I was laying stone over the backyard, the wooden retaining wall would decompose LONG before the stone did, and I’d have an expensive nightmare on my hands. It made sense to remove the wooden retaining wall and replace it…