Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: who got eliminated

  • MasterChef 4 recap: T-Bones and Live Birds (S4E19)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains the IPA-soaked rants of a former MasterChef survivor who has practically no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.  It’s not fit to be read by anyone.) So we’re back up to 7 contestants, now that Bri is back.  And it’s time for a mystery box.  Krissi tells us,…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: (S4E16)

    (WARNING: This blog contains the crazed ravings of a MasterChef season 2 survivor who has no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.  Everything in this blog should be considered opinion and nothing else.) Before I begin, I need to address a MasterChef issue that’s been flying around the TV gossip websites today.  These…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Surfers and Chicken Breasts (S4E14)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by Fox or MasterChef, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  The information in this blog is limited to opinion, only, from a former MasterChef survivor.) 10 contestants left, and the judges are arriving at the beach on jetskis…well, Graham swims up in a skin-colored wetsuit, complete…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Huitlacoche and Walmart (S4E13)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox and they would probably rather you not read it.  Contained below are the opinions and maniacal ravings of an MC2 survivor and should not be treated as fact or as inside information.) After a blessed 2 week break spanning the 4th of…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Weddings and Macarons (NOT Macaroons!) S4E12

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by Fox or MasterChef, and you probably shouldn’t read it. What follows are the crazed ramblings of a MasterChef season 2 survivor who has no knowledge of the production of this season.) It’s group challenge time, and the contestants are introduced to Aaron, a “flavor scientist”…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Burgers and Lobsters in Las Vegas (S4E8)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  These are opinions from a former MasterChef season 2 contestant who officially has no inside knowledge of the making of this season.  …well, not officially, anyway.) Because of the disastrous Eggs Benedict pressure test, the judges…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Firefighters and Benedicts and the Return of Walmart (S4E7)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and they would probably you rather not read it.  The opinions contained in this blog are from a Season 2 competitor who witnessed the filming of virtually every episode of that season, but I have no inside knowledge of THIS season of…