Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

The Elizabeth Experience

For the next four days, I am supporting a local Lewisville charity project called The Elizabeth Experience.  Jody and Natasha Trompler, who live right here in my city, lost their daughter Elizabeth at only 24 days old to a fatal disease called Trisomy 13.  During these incredibly tense 24 days, an nonprofit organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep offered support for their grief in many ways, one of which was to dedicate a photographer to capture tender moments between them and baby Elizabeth so they would forever be able to celebrate her life and memory.

After Elizabeth’s passing, the Tromplers were so moved by the services of Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, and the priceless photographs they had that reminded them of the quiet, special moments they shared with her (rather than the surgeries and tests and chaos of the hospital), that they have decided to throw an event each year in Elizabeth’s name, which includes a charity auction, garage sale, and an online donation campaign.

I have contributed a little “Ben Starr package” which includes one of my cookbooks, which I will personally sign to you or whoever you want it signed to, a photo of me signing the cookbook and a special note for the winner, and probably some other fun Ben Starr stuff, too.  You can bid on the item at this link, but be sure to read the Auction Rules first so you know how to properly bid.  There’s lots of other great stuff in the auction, so check it all out!

The Elizabeth Experience has been covered by the newspaper in my home town, also, so check out this article in the Abilene Reporter News about everyone from my hometown who has stepped up to the plate to support this wonderful service that helps turn grieving moments into priceless, peaceful lifetime memories.

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