Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef 4 Recap: Auditions #3

(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they would probably prefer you don’t read it.  The opinions in this blog are only that…opinions.  While I was a contestant on MasterChef season 2, I have no inside knowledge of how it is produced.)

Now it’s time for the third and final round of signature dish challenges, and since we’ve only seen a handful of folks, I expected this episode to be crammed full of hopefuls vying for an apron.

And our first is Howard Simpson, a 26yo barback from San Diego and former assistant machine gunner in the US Army who served a year in Afghanistan.  He dedicates his performance to his army buddies who didn’t make it back.  I can’t imagine what it must be like for soldiers to experience battle.  I would love to talk to Howard about how his reality TV experience compared, psychologically, to his warfare experience.  A few psychologists I know have drawn some interesting comparisons and contrasts to the phenomena.  (Did you know there is a whole area of psychology specialty revolving around reality TV?  The show employs multiple psychologists whose primary goals are the mental and emotional health of the contestants…though they likely have “other” responsibilities.  Before being cast on ANY big reality TV show, contestants undergo rigorous psychological inventory so the producers will know what to expect from various contestants in a wide range of scenarios.)

I digress.

Howard is a likeable guy, and SO is his dish: a bourbon peach blackberry cobbler.  Graham is pleasantly surprised to see Howard add panko bread crumbs to his graham cracker crust to make it more crispy, which is absolutely genius.  (I’m gonna steal that one…thanks, Howard!)  Graham is a big yes, but Gordon is “struggling with the amount of bourbon in it.”  Ummmm…is that a possibility?  Really?  “Too much bourbon,” does not compute.  Systems overloading…  Perhaps it wasn’t ENOUGH bourbon, because Gordon gives him a no, leaving it up to Joe.  And Joe wants to take a walk.  ???  Perhaps there was more to the interview that didn’t make it to the final edit…because this walk was unprompted and very bizarre.  However, Joe meets Howard’s grandmother, who is STONE-FACED and doesn’t look like she’s going to take ANY bullroar from Joe.  You go, Grandma!  Joe gives the apron to Howard.  I like Howard.  I like to see a man’s man…soldier…bartender…unafraid to show his emotions.  (You all know how much I love to show my emotions!)

Next up is Jonny Blanchard, a 28yo carpenter from Mass.  Jonny is doing something VERY dangerous…making a wacked-out dish the judges have never even dreamed of: lobster cracker jacks.  Yes…that’s right.  Caramel corn with lobster and coconut.  The priceless look on Gordon and Graham’s faces after they taste it says it all.  It’s genius and it works.  That look can’t be faked, it is totally genuine.  I had that look the first time I was served lobster and vanilla by a 12-year old chef in Austin named Maggie.  Maggie is one of the most extraordinary humans I’ve ever met…outside of excelling in school, she raises money for children’s charities around the globe, constantly experiments with new techniques and ingredients in her home kitchen, and is fondly recognized by all of Austin’s top chefs when she saunters through the door of their restaurants as if she was born in a restaurant kitchen.  Click HERE to read about my eye-opening experience meeting this future-game-changer of the culinary world.

12yo chef Maggie Culley plating a vanilla-infused cold lobster salad

But back to Jonny, he knows his dish is good, and seeing those “light bulb just turned on” looks on Gordon and Graham’s faces must have been exhilarating for him.  To be honest, it sounds like the kind of dish Graham would serve in his namesake restaurant, and the idea that you might inspire a chef like Graham Elliot to new creative heights is just absolutely MASSIVE.  Massive like the joke Graham pulls when Jonny says to him, “You’re much smaller than I thought you would be,” and Graham says, “Yeah, the camera adds about 180 pounds.”  It’s not surprising to us that Jonny gets 3 thumbs up and is the final contestant to win an apron.

But…wait…there are still probably 50 folks we haven’t even seen?!?  Of course, there’s no time to show 100 contestants being judged on their signature dishes.  (Knock, knock, MasterChef…let’s start with 30!  Then we’ve got less lives shattered, less expense and logistics on your end, and the audience can see everyone.)  It’s just heartbreaking for folks to spend 6 months of their life doing NOTHING but the MasterChef audition and filming process, exciting and stressing out their family, potentially losing them a job, causing them to invest no small amount of money in the effort to portray themselves as a good candidate (and travel to the audition site, and travel to the medical and psychological evaluation site, etc.), to not even appear in the final product.

Case in point: Jenn Thomas.  I met Jenn on the set of Rachael Ray’s “Hey Can You Cook” in 2007.  We were 2 of 5 contestants, all very naive about the “realness” of reality TV, chauffeured in a stretch limo to the chef’s table at The View on Times Square, where we sat down to dinner with Rachael Ray…all very bewildered, confused, and feeling like rockstars.  Jenn beat the pants off us all and took the title.  America fell in love with her and her story.  How she had overcome an eating disorder by changing her relationship with food through cooking.  How she loves to help busy families learn to cook delicious, healthy, inexpensive meals quickly and easily at home, rather than resorting to fast food.  She has become a well known food personality in the Ohio scene, and is buddies with the likes of Michael Symon.  And this year, when she was going through a rough patch in her life, I suggested that she audition for MasterChef.  I knew she would get cast.  She’s a perfect MasterChef candidate.  Attractive, great story, bubbly personality…and she can cook.

She got cast.  She even got an apron!  But her presence on the show extended to a half second shot of her with her game-face on before the lamb challenge in the last half of this episode.

And she’s certainly not the only one.  I’ve been contacted by someone with an INCREDIBLY unique story, who was invited to appear on MasterChef as a contestant, rather than auditioning.  Her story will appear in a subsequent blog, because she has a powerful message to America about food that I feel is critically important to share.  But, after being courted to appear on the show completely outside the audition process, and going to great and risky lengths to do so, we never caught a single glimpse of her.  (Actually, she might have appeared in a commercial, now that I think of it.)  So look forward to that blog very soon…you’ll be KEENLY interested in it.  (Subscribe to my blog now on the upper right corner of your screen to make sure you don’t miss it!)

All this is to say that many, many lives were turned upside down in the 6-month process of casting and filming the 100-odd minutes that just flashed before our eyes.  And we didn’t even see half of those folks.  So bear the gravity of this in mind when you watch future episodes of MasterChef.  And check out my blog that further explores this phenomenon HERE.

Now it’s time to narrow the crowd, and normally that happens in its own 2-part episode that begins with a knife skills challenge, and completes with a cooking challenge.  But the last 2 seasons have been different, with MasterChef doing a very odd mass-elimination based on a single cooking challenge with little or no tasting.

The feature protein in this challenge is lamb, and we see Gordon picking up a little, bleating lamb, which instantly wins the hearts of us all.  I grew up raising sheep.  (And it follows naturally that I grew up eating lamb.)  This protein is still considered a rare indulgence in the US due to its expense and relative rarity, but in countries like Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and throughout South America, Africa, and the Middle East, lamb is like chicken.  An everyday meat.  Lamb has a very distinctive flavor, and it’s one of my favorite meats to work with.

The warehouse door opens, and an OCEAN of sheep floods the studio, stepping and pooping on the contestants’ feet, and bewildering most of them.  (I would have turned into a laughing, gleeful 6 year old had I been there, and hugged most of the bleaters.)  I’m sure many of the contestants were instantly terrified, wondering if they would have to do the butchering.  (Remember darling Suzy Singh on season 2 saying, “I hope we get to butcher a chicken on national television!”)  That won’t ever happen on a major TV show in this country, due to our disturbing distance from the food chain, which makes me a little sad.  But the contestants don’t have to worry…the slaughtering and breaking down has already been done for them, and virtually EVERY part of the lamb is available for their use in the pantry.  That is truly a dream!  They have an hour to produce a “stunning” lamb dish, and as quickly as they are running to the pantry, knocking each other to the ground, they are excited.

There are 2 comparatively popular cuts of lamb in the US: leg of lamb, and bone-in lamb chops or loin rack.  So that’s what I expect most people to fall back on, and many do.  Personally, I would sit back for a minute or two and watch what everyone else was grabbing, and then grab what NOBODY grabbed…like the lamb heads!  (Lamb tongue carpaccio, anyone?  How about braised lamb tongue tacos?)  A cut becoming more popular in modern restaurants in the US now is lamb breast.  Tony Scruggs smoked some lamb breasts for me last time I visited him, and they were divine!

Lots of folks are using sweetbreads in their preparations.  Another increasingly-popular organ meat, sweetbreads are the thymus gland…an organ that is involved in the immune system.  While veal sweetbreads are far and away the most popular in US, lamb sweetbreads are stronger in flavor and delicious…IF prepared properly.  If not, they are mushy and slimy and nearly inedible.  The best way to prep sweetbreads involves pressing them for an extended period of time to remove excess moisture, which the contestants don’t have time to do.

45 minutes into the hour-long competition, they send Joe around to start taking aprons away from people who they can tell, just by watching, aren’t good enough.  (Which is interesting because, in many past seasons, the judges have commented on how a cook can seem frantic, confused, and scattered during the cooking process, but triumph in the end.  Noteworthy among these is the season 2 finale, when Jennier Behm‘s cooking station looked like a hurricane had blown through it and Gordon remarked at how worried he was that she seemed “all over the place,” but she triumphed over Adrien Nieto, whose tempered, methodical, calm, professional cooking methods were being fawned over by the judges.)  This whole challenge is just a way to quickly ditch the contestants they don’t want in the core group, regardless of their skill.

Once time is called, the contestants are divided into 3 groups.  One group is mass-eliminated.  (My friend Jenn was among that group.)  No tasting.  No real evaluation at all besides a random walk-by from the judges every now and then.  They’ll try to convince you that the judges can tell, just by watching a contestant for a few seconds, whether or not they can cook.  And that may hold some merit.  But for a contestant struggling with a foreign protein, or who has just had an unexpected glitch…(their station mate is hogging the sink so they can’t get water, for example)…a momentary hiccup can be very deceiving about their overall skill level.

One group is passed directly on to the finalist group, also without tasting or any real evaluation.  The remaining 8 are forced to be “randomly” paired with another contestant, one of whom will be eliminated, and one of whom will pass on.  Is this luck of the draw?  Or have the judges carefully selected these 8 from the 30-odd apron holders, conspired about how to pair them up based on their dishes, and that’s how this transpired?  This is an incredibly odd choice by the producers, and when they made it last year, I almost quit watching.  It’s the single most transparent moment when we realize that the top contestants have ALREADY been picked, probably before the cooking even began, and they just need to get rid of the rest.  At least with the knife skills challenge, there’s a facade of skill.  But this…I hope they get rid of this next year.  It just angers the audience that these contestants are thrown out with barely no consideration, and makes the show look really, really fake.  I was expecting it this year because they did it last year, but it really left a bad taste in my mouth, and according to your comments last year and this year, you don’t like it either.  There’s a simple solution, MasterChef: cast 30 rather than 100, and whoever gets an apron is a finalist.  (Heck, film the REAL auditions so you can show the folks who cook with crickets and breast milk, and give us a few glimpses of that, like American Idol does.  But there’s NO REASON to cast a HUNDRED people, and do so much destructive damage to people’s lives, and then don’t even show them on TV!)  With only 30 hopefuls, the audience gets to see everyone, the contestants’ personal sacrifices are justified because they all get airtime, and the audience stops suspecting the show is faked because of these utterly bizarre, seemingly-arbitrary mass eliminations.  VERY SIMPLE.

First pair is Malcom and Seymira.  Malcom has lamb 3 ways: sausage with mustard, a grilled chop, and a lamb loin salad.  His plating is great.  Seymira has prepared Cotelettes d’Agneau (the French term for lamb chops) with chermoula, a flavorful north African sauce made with preserved lemons, along with “Casablanca couscous.”  Man, it looks and sounds amazing!  The judges love her sauce and the cook on the lamb, but says the couscous is under-seasoned.  So Malcom gets through.  (Check our Seymira’s cool YouTube cooking channel A Ma Mode Cuisine!  I really like her, she loves bold flavor.)

Next pair is Jonny and Brian.  Jonny’s got lamb rangoon (lamb in wonton wrappers), tzaziki coleslaw (mint, yogurt, cucumber sauce), red bell pepper garlic oil, and what sounded like juniper oil.  Texas boy Brian has prepared southwest liver and onions with boysenberry sauce, and cactus salad.  Brian immediately wants the judges to know that he believes his dish is better than Jonny’s, and you should just never do that on MasterChef.  Being presumptuous will get you eliminated no matter how great your food is.  (And it’s a great way to get Bastianich’s temper to flare!)    Gordon tells Brian that the plating method for his boysenberry sauce looks like he slaughtered the lamb on the plate, and Brian  responds that it’s the most beautiful dish he has ever plated in his entire life.  Unsurprisingly, they send Brian home, and Jonny is through.

Then we’ve got Nancy and Bri.  Nancy has a lamb chop with roasted red pepper puree, artichokes, and cauliflower mint puree.  Joe says, “There’s too much garlic.”  For an Italian, this statement is almost scandalous.  (For the record, there is no such thing as too much garlic.  I rarely use LESS than an entire bulb of garlic in any sauce or dish, and I’ve never once heard that statement uttered.)  Also, they say her puree is too grainy…always a challenge with cauliflower.  You have to puree it with a stabilizer, like cream, and leave it in the food processor forever to get it smooth.  Bri, a vegetarian, was in for a challenge, as she has never cooked with lamb before…and probably very rarely with other red meats that are similar.  She has lamb 4 ways and is hoping that 1 of them will be good enough to get her through.  The judges agree, and send Nancy home.  I haven’t really talked about Bri yet, but I adore her.  I was a theatre nerd, too.  She’s my kinda people.

Last but not least, we’ve got Luca and Beth.  Luca has a roulade (meat that has been flattened, stuffed, rolled up, and roasted) of lamb loin stuffed with sweetbreads, with endive and goat cheese.  Sounds incredible.  But Gordon says it’s a dangerous choice (?!?) and they criticize him for NOT playing safe.  (If he had made pasta, they’d have criticized him for playing safe.  That’s just the way it goes on MasterChef.  Early on, the judges criticized me for trying to make the same kind of “fancy bistro” food my competitors were making, rather than rely on my traditional and international “peasant cooking” roots.  They told me to cook what I know.  After the judges had seen me do a lot of baking in challenges, when I started baking a cornbread for the pork challenge, Gordon rolled his eyes and say, “Why are you baking again?” and I said, “Am I not supposed to play to my strengths now?  Earlier, you told me to.”)  Beth has what looks to be the most unique and stunning dish of any we saw: lamb loin roasted in hay (hay smoking or roasting gives a striking, sweet, grassy flavor to meat and is one of the single best ways of preparing lamb), buttermilk fried sweetbreads, apricot chutney, mint, and celeriac rutabaga puree.  This dish really stunned me (maybe more than ANY dish I’ve seen on ANY MasterChef episode), and Beth seems like an extraordinary person.  I most definitely want to meet her.

The judges pass Beth through, leaving Luca trembling before them.  His eyes can’t mask his emotion, and we’re all feeling that sick pit-of-the-stomach feeling for him, about to be eliminated this early on, after not making it last year.  (In this exact same spot, in the chicken challenge in season 2, I stood there before the judges, having offered up a truly horrible plate of food that should have gotten me eliminated.  I plated biscuits that were made with NO leavening because there wasn’t any in the pantry!)  But it’s another MasterChef tease, and Luca is passed through, and I know EXACTLY how he feels, saying he had a heart attack, because after lots of hemming and hawing, the judges passed me through, as well, and I could barely stand.  (Actually, if I recall correctly, I downright collapsed on the floor of the warehouse.)

So we’ve got top 19 this year!  And next episode, these folks will enter the real MasterChef kitchen for the first time.

I HOPE to get that blog posted before the episodes air tonight, so I’ll be all caught up.  But as you can tell, I’m kinda verbose, and it takes me a bit to bang one of these out.  See you soon!

50 responses to “MasterChef 4 Recap: Auditions #3”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    Rather than watching the show, I feel now like waiting for your recaps, Ben. I love the way you write :).

  2. Adam Avatar

    Feels guilty watching the show these days. For the contestants who make it to the top whatever (19 this season), do you think it’s really worth it? Should they go about trying to reach their dreams another way? There are plenty of other ways possible for those willing to work, and if they’re there, clearly there’s no lack of effort. They may not become celebrity chefs, but if that’s not specifically the goal, it sounds like Masterchef is the wrong path.

    Tangentially related – have you seen the Gordan Ramsey Team Umizoomi commercial? My three year old was watching a show last night and it came on. I was agog, I was aghast.

  3. lcromwell Avatar

    I agree Andrea,Bens prose is very entertaining.

    1. Andrea Avatar

      It’s quite heartfelt and correct. As we say over here, experience cannot be made up on the spot, and consiering that Ben IS a writer, it’s nothing but proof of his expertise :).

  4. Lisa Launius Avatar

    So this means I can delete this episode from my DVR? Thanks for your recaps. I really enjoy them.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Lisa, I was able to watch the episodes down here in Houston with Alvin and Christine, so I’m all caught up! Thank you!

  5. Maria Avatar

    Ben, thanks for your awesome blog! I get more enjoyment from reading it than watching the actual episode. It’s so much kinder and more humane and puts the emphasis on the right things- the food, the skill of the chefs, and the people cooking- than the actual show.

    I’m also curious- do you know if people involved with making the show read your blog? Have they ever contacted you asking you not to post things, or to change your posts, or take things down? Do you think they will ever take suggestions and make the show better, less about pure entertainment, and more about actual cooking and skill?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Maria, the producers don’t like my blog…I’ll leave it at that. Yes, I am an outspoken critic of the show. But I STILL encourage friends and aspiring chefs to audition, I STILL promote the show, and I firmly believe that it could be BOTH a major engine for change in this country, in terms of our relationship with food and its production, in terms of inspiring the next generation of chefs, and for just spreading love and acceptance for people in general. But this is not, and never will be, the goal of major TV networks. The goal is money and ratings. We live in a capitalist economy…it will never be otherwise. Until a network is run not-for-profit, we won’t see shows that are dedicated to making lives better. (Oh…wait…PBS is that very thing. And they used to have a show called MasterChef USA…fancy that!)

      They will never take my suggestions because I represent only the minority of the MasterChef audience. Yes, my fans want to see more cooking and less drama. But the vast majority of people who tune in to MasterChef don’t really care about the food. They are watching the show specifically to see Ramsay decalcify people’s spines…to see Joe throw food around. While there ARE people in this country eager to see more positive educational stuff that celebrates life and humanity, they are, alas, not among the majority. MasterChef is made for the network TV audience. It will only get more sensational and dramatic with each passing season. But I am not a network executive, nor a TV producer, so my comments are naive and idealistic to them. They are in it for the massive numbers, and producing the show the way they do, they get them. As things get crazier, the “core” audience of foodies will drift away from the show…which is fine for them, because the Kardashian crowd will come in ever-large numbers, and THAT’S who the show is made for. Not us. There aren’t ENOUGH of us to give them the ratings they need to keep the show on prime time.

      1. KarenKaren Avatar

        Ben, (still reading backwards), this just makes me sad. I now watch MC on Amazon and I cringe every single time it starts because of the type of show that FOX advertises just before MC starts. Just seeing those ads made me realize that this really isn’t (wasn’t ever?) a cooking show. It reminds me of a bit from the movie “Time Bandits” where the young boy’s parents are shown glued to their tellie watching the most imbecilic game shows. And now after having watched a couple of episodes of MC Australia I’m even more sad about “our” version.

        I had wondered about how/if psychologists were used to pick or during the show; that’s interesting.

        I love your comments about how this show *could* be used to improve America’s relationship with healthy, home cooking.

  6. Donna Donahue Avatar
    Donna Donahue

    *sigh* I’m starting to think I really don’t want to be on this show.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Donna, you go in there and rip them a new one! Just don’t lose your self esteem in the process. That’s what I tell EVERY MasterChef contestant.

  7. Eddy Avatar

    How do you respond to Marie Porter’s accusations (whether real of not) that the Masterchef judges and producers have been both sexually and physically assaulting some of its contestants? I would love to hear your opinion on this.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Eddy, I’m not getting involved in that whole snafu! Ha ha ha… I love Marie and we have a unique friendship, but I avoid big snarls of fighting and accusations like that because I am allergic to confrontation. 🙂

    2. Marie Porter Avatar

      I actually said sexually harassing, and physically assaulting.

  8. Christopher Carrera Avatar

    I really don’t understand the logic of showing in the previews which team ends up in the pressure test.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Christopher, the previews can be VERY deceptive about which team ends up in the pressure test. This is because the cast wears the SAME CLOTHES every time there’s a pressure test. So they can take clips of ANY pressure test from the entire season to put in the previews. To experiment, watch a pressure test and write down every contestant that participates. Then go back to the beginning of the show and watch the pressure test previews. You’ll see glimpses and interview snippets even of people that WEREN’T in the pressure test, because they pulled the footage from other pressure tests throughout the season. It’s to build suspense and create confusion.

  9. steve Avatar

    This protein is still considered a rare indulgence in the US due to its expense and relative rarity, but in countries like Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and throughout South America, Africa, and the Middle East, lamb is like chicken.

    Yep, lamb and mutton is almost as regular as beef here in NZ.

    Why is it that the US doesn’t do much lamb? You have a lot of cattle. Sheep seem to me to be much like other livestock, so if you’re good with cattle, you should be able to do sheep. I assume the difference is more historical/cultural than geographical.

    Essentially, if you have wide, open areas of grass in a broadly temperate climate you can raise sheep. They’re hardy animals.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Steve, sheep are a MUCH more efficient protein to raise than cattle. Cows are the most inefficient way to turn grass/corn into meat. But America loves beef, it’s in our heritage for some reason. We could provide LOTS of more meat in a more environmentally friendly way if we’d convert to sheep, but they just haven’t been raised on an industrial scale here before. It’s even harder trying to find sheep’s milk to make cheese.

      1. lcromwell Avatar

        Then why is lamb so expensive now?

        1. steve Avatar

          Presumably because they aren’t produced on an industrial scale. Supply being relatively low leads to comparatively high prices.

        2. Ben Avatar

          Lee, sheep aren’t raised in large enough numbers in this country to bring the price down. Beef and chicken and pork are cheap because those farmers enjoy government subsidies and a VERY cheap supply of food: corn. Sheep don’t do well on an all-corn diet, they really have to eat grass. They are more expensive to raise because they need to be sheared, they are susceptible to predators, and they are pack animals and thus need fairly constant attention from shepherds. If there was a bigger demand for lamb, the supply would increase and the cost would go down. But until that happens, it’s still gonna be a pricey, premium meat.

      2. Lisa Launius Avatar

        Costco has had lamb for quite a while and we’ve started having it about once a week. Sprouts also has it pretty consistently.

  10. Sam Avatar

    Love your insights Ben. I actually auditioned for Masterchef this year at one of those big casting calls. Interesting to see the insights. 2 things: How do you know exactly what you can and can’t say about the production? Do you have to actually read the massive documents that you sign or do they just tell you every so often something like “OK, we’re going to give you some extra time on a challenge but you aren’t allowed to tell anyone” (that’s just an example. I am sure that isn’t what happens)?

    Also, another great way to add crispiness to a crumble type dish is to add Grape Nuts. I saw this technique in an apple crisp recipe and I love it. I have never had a crumble topping that stayed so crispy for such a long time.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sam, there really isn’t ever any leniency on challenge time, they are REALLY strict about that. The contract protects many aspects of the show, but is most strict about the release of critical information regarding episodes that haven’t aired yet. It also protects the release of information about itself, so I can’t really talk about the details of the contract! Ha ha ha…

      1. Sam Avatar

        OK. Forget the contract then. Are there times during the show when they tell you you can’t talk about some aspect of what’s about to happen or what just happened? Sorry to pester you but your behind the scenes info is intriguing. There’s something about the 4th wall coming down that makes it very interesting.

        P.S. Just getting ready to put a homemade pizza in the oven. This Masterchef stuff is making me hungry.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Sam, protection of info is critical. All current season contestants’ media interviews are moderated and blog posts are edited. I don’t officially have any inside knowledge of what happened this season, so there’s not anything I can disclose. Because they don’t endorse my blog, I am free to express my opinions. If I step outside the boundaries of the contract, they contact me pretty fast.

        2. Ben Avatar

          During the filming they don’t censor you, you’re free to say anything you like because they can edit anything out. But therre are times when you are Interviewing when you have to pretend you don’t know what’s about to happen, even though the event you are talking about happened several days before. This is so the comments can be edited in the show in real time

          1. Sam Avatar

            Very interesting, Ben. Thanks for the response. Just as a side note and as a comment to the whole blog post, I agree with your take on Masterchef in general. It is becoming more and more reality-tv-ish. I barely watch television in general because of all the fakery. To me, it is usually glaring and kind of makes me feel awkward in my own skin seeing some of the melodramatic crud that usually gets put into these types of shows. I have been watching Masterchef and other Gordon Ramsay shows because of the food and I actually find Ramsay entertaining (not for the lambasting he usually gives but for the fact that he seems like a funny guy who I would actually love to hang out with). He has a certain finesse with his cooking (as evidenced on last night’s MC episode where he cooked with the mystery box contestants) that is intoxicating. However, these shows have become somewhat tedious because of all the fake drama they include. When I really want to enjoy a food show, I pull out the British shows he has been in such as the British version of kitchen nightmares (which not only seems more real but deals with the food in a much more intimate fashion than here in the states) and The F Word. I suggest you do the same. You will find that those shows are about the food and you will appreciate Ramsay as a chef more than a grouchy nut.

          2. Ben Avatar

            I really enjoy the F Word…it’s the only one of Ramsay’s shows I can watch consistently. Good stuff.

  11. Randy Avatar

    Something I noticed when the contestants were in the 3 groups, was that in the group with the 15 homecooks that make it in to the Masterchef kitchen, that there was one cook in black (not Howard), who isn’t mentioned, or shown in the next episode. Plus that means that they’re were originally 20 homecooks (15 + 5 more from the final group) that make it in, not 19. Weird!

    1. Marie Porter Avatar

      There’s a reason that the cast list press release only contained 95 names, despite all the references to “100 home cooks” 🙂

      1. Ben Avatar

        Ah, interesting! You’ll have to point me toward these 5 folks, I’d love to hear their stories. Been loving your blog, Marie.

        1. Marie Porter Avatar

          You know, I haven’t even gone through to figure out the other two that were missing – MY cast directory has all 100 names, I know that 3 of the missing people are Carrie Stevens, Nick Thiel, and Mike Grandinetti.

          1. Marie Porter Avatar

            Andy Peters is the 4th one missing, but I couldn’t find a 5th. I’m guessing the person who actually counted the names (I didn’t, myself) miscounted?

          2. Marie Porter Avatar

            SOB! *I* miscounted. My list only has 99… and yes, the press release only lists 95. Huh. That’s going to drive me insane, trying to figure out who the missing person is!

  12. MaryAnn Avatar

    Love your recaps. Thank you very much!

    As far as the walking around taking aprons thing, I really hated that. Some people look a bit flustered or scattered while they are cooking. That doesn’t mean what they’re making isn’t going to be fabulous! For all they know, they pushed some ground breaking killer chef out the door that day with this ridiculous premise. No one can tell just by watching. My husband isn’t someone you’d believe in if you watched him cook, but his food is usually excellent.

  13. Pani Avatar

    What’s the point of all this? We all saw the episode…

    1. Ben Avatar

      Pani, you’ll find episode recaps of almost every TV show on numerous blogs around the net. Some people with NO connnection to MasterChef write MasterChef recaps. People like mine because I’ve been on the show and I can give an inside perspective on things. But you certainly don’t have to read these if you don’t want to!

  14. Stephanie Avatar

    Do they eventually return the aprons that are emblazoned with the contestant names? Seems a waste if you have to leave your apron there for dramatic effect and then have the producers toss it.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Stephanie, you get your aprons so that you have things to wear to promote the brand when you do local media appearances!

      1. Stephanie Avatar

        Well, duh. Never miss a marketing opportunity! Silly me!!!! lol Thanks for the inside scoop.

  15. Silvia Avatar

    Hey Ben, I’m crazy about this great blog! I’m Silvia, from Italy 🙂
    I was a huge fan of yours in season 2 (even though my fav was Adrien, too bad he didn’t win! 😉 )
    I just wanted to point out how there is a certain snobbery towards Italian cuisine in Masterchef US.
    I know Italian food lived its greatest years in the 80s and 90s and is now a bit out-of-fashion in NorthAmerica (see Julie&Julia… she worships French cuisine and Italian food is misrepresented by the tacky pizzaplace she lives over)… But, quoting what you wrote in the recap:
    “Luca presents his langoustine pasta, and the judges proclaim him a 1-trick pony for sticking to Italian yet again. (I didn’t hear them proclaiming Whitney Miller a 1-trick pony when she stuck with what she knew in every challenge: simple, delicious Southern food.) His langoustine is supposedly overcooked, but we can’t taste it, so there’s no telling if that’s legit, or for drama.”
    I absolutely hate that… What about Christine Ha? She cooked nothing bu Asian, and it was perfectly ok…
    Bastianich is one of the judges in the Italian version, too and is himself Italian (well, Istrian, which is kind of a mix of Italy and Croatia, as his family name clearly suggests). He is a real expert of good Italian cuisine, how can he be so snob in the UScompetition? I just don’t get it…

    I’ve travelled all over the world, tasted a lot of food and always had the chance to be proud of what i’ve eaten in my life, above all when people had the chance to try real Italian food… I really don’t get why the three judges act this way… I guess that when they come to Italy they are more than happy to have a whole bowl of pasta and never judge Italian chefs that harshly.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Silvia, you bring up some VERY interesting points. Yes, Italian food lived its greatest years in this country in the 80s and 90s, and we largely have Joe’s mother, Lidia, to thank for that. She was, at one point, almost as legendary as Julia Child in this country, and she was bringing classic Italian into our kitchens.

      The stigma of Italian on MasterChef is most definitely due to Joe. But it started out as “not his fault.” Joe is camera shy. Especially in the early seasons. When Joe would attempt to criticize a dish, he would stammer and stutter and have to re-take each shot several times…unless he got REALLY furious over something and could go on a rant, forgetting the cameras were there. So the producers told him to just stare at the food, stare at the contestant, and walk back to his seat, without a word. We saw so many shots of him doing this in seasons 1 and 2, and it’s SO much more intimidating to the audience and contestants, that we basically grew to be terrified of Bastianich in the early seasons. (For the record, he does NOT like this reputation, and he is NOT like this in real life.) I can recall Alvin and I, locked in our room, talking about EVERY possible scenario where we could avoid cooking ANY Italian for Bastianich. And I cook more Italian food than ANY OTHER type of food at home. I’m extremely comfortable with it. I’ve been to Italy many times, my partner’s family is Italian-Brasilian, and half his family lives in Italy. And still, I wouldn’t cook Italian because of Bastianich. I didn’t want him to decalcify my spine for not executing it the way his grandmother would.

      As he becomes more comfortable with the camera, he’s doing less “staring and walking” and more critiquing, and more fuming, and more throwing things in the trash…which is shocking, but actually LESS scary than the old “stare with no words” technique that was just used to mask his camera shyness. But we haven’t forgotten. And as future contestants carefully study each season, they won’t either. So his fearsome reputation is preventing lots of contestants from featuring Italian cuisine on the show.

      However, there IS an aspect to Italian culture that embodies this same phenomenon. My partner’s sister in Sicily runs across it ALL the time. Her Italian friends want her to cook anything BUT Italian food…simply because NOBODY makes it better than mama or grandma. It doesn’t matter how brilliant her parmigiana di melanzane is…it can NEVER be as good as the way their mama makes it. So they’d rather have a burger or ramen if she’s cooking. This is a pervasive phenomenon. Of course, Italians are happy to eat at a restaurant because restaurants are as engrained into the culture as mama’s cooking. But if a lowly person is going to cook Italian for them, they have some SERIOUSLY high standards to meet.

      1. Silvia Avatar

        Haha the last paragraph is hilarious, I’ve never actually thought about it, but it’s perfectly true…
        And it’s the same in Italy AMONG Italians, I mean, you really hear a lot of people say “Yeah, it’s pretty good, but my mum/grandma does it better”… I say that about gnocchi too, because i seriously think that even Lidia Bastianich couldn’t make gnocchi as good as my mother does them. So, yes, we’re quite demanding.
        But it’s not only that.
        I truly believe it’s our DNA, our deepest feelings and memories we can’t even consciously recall of, that brings us back to those smells and tastes that make us feel at home… doesn’t matter if the greatest chef is cooking lasagne (also called ‘pasticcio’ up north – as we call lasagne the actual fettucine – ahah quite complicated, i know) for you, you will always think of your childhood Sunday lunches with family (quite a cliché, it’s not like that anymore, and i’m not that old) and that amazing pasticcio your mother used to make (before she got into marathons and healthy life ahah). It’s more than just food quality and I’m sure that having a siciliano partner you already know that 🙂

        My point is, regardless of Bastianich’s terrible look/judgement, isn’t Italian cuisine considered… I don’t know… like too rusty and unrefined? That’s why i was using the word ‘snobbery’… It seems to me that only French cuisine gets some respect and that michelin-chefs are so snob about any other type of food, that it almost annoys me… Don’t you think so?

        1. Ben Avatar

          Silvia, I do believe that Italian cuisine has the reputation of being rustic and homemade, and French food has the reputation of being sophisticated and refined. However, I ALSO believe that the vast majority of Americans (and people around the world) vastly PREFER rustic, approachable, recognizable foods, like the kind their grandmothers made.

    2. Steve Avatar

      “Luca presents his langoustine pasta, and the judges proclaim him a 1-trick pony for sticking to Italian yet again.

      Silvia and Ben, the comment you are thinking of was from Gordan Ramsey, not all three judges, and he said that Luca was a one trick pony because he always used pasta. Is Italian food just pasta?

      I guess it would be analogous to Whitney Miller always using fried chicken, or Christine Au always using noddles.

      Also, I don’t see that there’s snobbery towards Italian cuisine on the show per se. I think it’s more as Ben suggests that contestants are reluctant to do something explicitly Italian knowing that Joe may have high and exacting standards.

      1. Ben Avatar

        Great comment, Steve, thanks!

      2. Silvia Avatar

        I see your point, but I’m not sure about that… I really think the show producers (not the contestants) want to give something innovative and fresh and cool to the audience (even though then Whitney and Jennifer -super conservative styles- won) and that Italian cuisine sounds like ‘the same old 90s stuff’. But maybe it’s just me and I’m being a bit touchy, haha 😉

        Anyway, now that I found this blog, watching Masterchef from Italy and reading Ben’s recaps, and sharing thoughts and ideas with you will be so much more exciting!!! 🙂 can’t wait for the next episode.

        (I took a great pic of my pizza last night, ghgh, loved it!)

  16. Silvia Avatar

    and sorry for my English… I hope i was clear enough 🙂

  17. Silvia Avatar

    ahah and by ‘rusty’ i meant ‘rustic’… ok, i’ll go eating a great buffalo mozzarella and cherry tomatoes pizza now. Byebye! 🙂

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