Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Today is not only my birthday…

Standing in the corner for being a brat on my birthday

I was born on this day in 1977.  July 14 is not only my birthday, it has actual historical significance.

In France, this is their biggest national holiday…Bastille Day, or French National Day.  It is the day that, in 1789, the French people stormed the fortress Bastille in protest against their monarchy, starting the French revolution.  One year later, as this part of the revolution was coming to an end, a massive feast was held on July 14 to celebrate the establishment of a Constitutional Monarchy, which they believed was the perfect hybrid of rule by both the public and the monarchy.  (This didn’t last long…the revolution continued until the reign of Napoleon in 1799.)

July 14 also holds historical significance here in the US.  It is on this day in 1881 that Billy the Kid was shot to death by Sheriff Pat Garrett in Fort Sumner, New Mexico.  That passage of time has, for most people, turned Billy the Kid into a fictional character from the movies.  But he existed.  And he was incarcerated in the jail in Lincoln, New Mexico after being convicted in court for the murder of Sheriff William Brady during the Lincoln County War in 1878.  Two weeks before he was scheduled to hang, The Kid killed both guards in the jail and escaped on a horse, singing at the top of his lungs as he rode out of town.  (The stolen horse came back to town a few days later.)  Two months later, Pat Garrett tracked The Kid to his hideout in Ft. Sumner and supposedly shot him to death.  (Though rumors state that Garrett, who had a long history of both friendship and rivalry with The Kid, actually allowed him to escape and reported his death falsely.)

I like having my birthday on this day.  I adore France, and Lincoln County, NM has been a vacation camping spot for my family since I was a child.

Today I turned 36, and my dear friend Michael Chen wrote a very sweet blog about our friendship, which I’d like to share with you.  It begins:

This post is to celebrate the birthday of one of my absolute dearest friends, Ben Starr.

Around this time two summers ago, I was doing what a typical kid does in his post-high school, pre-college summer: a whole lotta nothing. Naturally, I filled my time with watching a lot of shows on Hulu. One of the shows I started following closely was a cooking show that I had only paid attention to briefly in its inaugural season: MasterChef. The one character on that show that had more charisma and attracted my attention more than any of the other contestants (including Jennifer, who won), was none other than Ben Starr. He was by FAR the most entertaining character. Having just learned the ropes on how to use twitter (at that time on my old account @michaeljcchen), I followed him and a few of the other MC2 contestants and quickly saw how approachable he was as well. Regularly responding to fans’ questions (I asked a couple myself), meeting with fans and posting pictures with them, and just overall interacting with him. I still viewed him as a big time celebrity, and yet….he didn’t carry himself like one. One day, as I was sitting around dilly-dallying in my summer doldrums, I came across a tweet saying that he was going to be at BBQ Outfitters in Austin the next day at 1 pm. Purely on a whim, I asked him if he minded me stopping by and saying hi while he was there, and in typical Ben Starr fashion, he extended his welcoming (cyber) arms and told me to come on down. I didn’t think much of it, thinking that he either said it out of politeness or that there were going to be so many people there that I would barely catch a glimpse of him. I went to bed and didn’t give it a second thought.

The next day I woke up and settled into my usual routine of boredom (who hasn’t been there in the summers as a high school student??). All of a sudden, I remembered the interactions with Ben Starr, and did a quick google search of where BBQ outfitters was. Surprise, it was only roughly 10 minutes from my house. I looked at the clock: 12:00 noon. I figured that I might as well give it a shot. Went downstairs, had lunch, grabbed my motorcycle helmet, and told my mom I was going to meet a cooking celebrity before waltzing out the door.

Finish reading it here!

Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes, and here’s to a great year!

20 responses to “Today is not only my birthday…”

  1. Liz Westen Avatar
    Liz Westen

    Happy Birthday Ben. May you have many many more.

  2. Deborah Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Ben.

  3. katmgck Avatar

    Happy Birthday, Ben! You are such a kind, warm, open and honest person. May today be joyful and full of lovely surprises! ♥

  4. MaryAnn Avatar

    What a wonderful piece to have written about you! It’s obvious to see that you two are very close and that you’re a fantastic, caring person Ben (just in case anyone didn’t already know that!). Not many people have friends in their lives that could say such things about them. It’s something to aspire to.

  5. Andrea Avatar

    Once again, happy birthday, you awesome guy you!

  6. valéria Avatar

    Happy birhtday, Ben!!!! you are a warm person and have a lot of energy! Thank you for living your life with love and tenderness!
    I read Michael Chen’s blog! Fantastic!
    Você é exatamente o que eu senti quando te vi no masterchef: uma pessoa que dá vontade de ter perto. E você está perto de mim, e de muitos, com a sua energia amorosa! Fico feliz quando penso em você, pois sei que está fazendo e sendo a versão mais bonita de vc, que é o bem-estar em pessoa. Muita paz e luz, sempre.
    La vie est belle!
    Now ask for your partner to tell you what I said. Sorry, but my soul needs to express my afeto in portuguese! kkkkkkkk
    Best whishes!

    1. Ben Avatar

      O brigado, Valeria!!! *beijos*

  7. Karen Watkins Avatar
    Karen Watkins

    Happy, happy birthday, Ben! What a lovely tribute by your friend Michael Chen, and how fortunate he was to have met you at the time in his life when he did. Thank you so much for sharing your passions and experiences with us, your loyal fans. Hope your day was as special as you are! xoxo

  8. Sabina Avatar

    Happy Birthday! 🙂

  9. Dave Snell Avatar
    Dave Snell

    “I KNOW you wanna say something about this!” Yes, indeedy. I’m unavoidable for comment re: Billy the Kid. You’re wholly correct in the fact that the Kid’s story has been mongrelized out of all recognition, The public’s perception of him is derived from a mountain of flatulent flapdoodle. It’s “herding cats” to get the real story, but it can be done. Just keep an open/skeptical mind, and don’t let anyone do your thinking for you. To wit: he did not escape from “jail”. He was confined on the second floor of the Lincoln County courthouse. LCo had no functioning jail at the time. He rode off singing (loudly)? Pure fairy tale. Garrett “supposedly shot him to death?” You may call them “rumors,” but I call them bare-faced lies. If you want to parade s t o o p i d in front of a big brass band, waste your life getting involved with Brushy Bill Roberts. He’s one of the great hoaxes of all time. In the end, I do not envy anyone trying to say something intelligent on the Kid based on all the la-la-land bilge water that’s out there.
    That’s one sexy birthdate you’ve got there.

  10. Scott C. Smith (@TheScottCSmith) Avatar

    Oh Ben, if the world was filled with more people like you, we’d be in a much better place. I read Michael’s blog and what a great tribute to you and the person you are. Happy Birthday!

  11. Kris Avatar

    Happy birthday, Ben! For me reading your blog is enough to restore my faith in humanity altogether. Thank you for existing and making this world a brighter place! 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…thanks so much Kris! *hugs*

  12. Gie Tienzo Avatar

    me & my daugh Keeva loves to play Cd od MasterChef over and over again- Happy Birthday Ben! we Luvs You!! my
    eldest daughter Isadora celebs her Bday tomo- July 19 …she is 31 !!!

  13. EJM Avatar

    Happy belated birthday Ben! I was curious about something and it’s a bit off topic but I’ll throw it out here anyhow. I’ve always been curious on MasterChef when a contestant gets eliminated every so often you will see one of the judges appear to offer them a job. Do you know if anyone has actually taken them up on those offers or if those are sincere offers or not?

  14. MsShay Avatar

    Hope you had a great birthday.

  15. Jessicah Avatar

    Wow, what an incredibly sweet and touching birthday message. You sound like the kind of friend everyone in this world needs and deserves. We all need genuine friends in our lives, and it is so nice that you were able to be that friend for Michael. You continue to inspire me, Ben Starr.

    Happy belated birthday!

  16. Monica Avatar

    Oh, gosh! I shouldn’t have read this… I haven’t finished watching the second series of Masterchef on youtube… 🙂
    I was hoping that Adrian would win… 🙁
    But I’m glad that it’s not Christian who won. 😉

    1. Ben Avatar

      DOH! Sorry, Monica. It’s tough for me to completely avoid discussing the results of my season…it’s been 2 years. 🙂 *hugs*

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