Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef 4 recap: (S4E16)

(WARNING: This blog contains the crazed ravings of a MasterChef season 2 survivor who has no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.  Everything in this blog should be considered opinion and nothing else.)

Before I begin, I need to address a MasterChef issue that’s been flying around the TV gossip websites today.  These sites are alleging that Josh Marks, who was runner up on Season 3 of MasterChef, was arrested Monday near the University of Chicago under very bizarre circumstances.  I won’t repeat any of the allegations the sites are spreading, nor will I link to any of them.  But I can tell you that Josh had an incredibly difficult time dealing with his experience on MasterChef, as many contestants from former seasons have.  (Some top 100 contestants from this season are still wrestling with suicidal urges.)  Josh’s social media is getting blitzed today…mostly with well-wishes, thank goodness, but some folks have decided to taunt him and make fun of him.  So I ask all of you to focus good thoughts, well wishes, and prayers in his direction.  The allegations include assault on a police officer, which could result in many years in prison, and that’s a very dark possibility, indeed.  I hope MasterChef and Ramsay are reaching out to him to offer support and help, rather than their typical response, which is to remain aloof and deny, deny, deny.

So the group challenge this episode has made me more jealous than ANYTHING I’ve ever seen on MasterChef.  While Krissi doesn’t walk or hike for fun…she considers it torture…I am an outdoorsman in the extreme.  Cave exploring is my hobby.  The idea of strapping a 40 pound pack to my back for a 50 mile trip gets me all worked up.  I recently had to hang my canoe up under my garage because my life has become so busy I’m not using it nearly as often as I used to.  So the idea of a MasterChef campout where I get to cook an epic meal in the wilderness is just…well…it’s not fair that we didn’t do that on my season!

Backpacking into the South Fork of the Hoh River valley for an epic outdoor feast on my 30th birthday

I love cooking in the wilderness.  For my 30th birthday, I went to the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state with a bunch of friends.  We strapped HEAVY packs to our backs and hiked up the south fork of the glacier-fed Hoh River about 6 miles.  But instead of our packs being filled with climbing gear, they were filled with bottles of wine, cast iron skillets, fine aged cheeses, and prime steaks.

As we neared the spot where we planned to camp…a gravel bar in the middle of the icy river…we spotted a meadow bursting with fresh berries: blueberries, blackberries, and yellow raspberries.  We dropped our packs and foraged for about an hour, picking enough to make a truly epic wild berry cobbler in the big cast iron skillet I had in my pack.  It was a fitting way to celebrate my 30th.

Picking wild golden raspberries in the temperate rainforest valley of the South Fork of the Hoh River in Olympic National Park

The contestants will have to camp overnight, conceptualize their menu, and have an extremely limited amount of equipment to work with: a camping knife, a flint for starting a fire, a cast iron skillet, and a wooden spoon.  One team will get 3 rabbits to work with as their protein, and the other will have 6 pigeons.

Bri and Natasha are the team captains this go-around. Bri’s first pick is James, because she thinks he’s comfortable in the wilderness.  (As all good Texas boys should be!)  She completes her team with Eddie and Luca.

Natasha’s first pick is Jordan, followed by Jessie and Krissi.  Then the judges pull a surprise on the contestants by switching the teams, possibly spurred on by the fact that Krissi announced flatly that she hates Bri and doesn’t want her team captained by a vegetarian.  (If you follow either of the two of them on Facebook, you know that they’re dear friends and consider each other like sisters…this is just more manufactured drama being spurred on by the producers.)

We also find out that Natasha grew up in South Africa on lots of land.  HELLO?!?!  Why haven’t we heard more stories about that, producers?  That’s fascinating!  (Natasha occasionally drops by my blog, I’d LOVE for you to share some stories from your childhood, Natasha!)

Bri had the best mushroom dish, so she gets to pick the protein, and she chooses the rabbit.  I’d have chosen that, too.  While pigeon (which tends to be called “squab” in fine restaurants because of the negative image that Americans have of pigeons) is actually a DELICIOUS bird…a direct relative of the dove, which is highly prized by game hunters…rabbit meat is near and dear to my heart.  I’ve cooked it many dozens of times, even at FRANK, but my favorite memory of a rabbit meal was cooking a rabbit and fennel stew over a wood-fired stove in a 300 year old stone cottage in La Feuillee, a tiny village in the Brittany region of western France.  La Feuillee, which translates into “the green tree canopy” is one of those picture perfect medieval villages, so far off the tourist track that there’s not even a hotel there, and so small there’s not even a grocery store…just a small boulangerie selling baguettes, some eggs with poop and feathers still caked onto them, some carrots and turnips with mud clumped at their tips, and glass jars of milk with the cream floating on top.  (France still somehow manages to maintain a localized agricultural system…the majority of food sold in grocery stores there, however large, is from a farm nearby.  It’s incredible.)  Each morning around 9am, a man would arrive in a small truck and blow a whistle.  Everyone in the village would come out to see what kind of meat he had available that day.  And one morning, he had the loveliest rabbits.  That night we dined on a slow-simmered stew of rabbit and fennel, with crusty baguettes from the boulangerie, stinky aged cheese, and the local pear cider for which Brittany is famous.  A simple, humble meal with few ingredients, but one I will never forget.

In addition to the proteins, the teams also have potatoes, quail eggs, wild mushrooms, carrots, some spices, and some oil.  But, as you may have gathered from the paragraph above, a lot of ingredients aren’t needed to produce a perfect meal.  Though the judges and contestants are really tossing around the word “Michelin” so there is apparently a push for sophisticated presentation…completely unnecessary in the wild.  Both the rabbit and the pigeon would be most delicious stewed very slowly over coals, but a stew isn’t an elegant thing to present.

Bri has a stroke of genius when she says they could make fresh pasta with the flour and quail eggs in their box.  Krissi, the master pasta maker, is gung ho about making pasta out in the wild.

Natasha’s team somehow comes up with a spit roaster and is testing out one of their pigeons on it.  The spit roaster was not narrated as part of the “barest of equipment” so I’m curious as to what other exciting and helpful things the producers have given them, but not told us about.  For the record, it’s totally easy to build your own spit roaster out of sticks.  We also don’t see the contestants starting their fires with the “flint” Gordon talked about, but I see a fuel container in the background of one shot…so don’t for an instant think that this is ACTUALLY a roughing-it challenge.  The fires were probably started and maintained by the production staff.  (Though I *CAN* start a fire with a flint or a piece of string…everyone should be able to do that.)  I just hope that they were provided with EXTRA bottles of wine for themselves for the night, because a Dixie cup of old-vine Zinfandel around a crackling fire beneath the stars is, by far, the finest way to enjoy wine.

(However, in an interview with Monti Carlo after her elimination, Bri reveals that the contestants were not fed any dinner or breakfast during the camping challenge, and they had to make do with ingredients they weren’t cooking with.  Bri apparently made something like an oatmeal for herself, and when Gordon came over to check on them, he tasted the oatmeal and loved it so much that he ate half of it, leaving her hungry!)

After a night spent in tents, the contestants are pulling their dishes together.  They’re being very resourceful…rolling out pasta with wine bottles and boiling pasta in tin coffee cans.  But at the very last minute, Bri drops one of their plates.  So they have to scramble to re-plate, pulling some portions from their other 2 plates.  And the food is presented to the judges sitting at a white tablecloth beneath ancient oaks.  A lovely setting for a wild meal.

Bri presents her Blue Team’s dish…rabbit braised in white wine with carrots and wild mushrooms on quail egg pasta, topped with wild mustard flowers.  Joe is pretty impressed with the pasta.  The only critique is from Gordon, who says the pasta needs a bit more seasoning.

Natasha presents her Red Team’s dish…roasted pigeon, farro (wheat berries) with wild mushrooms and a quail egg yolk on top, and honey glazed carrots.  Their dish certainly takes the lead in terms of presentation.  It’s downright stunning.  Eddie’s cook on the pigeon is impressive…he cooked it on the spit high above the fire first to get it medium-rare, then finished it in the hot cast iron skillet so the skin was browned and crisp.  It’s pretty genius.  The only thing I’d have done differently would have been to brine the pigeon for an hour first, provided there was water and salt.  Both pigeon AND rabbit benefit greatly from brining due to their low fat content.

In a unique move, the judges then give the team’s dishes to the opposite team to taste.  On my season, we were STRICTLY forbidden from tasting each others’ dishes, presumably because they didn’t want us to know who was actually making great food.  (This might lead to us questioning eliminations.  If we had tasted a dish, but then the judges declared it “too salty” or “overcooked,” we’d know the critique was a lie.)

Both dishes are excellent, and the judges seem divided over the results, with Gordon leaning toward the Blue’s rabbit, and Joe leaning toward the Red’s pigeon, but they will announce the results by colored smoke signal.  (really?)  And the color of the smoke that fills the air is…Red.  Personally, I think the Blue team showed a bit more range of technique, but there’s no denying that the Red team’s plate looked like a restaurant dish after being cooked and plated in the wilderness, which is an impressive feat.

Blue Team is headed to the pressure test, and it will be Jessie’s very first of the season.  (Lucky girl!)  The winning Red Team gets to decide which member of the Blue Team to save from elimination, and they seem divide over whether to save Krissi or Bri, but they all agree that Jordan and Jessie must stay and compete because they are the strongest and pose the greatest threat.

They choose Krissi to stay.  Leaving Bri, Jordan, and Jessie to battle it out over chocolate eclairs.

The single question I get more often than any other in relation to MasterChef is, “How does everyone seem to know how to cook whatever the judges throw at them, especially without a recipe?”  Well, without revealing ALL the show’s secrets, I might refer you to any other MasterChef series from another country.  If you watch one of those seasons, you’ll see the contestants being taught “master classes” and learning the skills they will later put to use in challenges.  The producers of those series know that the audience wants this knowledge, too, so the classes are part of the actual episodes.  MasterChef USA has the same overall format as the other series, but the producers here think that you would rather be amazed at seeing someone who has never before made an eclair produce a serviceable eclair…than be educated by viewing portions of the class on choux paste and pastry cream that the contestants attended to learn how to make the components that can be assembled into an eclair.  Those who regularly watch MasterChef from other countries are NEVER surprised to see a contestant on MasterChef USA claim, “I’ve never made meringue pie before” and then suddenly turn out a perfect meringue pie…because they KNOW that the MasterChef process involves an incredible amount of education…almost a mini culinary school boot camp.

So!  Eclairs.  Eclairs are a French pastry made from choux paste.  (That’s pronounced “shoo.”)  It’s a cooked egg dough that puffs dramatically in the oven, leaving a hollow center, and it’s used to make profiteroles (cream puffs) and eclairs, as well as Spanish and Mexican churros, and the luscious savory cheese puffs called gougeres.  Choux paste can be challenging to make unless you use a recipe that lists ingredients by weight, rather than by volume, because the exact ratio of egg to flour is critical to achieve the proper puff.  I like to use Alton Brown’s recipe on the rare occasion that I make choux paste.

Eclairs consist of choux paste piped into a long ribbon, then baked until it puffs and hollows out in the center.  Then pastry cream is piped into the center…pastry cream being sugar, egg yolks, and milk, usually scented with vanilla, and thickened with cornstarch or flour.  (ie…vanilla pudding)  Then they are glazed on top with chocolate.

The contestants will have 1 hour to make 6 perfect eclairs.  A tall order.  But everyone finishes.  Bri is judged first, and her eclairs are a little flat.  (They needed to stay longer in the oven to fully cook.)  They are also not filled all the way to the end.  They aren’t consistent sizes, either.

Jordan is next, and his eclairs are a little soft, but are filled consistently.  Graham feels the whole eclair is too sweet, and Gordon agrees.

Jessie is judged last.  Her pastry is cooked through, but not filled all the way through, and her chocolate glaze isn’t sweetened.

We’re confident that Jordan is safe, so it comes down to Bri and Jessie.  Gordon pulls another one of his favorite word tricks, and we think Jessie is getting the axe, but instead it falls to Bri.  It’s obvious from how Gordon and Graham speak of Bri that they really like her.  And I do, too.  Bri has been one of my favorites from the beginning.  She’s a fellow theatre nerd.  Since the show, Bri has been working as a pastry chef in Los Angeles, but reports that she has been offered two VERY incredible job opportunities in New York, one at a Michelin-starred restaurant, and one at one of Thomas Keller’s restaurants.  (Thomas Keller is one of the most famous and influential chefs in the world.)  This is MASSIVE news, and clearly indicates the level of skill Bri has.  I don’t believe ANY contestant from any previous MasterChef season has been offered jobs of this caliber so quickly after the show.  So I doubt Bri will be heading back into the world of theatre any time soon!

Follow this charming lass on Facebook and Twitter and be sure to wish her good luck as she heads to New York to join the big-time chef world!  I do hope I get a chance to cook with you in the future, sweetheart!  You are more than adorable.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this episode below:

45 responses to “MasterChef 4 recap: (S4E16)”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    About the issue with Josh, when I read about it on Krissi’s Twitter account, all I can say was that I was shocked, but considering things, it’s not something that entirely surprises me. Still, my best wishes go to Josh.

    I wasn’t able to go camping too often as a kid because I had a bad case of asthma, so I’m essentially a city slicker. Though I am okay now in that aspect, so I’m a decent hiker, but that’s not the point of this post! Considering you’re a travel writer, it’s not surprising you love the great outdoors. And those berries you were picking in that pic look so tantalizing!

    I’m not surprised with the mistreatment of the contestants, though. When did Masterchef become Survivor, for crying out loud? Though doing that stuff in the middle of nowhere definitely has its merits. As someone who doesn’t camp out, I’m definitely in awe.

    I need to learn how to make choux pastry again. My mom taught me how, but I never practiced! D:. Also, she used to fill her profiteroles (we call them ‘repollitas’ over her) with chantilly. Once, she even made it using hail to cool the bowl she was whipping the cream in (there had been a huge hailstorm falling that day).

    I’m glad to know Bri’s doing well. At first I wasn’t too fond of her (she just struck me as the average hipster), but with every recap, I found myself rooting for her. So my best wishes go to her too.

    Thanks for the recap, Ben. You are most definitely awesome!

  2. Emily Grace Avatar

    Ben, if you ever want to start writing recaps about Masterchef in other countries, I would follow them with great zeal. I wish that the instruction would be shown on the US version of the show since it is my favorite part of the shows elsewhere. I love learning little cooking tidbits or just marveling at the ease at which a professional chef can execute complicated tasks.

    So, I was thinking about what happened with Josh. I was unaware until I read your post about his mental state. My hear goes out to him. But given the amount of stress that reality TV participants go through, especially in the US, I am finding myself morally conflicted on whether or not I should continue to intake any more reality television. (It should be said, I do not own a TV and am only able to view Masterchef since someone is uploading the episodes to Youtube.) What are your thoughts on supporting such an industry? Clearly you have an insider perspective and you have gained popularity because of your participation, but you have also seen the costs for other survivors. How do you advise evaluating when a reality franchise has become too damaging to the participants and therefore no longer worth viewer support? I am speaking more generally than in regards to the US Masterchef franchise since this show still seems to be leading many former contestants to success.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Emily, I’ve been struggling with this for the past few months, as well. I do believe that reality TV has an incredible power to change minds and improve lives, because viewers tend to connect with reality TV contestants in a way they don’t with actors or celebrities. I’ve seen MasterChef ruin lives, but I’ve also seen it raise people up and empower them to be great. Very few things in life have ONLY benefits and no consequences. I’m not sure I’ll watch Season 5 if it ends up like this season, but I’m hoping that the show’s producers realize that they can do far more for the world than stooping to the lowest common denominator. I think everyone in this country would still tune in if the show were about teamwork, humanity, and simple people doing extraordinary things.

      1. Tiger Gray Avatar

        I actually tweeteed Masterchef and asked them to focus on teamwork and so on, for all the good it will do. I hate how reality tv tends to promote bullying, especially when our awareness of how damaging bullying can be is at an all time high.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Good for you, Tiger! They need to hear that kind of input from show fans.

  3. Jay N.L. Avatar
    Jay N.L.

    Hey Ben –

    I was just curious what you thought / felt of the vast prevalence of dessert themed Pressure tests in this season of Master Chef as opposed to entrées and other savory components?

    Thanks for your time – its always a pleasure reading what you have to say!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Jay, I’m LOVING the dessert themed pressure tests, because they are very demanding and truly show us who has cooking skills. I wish there were more dessert pressure tests on my season!

    2. Deborah Avatar

      I find it interesting that so many pressure tests are dessert themed or something like cooking steak or chicken correctly, because a large part of the success comes through visually. It suggests things aren’t totally contrived: it’s hard to send someone home on “seasoning” when we can see their version looks perfect and someone else’s is raw.

    3. bobby927 Avatar

      My take on dessert (baked) themed pressure tests.

      Chef vs. Baker

      In the culinary world, there are really two main hats that one could wear (figuratively speaking, of course): That of a CHEF, or that of a BAKER. This goes without saying that obviously, there are those out there who would consider themselves to be both a Chef and a Baker. But for the majority of the time- you are either one….or the other. Why? It’s not because one is more fun than the other or one is more difficult than the other. It’s because while they both involve working with edible ingredients, it takes two totally different kinds of brains to play these roles. A Chef’s brain is creative- adding a pinch of this, a splash of that. A Chef enjoys looking in a refrigerator, seeing leftover chicken, an onion, a bag of spinach, and whipping up a Pizza or a Risotto or a Fritatta. A Chef enjoys thinking on his toes, coming up with a new ingenious spin on a traditional recipe, and transforming a raw ingredient into something magical and beautiful. A Chef may look at a recipe from time to time, but most of the time is spent creating and imagining and experimenting. A recipe, to a chef, is burdensome and just gets in the way of all the ideas floating around their collective heads and kitchens.

      To a Baker, recipes are King. Their minds are hard wired to read and follow and memorize exact numbers and weights and ratios. Baking is an EXACT SCIENCE, and there is very little room for creativity and change. They instinctively know what makes a biscuit crumbly or a doughnut dense or a macaroon a macaroon. They know that if you add cold butter to flour with a pastry cutter verses melting the butter and stirring it in, that you will get a flaky dough verses a smooth dough. They take meticulous care to level off the flour in a measuring cup or weigh the sugar exactly to the gram. They know the effect of different temperatures on Yeast, and why room temperature eggs blend better than cold ones. Bakers are like Doctors- with hundreds of different tools, diagrams, and charts to achieve the correct results.

      While both work with food and both end up with delicious creations to be enjoyed, chefs & bakers are two very different creatures. Now please don’t misunderstand – Chefs can be good at baking and Bakers can be good at cooking…..great, actually. But most classify themselves as one or the other.

      1. Ben Avatar

        This is a good insight, Bobby. (For the record, I consider myself a baker.) However, at the highest levels of performance, these two formats crisscross and become exactly the same thing. An expert chef knows that the browning that occurs in meats is promoted in an alkaline environment. So he can speed or increase browning by manipulating the pH level of whatever he is trying to brown. (Caramelizing carrots or onions happens far more rapidly when you add a bit of baking soda.) He knows that different concentrations of salt in a brine produce different textures and seasoning levels, and CAREFULLY weighs out his salt to make sure that the ratio is exactly right. He knows that tiny manipulations in the ratio of acid to oil in a vinaigrette will dramatically change its texture from more liquid to more thick and creamy. A savvy home cook may add a bit of this or a bit of that to make something better…but an exceptional professional chef relies on VERY PRECISE ratios and scientific knowledge…on the exact same level as a baker.

        Conversely, a professional baker becomes so familiar with his ratios and recipes that he never EVER uses them, and is free to be as creative as he likes…modifying the butter to flour ratio, utilizing extra egg whites, to creatively manipulate a recipe for different results. My pumpkin carrot cake recipe began over a decade ago when I got tired of oil-based carrot cake recipes. I knew enough about proper ratios to lead an oil-based cake recipe in the direction of a butter and eggwhite based sponge cake. In terms of seasoning baked goods, it’s absolutely no different from seasoning a curry or a soup. A bit more cardamom takes it in a different direction. A bit more salt to balance the sweet results in an intriguing conversation.

        So at maximum performance, BOTH occupations are exactly the same…with the only exception being that a chef works more often with meat, while a baker works more often than flour. But they are both highly precise, ratio-based positions, with equal amounts of flexibility in terms of creativity in flavor.

  4. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    I have made homemade eclairs and they were divine, but very labor intensive and they don’t keep. Those cons are actually pros because if not for those things I would make them all the time and weigh a bajillion pounds! 😉

  5. Dave Avatar

    You are probably right about the campfires, I did notice they didn’t show either team gathering the logs they had in the fire or lighting it. Another thing I noticed was that Bri and Krissi weren’t shown to be hating each other except for the snippet from Krissi, and actually seemed to work together and were quite receptive of each others ideas. Maybe I missed something but I don’t recall seeing the back stabbing that has been a staple of previous episodes. Not sure what I would have done in this scenario though, I love camping and the outdoors and cooking over a fire but I have never cooked either protein they were given. Actually, I think my favorite way to make toast for breakfast is right over the campfire; no goofy stove toaster contraption needed that doesn’t work anyways.

    I might have to try making eclairs one day, I love them.

    1. Deborah Avatar

      I couldn’t believe they skipped the obvious montage of people attempting to light a fire with a flint.

      Re Bri and Krissi, I very much noticed that in all group shots Krissi is getting along fine with everyone, and everything she says to Bri while camping is supportive and helpful. One-on-one “um, yes, for production’s sake we sure do hate each other” aside.

  6. Sylvie Avatar

    pate a choux is somewhat tricky i admit. but it is soooo good. we have a show here that is called `les chefs`on french cbc. they actually show a workshop after every show. (and hte competition is more honest. the contestants actually talk to each other and help each other during the competition) . so i kind of expected that the contestants were given some kind of instruction during their stay. my thoughts go out to Josh, i really liked him last season.

  7. Kelsey Adler Avatar
    Kelsey Adler

    That’s really sad to hear what happened to Josh. I imagine that it must be very difficult for past contestants to go back to the real world and have their entire world turned upside down (either in a good or bad way) for participating on the show. I was sad to see Bri go. She had some serious talent, and it was amazing how she could cook meat that she wasn’t even tasting.

    I really don’t like how this season they are focusing on how everyone hates one another instead of showing the cooking skills of these home cooks. Isn’t the point of the show to demonstrate that these people are supposedly the best home cooks in America?

    Ben, maybe you could shed some light on this, but why is it when they are down to so few people that the winner of the challenges are still not having to cook in the elimination test?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Kelsey, I’ve been VERY puzzled by the lack of cooking in pressure tests this year. I have no idea why everyone isn’t competing in the pressure tests.

      1. Sam Avatar

        I would be willing to bet it has to do with how they can control the outcome. So if Luca gets immunity, they can be sure he doesn’t put up a really horrible dish in the elimination round which would prettu much demand that they eliminate him if the other dishes are way better.

  8. MaryAnn Avatar

    Ben thank you for addressing what happened with Josh. I read it on Facebook this morning and was horrified and immediately figured something similar to a mental break happened to him. With all the stress involved in any reality show, but especially one of this nature, I guess we should be surprised we haven’t seen this happen more often.

    My heart goes out to him and his family and I hope that rather than sending him to jail he can be gotten some intensive therapy and treatment. He came across as such a lovable guy and after reading from friends on his FB wall, you can tell many people that know him well have nothing but wonderful loving things to say. I just hope he can pull out of this okay.

  9. MaryAnn Avatar

    A question I have often wondered about Ben, is there simply not time to eat? You mentioned that oftentimes there isn’t a lot for the contestants to eat and that meals are skipped. It sounds to me like a lot of time is spent sitting around waiting for judging or whatever so I’m wondering why there isn’t food provided. Is it just to stress people further? I know there are constraints on what you can say, but any light you can shed is appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Ben Avatar

      MaryAnn, I’m honestly surprised that the contestants weren’t fed on the camping trip. The unions that protect the crew mandate a meal every few hours, so the catering is there. We were always fed 1 meal a day around 1pm, but sometimes we weren’t taken back to our hotels until 10 or 11pm without dinner. (We could order room service at that time, whatever the hotel kitchen happened to still be serving.) But there’s no room service in the wilderness! I imagine the contestants were instructed to bring something to eat themselves for dinner and breakfast.

      1. MaryAnn Avatar

        Thanks Ben. Didn’t think about getting back to a hotel wiped out, late at night and hoping for some food. I know some hotels don’t do room service after a certain time or have it very limited.

        As for the catering for the crew, that’s kind of what I was thinking. Your idea of bringing something along is probably correct.

      2. Marie Porter Avatar

        From an article I read way back, it sounds like the lack of food was intentional – they made it sound like they were going for some kind of “Survivor” type drama. I’m kinda surprised it never made it to the screen.

        Here’s the article:–judges-talk-chop-about-season-4—we-took-a-page-from–the-voice—023450933.html

  10. Douglas Avatar

    Thanks for these blogs, Ben. I only discovered them recently, but they’re a kick. I’ve been reading past recaps and I have to say that your writing style(and the format you’ve chosen) is great.

    Sorry to hear about Josh. He was part of three cheftestants me and my wife called, “the-tiny-asian-contingent,” that we rooted for last year. It was him, Christine, and Felix. Best of luck to him.

    I’ve recently discovered MC-UK Professionals and since then it’s been harder and harder to enjoy these epsiodes. It was nice to see Bri and Krissy enjoying the camping trip(they both seemed proud of the pasta), but it’s really disappointing to see so few persons having to cook to stay. It would be fairer, and more interesting to me personally, to see all eight of them cooking eclairs.

    But that’s not the show they’re making. I’ll keep watching and rooting for Jordan as I have since the auditions.

  11. Constance Avatar

    This episode was the most manipulative of any previously aired. Perhaps I have a jaundiced eye but, from the team switch to the red team winning, it all seemed a ploy to force Jessie into her first pressure test. I was sad Bri was eliminated. I read on her FB page that she has already moved to NYC. Wishing her much success in the future.

    The story about Josh made me wonder if he had suffered a breakdown brought on by PTSD from both his MC and military experiences. The same thought occurred to me when Hell’s Kitchen had an ex military contestant who invited Gordon Ramsay to take their disagreement outside.

  12. Cindy M Avatar
    Cindy M

    Thank you Ben for your candor, insights, and balanced perspective.

  13. Lisa Avatar

    I have ordered squab twice in high end restaurants and both times sent it back because it was totally inedible. I wish I could get Eddie to cook some for me. I grew up in South Texas and we used to go on overnight fishing trips along the Intercoastal Canal. We did occasionally cook some of the fish but most was cleaned and placed in the ice chest to take home. Food generally consisted of cold cut sandwiches and Spam.

    And re: Josh. So sad to see this and truly hope he gets the help and treatment he needs to get through this. I don’t worry about those posting negative things. I am a firm believer in Karma and they will get theirs at some point.

  14. Gregory Wright Avatar
    Gregory Wright

    I would have loved this challenge as well. Actaully BOTH challenges. I hate all the saving of contestants. It’s really getting annoying and making it clear that the producers are meddling with the results of everything. I find it very interesting the Bri has taken (she announced this, so it is a spoiler) a position as a pastry chef at Bouchon here in NY. Thomas Keller. WOW! Yet the eclair took her out? Hmmm. Bri is definitely someone I wish we would have gotten to know much better because the little glimpses of her we got we amazing.

    1. Deborah Avatar

      You can’t make eclairs in an hour. Like citrus-curd pie with meringue, often featured. The odds of someone presenting something that actually looked great were teeny.

    2. Ben Avatar

      Gregory…there is rumor that some of the top 18 this year were “hired actors.” And a few folks I know think that Bri may be one of them. (Their primary reasoning is that she cooks meat FAR to well to have never cooked it before.) Her background in theatre might reinforce this. This is all speculative rumor, of course, but it is HIGHLY unusual that an amateur fresh off a reality TV cooking show would be hired to work at a Keller restaurant. Nothing like that has EVER happened in the history of MasterChef. It doesn’t even happen on Hell’s Kitchen. (Most of the winners never end up cooking for Ramsay’s empire, and rarely, if ever, get hired by other high-end restaurateurs.) I’m SUPER stoked for Bri at this opportunity…it’s REALLY amazing. But it’s also really, really unusual.

  15. J.T. Avatar

    Hi Ben, you mentioned that the chefs are being taught. Do the judges give them lessons or were they taught by somebody else?

    1. Ben Avatar

      JT, on the first season of MasterChef, Graham taught the master classes. On my season, they were taught by Los Angeles area chef instructors. I doubt any of the judges are still teaching the master classes…that’s too much extra work for them. But the judges did impart LOTS of their knowledge to us on my season.

  16. Mindy Ellen Behrmann Avatar
    Mindy Ellen Behrmann

    I’m so sorry about what happened to Josh. I could imagine that he experienced emotional trauma while on Masterchef. But I have the feeling that other contestants on Masterchef have experienced some emotional trauma as well. I feel terrible for all those contestants, especially the contestants that we barely knew. The auditions that were never aired. The contestants that were cast only to be ridiculed at. I remember you talking about a contestant named Marie Porter and interviewing another contestant named Rebecca. I am sending them, Josh, and all the other contestants my love and supports. Also, they should never give up their dreams, life will get better even if it takes time, and if they need any support, they should not be afraid to ask. Masterchef contestants, you are amazing and I believe in you.

  17. Minda Avatar

    My heart goes out to Josh…he has served his country well, and I hope he is receiving the treatment in the hospital that he needs and deserves for his sacrifice.
    Ben–on the Great American Baking Competition, they made Boston cream doughnuts with the chocolate ganache, and one of the contestants told another the the secret to her shiny ganache was fish oil or sauce (she was whispering and I should have turned the CC on to see what she said). Have you ever heard of this, and how would that taste? Thank you!!!

    1. Constance Avatar

      Minda, I think the trick to the chocolate icing was light corn syrup.

      1. Minda Avatar

        Corn syrup was in the “official” recipe, but Francine said she used fish oil/sauce. Maybe I can find her on FB and ask her. 🙂

        1. Tiger Gray Avatar

          Wow! I could see fish oil because to my memory it doesn’t have much flavor.

    2. Ben Avatar

      Minda, I have NEVER heard of either fish oil or fish sauce being used in chocolate ganache. I can’t possibly be fish sauce, unless she’s using 1 single drop to add complexity. Fish sauce is VERY pungent with the scent of rotting fish. It would ruin a ganache. Fish oil is also notoriously fishy smelling, unless it has been modified to remove those scent molecules. It’s an intriguing story…I wonder if she will blog about it?

      1. Minda Avatar

        I contacted her and apparently she was joking (whew!), but she said she uses vegetable oil to get the lovely shine on her ganache. And she’s super sweet!!!

        1. Constance Avatar

          Vegetable oil! Thank goodness, lol.

  18. Tiger Gray Avatar

    While I agree that Krissi was given a poor edit in this ep in particular (everything else she said to Bri seemed supportive and kind) I also don’t think she’s being entirely misinterpreted. I think it’s important to remember how manufactured reality tv is, but also nobody forced her to tweet blatantly racist statements or to admit to bullying. I love how you try and see the best in people, Ben, but I’m not as good a person as you in that regard I fear. I do believe she should be held accountable for those things. Everyone seems quick to forgive racism and so on and I don’t know why.

  19. Laura Avatar

    First of all, I was thrilled to see the pictures of you in the Hoh rainforest, since I’m from Washington and used to go camping and hiking there with my family, and we also grew those delicious golden raspberries in my backyard! I have very fond memories of a camping trip in a different part of WA called Indian Heaven, where we picked the most enormous crop of wild blue huckleberries and cooked them into fantastic pancakes over the campfire. There were red huckleberries there too, which I liked to just reach out and grab as I hiked for instantly available snacks!

    Have you cooked with huckleberries, by the way? What would you recommend doing with them?

    I’ve never been particularly fond of eclairs, but it’s fascinating to see how these things are made; I had no idea that eclairs started out as those lines of piped cream, and I would have loved to see more of the education about how to make those!

    I was also sad to see Bri go, as she was one of my favorite contestants this season.

    Thanks as always for your great blog entries!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Laura, since huckleberries don’t grow here in Texas and they are unavailable commercially, my experience with them is limited to adding them to pancakes when I’m up north. They are luscious, though! And I have a sneaking suspicion that Bri will be back on MasterChef after the next challenge! Her social media seems to indicate that.

      1. Marie Porter Avatar

        I’m sure that being roomies with the casting producer doesn’t hurt, LOL!

  20. Socalm Avatar

    This blog is blowing my mind! I have loved MasterChef for years and I am seeing it in a new light after reading your blog. Ben, you were one of my favorite contestants and I loved your hats, your emotions towards cooking and the genuine love you had for the other contestants which showed through so strongly.
    It sounds like you don’t care much for Jennifer, the winner of your season? Care to share more on this??

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sharon, I adore Jennifer! She’s incredibly sweet, very talented, and VERY hard working. I’m sorry if that didn’t come through in my posts. I just visited Jennifer at her new restaurant in Providence last month! You may be interpreting my statements regarding how the show is judged to be negative sentiment towards Jennifer. All 4 of the seasons I watched (including my own) selected winners not based on their performance in the final round. The contestant who obviously performed best was given second place…I think virtually everyone who watches the show rationally, rather than emotionally, would agree. Contestants don’t win MasterChef by cooking the best. The production team selects the winner (NOT the judges) based on the story of the show, and who they believe will be most marketable in post-show ventures.

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