Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Masterchef 4 Recap: WP-24 and Calamari (S4E20)

Hello, Starr-struck citizens of the internet! Since Ben Starr is partaking in his annual pilgrimage to Burning Man, I am doing a temporary takeover of his blog in order to write the MasterChef recaps that so many of you are so fond of.

For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Michael Chen, and I was part of the top 18 during Season 3 of MasterChef. Please follow me on my Facebook, Twitter, as well as my website at! Let’s get the usual legal disclaimer out of the way:ย (PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains the crazed rants of a former MasterChef survivor who has practically no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.ย  Itโ€™s not fit to be read by anyone.)

Once again, we are back at 6 contestants (I almost clicked on the wrong episode on Hulu when I tried to watch it!). This time, it’s another team challenge, one that is notorious for driving contestants up the wall. I foresee a lot of Gordon Ramsay screaming at the contestants to get a grip, which as Ben has mentioned in previous blogs, is the WORST way that you can get a kitchen back on track. From my experience working and staging in many excellent, busy restaurants, the best kitchens run off of quiet, efficient communication. Any amount of screaming just frazzles everybody and causes chaos, rather than accomplishing its purpose of getting a station back on track.

So we get to the intro, and see a shot of poor Krissi on the verge of hyperventilating and throwing up at the thought of being up on top of a skyscraper. The judges arrive on a helicopter (WTF is with helicopters and reality TV? Such an overused gimmick), and inform the contestants that today is they are going to take over WD-40 WP24 (seriously though, did anybody elase instinctively think about the magical lubricant/solvent?). While not personally familiar with the restaurant, Wolfgang Puck is one of the most well known chefs in the country, so it will be a challenge for the contestants to produce food that is worthy of his enormous reputation.

It cracks me up to hear Bri talk about Krissi, knowing the kind of sisterly love-hate relationship they have in real life.

This challenge is right up my alley. I’m very familiar with traditional Chinese food, and the techniques used to prepare the dishes. how many Western cuisines intentionally “cook” eggs into a sauce to form little egg drop ribbons? Just the sight of that brings back many food memories from growing up.

Shumai are a variant of Chinese dumplings. They have an exposed top, and are always steamed. The skin more closely resembles a thin, delicate wonton skin than a sturdy, slightly chewy dumpling skin. The shumai looks like the most difficult dish to execute, because the contestants have to make the sauce (which can be delicate with the starch slurry and the egg), prep and wrap the shumai into the proper shape (which required finger dexterity), and keep track of the orders in the steamer, making sure each shumai stays in for precisely 7 minutes (overcooking will lead to a mushy wrapper, undercooking will lead to Ramsay’s favorite word: RAAAAAAAWWWWWRR).

To continue reading my recap, please head over to MY blog at!

Feel free to discuss and let me know what you think, either on my blog or right here down below, as I have access to Ben’s site and can participate in discussions in either medium. Let me know how I did, and how my writing compares to Ben’s! :).


12 responses to “Masterchef 4 Recap: WP-24 and Calamari (S4E20)”

  1. Tom Avatar

    Nice recap Michael! While I do miss our Ben you are a worthy substitute in his absence and from your writing style I can see why the two of you go along together so well.
    I have sworn to myself that I won*t be watching MC US next season and I will stick to it.But this season I have to watch to the end…so I ended up watching it.
    The tone starts right from the beginning when they give a short overview what has happened before….the register they use (maybe I am too much into linguistics…the vocabulary) is warlike….eliminiation, in the cross-hair and so on…is this a cooking show or is this war?
    Then it goes on a bit “James Bond”-like….all the short skirts and a helicopter..again is this a cooking show or Heidi Klum’s next top model? :)…but okay, it somehow fit the scene and I somehow like all the contestants…we have the smart Italian, we can see that Bri is trying to hide her beauty behind strange glasses, the cool guy with the long hair and obviously the southern beauty (is that correct? can you say southern bell too? Still learning ENglish so forgive my blunders), Sympathies have to fly to Krissi…I am not too fond of heights and would have struggled to up to the top. But then why do they have to put her in that place?? I know…more drama!
    And yes Ben and Michael are so right…all the shouting is almost good for nothing. I have worked as a chef and a headwaiter fpr many years and the quite and smooth amtmosphere in a restaurant/kitchen go a long way. Sometimes you may “wake” them up a bit but more in general terms of “go on…” and so on…all the swearing and shouting is good for nothing. Do they expect someone who is already stressed out to become calm by shouting at them? ridiculous!
    I noticed the strange pan they gave to Krissi…weird.
    I kinda liked it that the challenge took place at one of Puck’s restaurant, who is a fellow Austrian by birth! That explains his strange accent and his love for “strudles” ๐Ÿ™‚
    I really get bored by the vegeatarian theme… is clear to me that Bri knows what she is doing; vegetarian or not. I don’t like seafood too much, rarely ieat it but I can cook with it. My grandgrandmother had some health issues and had to live on a strict diet, not able to eat a variety of food and still she was one of the best cooks I have ever known? You can learn how to cook, no question about that, but to become a brilliant cook you have to have the cooking gene inside you! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Overall I had the strange feeling that this episode was not portrayed in a hateful atmosphere as previous ones. Maybe I didn’t pay attention as I should have but there were certain moments when it was quite clear that they do not hate each other genuinely. ANyone else had the same or a similiar impression?
    So well done Michael! and greetings from Austria!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thank you, Tom! I agree with your point about the bizarre word choice of the narrator, but I guess it fits with how this season is going. Your English is great (better than many Americans “dat talk liek dis” haha!). And yes, this episode definitely didn’t have as much “hate” as previous episodes. It’s clear that by this point almost everybody at least somewhat gets along and respects each other. The only real tension I felt in this episode was between Natasha and Krissi.

  2. Tom Avatar

    Reading through my rantings I can see that sometimes I am bit off track! Random bits and pieces of thoughts. However, I do hope everyone can follow me. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Besides being a chef and waiter and so on, I studied history and English, so my English should be reasonable well. Unfortunately, lack of practice has cost me some of my abilities to communicate.
    There is always some tension between Natasha and Krissi on the screen. I wish they would show us more of the affection between the contestants. I was watching the latest episodes of MC Australia and while there are some tensions too (between Samira and Richi) you get a more positive picture as they seem to support each other and seem to be truly sad every time someone has to leave the show. On a sidenote, I wasn’t too happy with the idea of the battle of the sexes they had in the beginning of this years MC Australia. I know that there were former contestants who didn’t like it and it didn’t feel right….but hey, it is still more about cooking and interesting places than MC US. ๐Ÿ™‚
    @Michael, I hope you do the next recap too! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Ben Avatar

      I will be doing all of the recaps from now up until the finale! And I don’t know what it was like watching from an outsider’s point of view, but there was a lot of love between the MC3 contestants for the most part :).

  3. Tom Avatar

    The outsider’s point of view. Hmm, good question! I was watching all series so far and have been comparing to other cooking shows. The overall impression was that MC US has aรถways been less cooking and more drama. BUT, there were several episodes on MC2 ans MC3 I honestly enjoyed. MC4 is another story…

  4. bobby927 Avatar

    QUESTION: If Ramsay was expediting, how did a raw scallop make it out of the kitchen?

    1. Tom Avatar

      it is much harder to see if something is cooked through with steaming or if something is quite dark from the beginning (chocolate cake e-g-). On the sarcastic note; he might have been too busy shouting around! Or someone replaced the perfectly cooked scallop with a raw one (conspiracy!!!!!!) ๐Ÿ˜‰

      1. Ben Avatar

        Tom knows what’s up!

  5. Andrea Avatar

    Thank you for taking over the recaps, Michael, and reading your P.O.V about it.

    “Iโ€™m sorry, USGS. That 9.0 magnitude vibration you registered was NOT a devastating earthquake, it was just my stomach rumbling while I was typing out that paragraph.”

    I know the feeling. In spite of me not liking seafood, I’m a total sucker for calamari. And over here (Colombia, South America, by the way), there’s a place where they’re dedged in rice flour, which makes them lighter and go well with spicy mayo! Though I am deeply afraid of deep-frying, so I’ll let someone else handle it.

    Also, while I’d love Luca to win (I am a die-hard fan of his, mostly because he roots for my favorite Italian team, Internazionale), I think he’s going to be eliminitaded soon. Which would be a darn shame.

  6. Constance Avatar

    While I’ll miss your recaps during your road trip Ben Starr, Michael did an ace job stepping into your shoes.

    This episode showed the ‘nice’ veneer starting to slip off the two most popular contestants, Luca and Jessie. Though I don’t dislike any of the contestants I have been suspicious of the way both have been portrayed during this season, too good, too angelic. But there were little hints along the way, a bit of snark from Luca, some pouting from Jessie when her dish wasn’t chosen.

  7. Razercook Avatar

    I just saw that Savannah has started a catering business with Natasha. I suppose this means that Natasha didn’t win. My prediction is for a Luca win.Joe has been salivatin for a while…….

    1. Ben Avatar

      That might not NECESSARILY be the case, but I won’t let my insider knowledge spoil it for you! ha ha

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