Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Nimble Chef…my latest project

For the past year I’ve been working secretly on a really cool project with Iron Chef Cat Cora and the team that created her iPad app Cat’s Kitchen.  And since the project was officially announced yesterday, now I can share it with all of you!!!  It’s a revolutionary app called Nimble Chef, and it takes some of the best dishes from the country’s finest restaurants and chefs, and breaks them down for the home cook, so WE can all execute the kind of recipes used in Michelin-starred restaurants and from James Beard Award-winning chefs.  And we’re not the only ones who think it’s genius…Entrepreneur Magazine recognized us in their “100 Brilliant Companies” list in 2012!

This isn’t just an electronic cookbook.  It’s completely different.  You can assemble your own dinner party from a library of these world-class recipes.  The app will give you a shopping list.  And it can scale the recipes for however many people you are serving, whether it’s 2 or 20, so there’s no waste.  Then you tell it when you’re serving the dinner, and it schedules your cooking for you, even a few days out.  Say you’re going to serve at 8pm on Saturday.  On Friday evening the app will prompt you to make a couple of the sauces and some of the components for dessert.  It will effortlessly move you between tasks for ALL the recipes, it times everything for you, and if you get delayed, it will recalculate your estimated serving time so you can let guests know.

The role *I* played in the development of the app was in recipe adaptation, testing, and editing.  We get recipes from the best chefs in the country, but often they are just notes, and often they are in restaurant-sized quantities.  My job is to extract a recipe scaled for the home, test it in my kitchen using normal home-kitchen equipment, so that I know the potential pitfalls and risky spots in the recipe, and then edit the recipe so that complex techniques are very clearly explained…so ANYONE can execute the dish, even if they are new in the kitchen.

It may sound like an easy job, but even the entry of the information into the system is challenging.  It’s not like writing a cookbook at all.  Because the app is “smart,” I have to built relationships between tasks, so that the app knows which tasks have to be completed before other tasks can be started…and which tasks are not dependent upon others and can be done at any time.  I have to tell the app how long you can wait after performing a task before you absolutely have to start the next task for the recipe.  (Sometimes that’s a day or two…sometimes it’s less than a minute.)  This is how it can switch you between recipes and coordinate your cooking schedule to use your time most efficiently and still have everything ready at the instant you plan on serving!

After almost a year of development on my end, and 3 years of development by the whole team, the app has been released in the iTunes app store!  You can download it for FREE, and the app includes several free recipes from each of our featured chefs.  (And we’re not done…we have MANY more recipes and chefs we’ll be adding in future editions.)

So, if you’ve got an iPad, check out Nimble Chef.  Please rate it, and let us know what you think!  We want Nimble Chef to be THE resource for helping you and me to perfect our cooking skills and be able to execute fine-restaurant-quality cuisine right in our own home kitchens.  For updates, Like us on Facebook, or Follow us on Twitter @NimbleChef.  Please note that the iPad version is our beta, and once we get some feedback from those of you who use the iPad version, we’ll be releasing it for on the Android platform.  (I’m an Android nut, myself.)

23 responses to “Nimble Chef…my latest project”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    OMG, I love you!!!!!! (and I’m so ready to come to Frank’s again)

  2. Andrew Hime Avatar

    Sounds cool, but I have a Nexus 7.

    1. Ben Avatar

      It’s coming, Andrew!

      1. Andrew Hime Avatar

        Wait… just for me?! Aw, Ben, you’re great!

  3. Sandy Kay Avatar
    Sandy Kay

    Wowza. That sounds like a great app to have. Makes me wish I had an iPad (or even a smart phone)! Congrats on the launch.

  4. J.J. Avatar

    What a groundbreaking project! Are you the type that finds these types of assignments as amazingly fulfilling despite the inherent challenges? I’m sure we, your loyal readers, would love to hear some of the “war stories” of converting these haute recipes for execution by mere mortal [home] cooks. 🙂

    I have been craving this kind of app- but, sadly, we’re an Android-powered household. Do you know if it will be released for any other operating platforms besides Apple?

    1. Ben Avatar

      JJ, the app WILL be released for Android! The Apple release is our beta period.

  5. T.J. Avatar

    Is there an app. for an iTouch? Or just the iPad?

    1. Ben Avatar

      TJ, I know practically nothing about Apple products. I would imagine it would work on an iTouch and and iPhone, as well. But don’t hold me to that!

  6. Jennifer Every Avatar
    Jennifer Every

    Awesome. Going to download right now!

  7. allison proctor Avatar
    allison proctor

    will it work in an iphone?

    1. Andrew Hime Avatar

      What happens if you try?

      1. allison proctor Avatar
        allison proctor

        I just thought I would ask before I spent a bunch of time downloading, updating iTunes, trying to sync my daughter’s iPhone, etc. iTunes and I aren’t the best of friends.

        1. Andrew Hime Avatar

          uh… I dunno if it works markedly different than webOS or Android or when I was doing iPhone phone monkey 18 months ago, but the process is:

          pick up device
          go to app place
          download app
          if app not for you, app no there

          Wifi makes it better.

          As for iTunes, ELL OH APPLE! (You support this!)

        2. Ben Avatar

          Allison, the app only works for iPads and iPad minis right now.

  8. Fernando Go Avatar

    Checking it right now!. Incidentally, iTunes also gave me Cat Cora’s Kitchen app as a result… And the apps look exactly the same. Did you use the same developer?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Fernando, the NimbleChef team first developed Cat Cora’s Kitchen, and then created NimbleChef. They use the same platform, but Cat’s app is unique to her, and NimbleChef has many chefs, including Cat.

      1. Fernando Go Avatar

        Oh I supposed that it was the same platform.

        Awesome recipes, awesome app… Although I wouldn’t mind a one-time charge for access to all the recipes instead of buying every recipe package.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Fernando, I think they will offer that in the future. We’re in the beta phase right now.

  9. Nancy Avatar

    I just downloaded the app and can’t wait to use it!

    1. Ben Avatar

      That’s awesome, Nancy! Be sure to rate it after you’ve used it for a bit, and please pass along any feedback you have!!!

  10. andy Avatar

    Glad you are finding cool ways to stay immersed in the food community. I have downloaded. Take care!

  11. Happy in LA Avatar
    Happy in LA

    This sounds like SO the perfect project for you! Wishing you much success.

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