Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef 4 recap: Eggs and Salmon (S4E18)

(PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains the maniacal ravings of a Season 2 survivor with [practically] no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.  It should be treated as opinion only, and isn’t fit to be read by anyone.)

We’re down to 6…but are we?  Apparently, the producers are pulling another surprise comeback, but this one is just bizarre.  Each of the judges has invited back one formerly-eliminated contestant.  Gordon selects Bri to come back, Joe brings back Lynn, and Graham selects Bime.

This is weird, folks.  If I had been a recently eliminated contestant like Eddie, I’d be furious.  All 3 of these contestants were eliminated before him, but now THEY get a chance to win back their spot, but HE doesn’t?  Of course…that’s assuming that MasterChef is real, which it most certainly is not.  It was at this same point last season that I basically threw in the towel of ever being able to watch MasterChef seriously again…  These moves remove ALL suspension of disbelief that this is actually a contest.  They prove, plain as day, that the producers are completely manipulating the results of the show for dramatic effect.

From one perspective, it’s not fair to allow ANY eliminated contestant to come back.  However, the theoretical format of MasterChef isn’t fair at all…the strongest competitor can get eliminated on a single challenge of the only thing (s)he’s weak on, and while (s)he may be stronger in 99% of challenges than ALL the other contestants, a single falter can get them eliminated.  That’s not fair to begin with.  (The PROPER format for a cooking competition like this is for EVERY contestant to stay the ENTIRE season and participate in EVERY challenge, and the overall winner of the most challenges wins that ‘coveted’ MasterChef trophy.  But then there’s no suspense from episode to episode, so you stop watching.  So you can thank the short attention span of the American audience for driving reality TV to the engineered elimination format.)

But making this comeback colossally unfair is this subjective selection of 3 contestants, rather than the LAST 3 eliminated.

Now that we’re stuck with this infinitely bizarre choice, I personally think Lynn is the most talented sophisticated cook (perhaps in the whole competition), so I’d be interested in seeing him come back most of all.

The contestants are told they have 5 minutes to shop in the MasterChef pantry, and when they dash back, they discover that the only ingredient in the pantry is eggs.  Millions of eggs.  And this challenge will be about producing the perfect sunny-side up egg.

To a lot of folks, this would be a terrifying challenge.  I mean, even a short order cook at a diner usually doesn’t get it right.  To others, this challenge is offensively elementary.  (I mean…it’s really, REALLY easy to cook a sunny side up egg once you know how to do it.)  My 5 year old nephew can do it.

But my first qualm is with Graham saying, “No burned edges.”  Well, eggs don’t really burn unless you’ve got no clue what you’re doing, what he means is, “No browned edges.”  This is one of my biggest gripes with the common chef attitude about cooking eggs.  Eggs brown up just like meat at proper temperatures.  Which means added flavor and texture.  I am fed up with sallow, pale omelets and fried eggs.  I cook ALL my eggs at high temperature so their surface is crusty and caramelized, and they are INFINITELY more delicious this way than when they are cooked at such low temps that they never brown.  However, cooking them with high heat means VERY narrow margins between over-easy and over-hard, so you have to manage your heat and time very well when cooking that way.

Cooking with lower heat that doesn’t brown the egg gives you WAY more wiggle room, and making a sunny side up egg this way is as easy as falling off a log.  And the contestants have 15 minutes to cook as many sunny side up eggs as they can, with 12 nonstick skillets and 2 stoves.

The very first egg from my backyard flock, and the lady who laid it.

Let’s chat eggs, shall we?  One of my favorite subjects, obviously, as I have 11 chickens living in my back yard.  Actually, a proper article on eggs would be an entire book, so let’s just talk about frying eggs.  This is the ONLY application in my kitchen that I use a nonstick skillet for.  If your cabinets are filled with nonstick skillets, donate them to Goodwill and get those outta there.  They’re bad for you, for one.  At high temperatures, the nonstick coating begins to break down at the molecular level and release carcinogens into the air.  (Enough that it can kill your pet parrot dead in a few seconds.)  WebMD and Good Housekeeping tell us, under the authority of a food science professor, that as long as you don’t heat nonstick pans above 500 degrees, you’re fine.  Still…I don’t really wanna be cooking on a surface that becomes carcinogenic “only” at a certain temps.  ?!?  So many years ago, I ditched all my expensive nonstick, except for a single 8″ omelet pan that is used only for cooking eggs.  And I never looked back.  Nonstick is a HORRIBLE cooking surface, in terms of performance.  If you prefer sacrificing flavor for ease of cleaning, you might as well just buy all your food in the frozen section and heat it in the microwave.  Ditch your nonstick and fill your cabinets with cast iron, and clad stainless steel pans with copper cores.

To make the perfect sunny side up egg the way the judges want you to, preheat your nonstick pan over medium-low to medium heat (depending on how hot your stove is).  When you can feel the warmth coming gently from the surface after a few minutes (or have a surface temp around 275F if you have one of those nifty infra-red thermometers), the pan is ready.  Give it a spritz with spray oil, or brush it lightly with melted butter or bacon fat.  Crack your eggs into the pan…or for better control, crack them first into a bowl so you can remove any bits of shell and ensure the egg isn’t rotten or with a bloody yolk.  (A red spot or flake here and there is fine.)  Let the egg bubble gently and keep an eye on the white right around the yolk.  Once that white is completely solidified and is no longer translucent, tilt the pan toward your serving plate and gently shake the egg loose and onto the plate.  Then salt and pepper and serve.

To make a BETTER sunny side up egg, heat the pan surface to 350F or so.  This will give you some caramelization on the bottom of the egg for extra flavor and texture, and the white should cook through in under a minute.

Eggs from my backyard chickens, looking radically different in the pan from storebought eggs

A side note for those of you who are curious…my backyard eggs from my chickens have a white that’s VERY different from commercially available cage-free, organic eggs.  (Well,the yolks are also very different.)  The white has 2 dramatically distinct parts, the normal “runny” white that spreads out in the pan when you crack it (of which there is VERY little in my eggs), and a layer of VERY thick white that encases the yolk.  This white is SO thick that it even forms a layer ON TOP of the yolk as it cooks, so my backyard eggs don’t work well for sunny side up eggs, because there’s still raw white sitting on top of the yolk, and if I cook it long enough for all the white to solidify, the yolks are cooked solid all the way through.  I’m assuming this is because I typically eat the eggs the day they are laid, whereas as a storebought egg may be a week or two from being laid, or more.  The whites break down and become runnier as the egg ages, but my delicious backyard eggs never sit around for that long before being eaten or gifted to neighbors, friends, and family.

I’ve also noticed quite a difference between the whites and yolks of eggs from the different breeds I have.  The Black Australorps lay eggs with almost no runny white at all.  (The eggs in this photo are from my Australorps.)  While the eggs from the Wyandottes have more runny white and less thick white.  The eggs you get at the store are laid by White Leghorns (pronounced “LEG-urns”), if they’re white, or Rhode Island Reds (or sometimes Hampshires), if they’re brown.  So eggs from those chickens are the only eggs that the vast majority of Americans are familiar with.  But there are HUNDREDS of breeds of chicken, and each lay eggs with their own unique qualities.  And chickens which forage for their food lay eggs that differ dramatically by season, based on what their diet is.  In a culinary-wise country, like France, they know which breeds and seasons are best for which applications.  For example, spring egg yolks from Crevecour hens make the best custard.  Whites from fall Faverolles hens are best for making meringue.  But in our industrialized food production system, we move toward something called “monoculture” where we only raise 1 variety of something (which has often been selectively bred or genetically modified to maximize production) so other types of chickens, pigs, tomatoes, watermelons, etc. are becoming increasingly rare.  Monoculture is bad news.  Variety is always best.

The challenge begins and ends rather immediately, and judging begins with Joe throwing away 2 of Lynn’s eggs because they were undercooked.  (He throws the entire plate into the garbage, shattering it.  That’s not wasteful at all, Joe.)  Then he throws away the PROPERLY cooked eggs with br0wned edges…that’s how they’re supposed to be cooked.  More broken plates.  By the time Joe has finished breaking plates, Lynn has 8 perfect eggs left.

Now it’s time to break some of Bri’s plates, and she ends up with 13.  Bime is last, and of his 32 eggs, at least 9 are acceptable, once again bouncing Lynn from the MasterChef kitchen.

Now Bri and Bime will battle to win back their apron by breaking down and cooking 7 portions of Alaskan king salmon, asparagus, and potatoes, and serving them with Hollandaise sauce.

The judges present 2 beautiful salmon that they claim are line-caught off the coast of Alaska and cost $500 each.  That’s a pricey salmon!  Whole wild king salmon on the west coast usually costs between $12 and $16 a pound, which means this salmon must weigh 30-40 pounds, or it was sorely over-valued!

The challenge ends and the plates are delivered to the remaining 6 MasterChef contestants, plus Joe.  We see some shots of fillets with that white stuff squeezed out of the sides.  That’s not fat, as most people think.  It’s a combination of proteins called “albumin.”  The more you cook salmon, the more gets squeezed out.  You can minimize this by brining the salmon for 10 minutes…use 1 Tablespoon of kosher salt per cup of water.  This technique works for ALL steaky fishes, which all exude albumin, but because most of them have white flesh, it’s less noticeable.

The contestants place their votes for the best salmon, and miraculously, it comes down to 3 for Bri and 3 for Bime.  Funny how that ALWAYS works, right?  Without fail.  It ALWAYS comes down to the last vote in every scenario like this.  I mean, those odds are so good, you could bet on them every single time.

The last vote goes to Bri, and she regains her apron to bring the finalist count back up to 7.  It’s lovely to see Bri come back…she’s one of my favorites.  There is, however, a rumor mill that Bri is actually a hired actress and not a real contestant.  (Her social media indicates she’s been friends with upper-level producers BEFORE the show was filmed.)  And she’s been working as a pastry chef in LA since the show filmed, and has been offered a job as a pastry chef at Thomas Keller’s legendary NYC artisan bakery Bouchon.  Such offers have NEVER been bestowed on an amateur chef from MasterChef before…in fact, such an offer is practically unheard of in ALL of competitive food television, including shows with professional chefs.  Which sorta leads me to think that Bri is a professional pastry chef (and her college theatre background is merely how she’s being labeled on the show), and the producers know her well enough to know what a perfect addition she would be to the cast this year.  Her character on the show may, in fact, all be an act.  Check out her professional acting portfolio shots:!photo-2216112

(Thanks to fan Nick Shiraef for finding those.  They’re actually great photos, Bri!  But certainly nothing like the pale, geeky vegetarian we’re seeing on MasterChef.  Some people are saying she’s actually not vegetarian at all, which would explain why she cooks meat so well!)

Again…all this is merely rumor.  But more than one MC contestant from previous seasons were beginning to doubt the authenticity of her spot as an actual contestant BEFORE these rumors and Facebook photos started flying around, so it’s certainly not unthinkable.  (UPDATE: Bri has sent me a comment via her Facebook account that she would like included here, so you can read her side of the story in the comments below.)

But one thing is certain…Bri’s character on the show is totally adorable, and I’ll be glad to see more of it, whether it actually represents her authentic self or not.

Let me know what you thought of this episode on the comments below, and relish these last few blog posts, because once I hit the road for Burning Man on the 17th, I won’t be watching or blogging about MasterChef until AFTER the show has finished airing, when I get back in late September!  Only one blog left until then…

130 responses to “MasterChef 4 recap: Eggs and Salmon (S4E18)”

  1. Marie Porter Avatar

    The whole “watch the vegetarian beat the non vegetarian at the meat related challenge” thing gets SO tired. Even if I didn’t know what was going to happen, as SOON as they brought out whole fish to fillet, it was so obvious how it would go.

    Of course, as soon as they showed the preview for next week, it was pretty obvious why she was chosen to come back. You know. “Rumours” aside 🙂

  2. Dave Pirovich Avatar

    Certainly one of the most bizarre episodes I’ve ever seen.

  3. Leslie Lockwood Avatar
    Leslie Lockwood

    Aww I love reading your blog after the show airs. I really wish Bime got back on the show. I am disappointed that you won’t be until after the finale.

  4. Dee Woodlock Avatar
    Dee Woodlock

    Can you drop off your 5 yr old nephew at my house….I need egg lessons from him!!!

  5. Mindy Ellen Behrmann Avatar
    Mindy Ellen Behrmann

    I hope you have a wonderful time at the Burning Man. Please tell me about it, I love learning about cultural experiences (especially if they are food related :D).

  6. MsShay Avatar

    Hi, Ben. Loved this blog for several reasons.
    1. I love my eggs with a bit of brown. If Julia Child says that it should only take about 60 seconds to cook a French omelette, who am I to argue.
    2. My BIL hens egg yokes have a much deeper color than store bought. Love them, esp. in fresh pasta.
    3. I NEVER use non stick for the very reasons you cited. I cook my morning egg in a small lovely vintage copper sauté pan. It makes a very nice over easy egg. But now I have a very serious addiction to copper cookware, and have been trying to supply my needs at thrift stores, flea markets, and ebay, which in itself is another one of my addictions.
    4. Totally agree with everything about MC and I had been wondering about Bri. But then, I suspect real home cooks, like myself, who just love to cook, aren’t cast because we don’t have food dreams that being on MC would fulfill.

    And lastly, best of luck with Burning Man. Will miss your blogs

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, Ms. Shay! I always love your comments. I have a funny story…my neighbor Sharon is retired and has a booth at the local antique mall, and does a lot of selling on Craigslist and Ebay and Facebook. One afternoon we were cleaning out her garage prepping for a garage sale, and she pulled out a box of copper pots and pans and said, “Do you think someone will buy this whole box of pots if I put $5 on it?” I SHRIEKED and asked how long those had been living in her garage, and she said, “Years and years. They look so old fashioned I figured they weren’t worth anything in the kitchen, but someone might like the way they look and use them for decoration.” I threw a fit right there in the garage. The pots now live at FRANK, and when we’re not cooking on them for our guests, Jennie Kelley uses them in her food styling gigs…because they are both spectacularly beautiful, and the best thing in the world to cook on.

      1. MsShay Avatar

        OMG, Ben, I would have killed for those pots and pans! But good to know they are serving their purpose in life so well. I hope to be able to see them in action one day at Franks.

  7. Craig R. Smith Avatar

    So is there any way to get the thick whites to cook through while still keeping the yolks runny? The only thing I know is a lot of hand-tending, spooning the bacon fat or butter onto the whites while trying to keep it off the yolks, or else cooking them over easy. I can do amazing omelets, I can make most wonderfully soft and tender scrambled eggs. But a simple fried egg seems be beyond my capability to get right. (Though of course I agree with you about those tasty, crispy browned edges!)

    1. Ben Avatar

      Craig, for my backyard eggs, I always do them over easy. (And it can STILL be hard to get the thick part of the white fully cooked while keeping the yolk molten.) It’s much easier to cook storebought eggs over easy.

  8. Nick Shiraef Avatar
    Nick Shiraef

    That is very disheartening if they hired someone who didn’t really want to be a home cook masterchef (whatever the hell that is) and then kept the mole in the competition this long.

    This really is Bri??:!photo-2216112

    Especially since, during the casting process, they continually insist that you BE YOURSELF and DON’T LIE OR EMBELLISH.

    1. Ben Avatar

      HAHAHAHA…Good find, Nick! (I’ll add that link to the blog.) Bri’s fellow contestants say that off camera she was TOTALLY different than her on-camera persona. She insisted that she had been cast to play the b-tch that everyone hated, which is obviously NOT how she’s being edited. It’s very, very strange.

    2. Mat Avatar

      I can’t really speak to whether she’s legit or not, but I don’t really consider glamour shots to be indicative of who someone is one way or another. I was a theatre major myself and I’ve known people who’ve done photos like that without actually having the type of personality you would assume them to have. I guess as supporting evidence maybe, but if she was in theatre/acting before the show it’s not unusual for her to have done stuff like this.

  9. Shawna Avatar

    I love that you teach us the real ways to do the things on the show 🙂

  10. Tee Pig Avatar

    This is something that has been on my mind for a while. At the start of each mystery box challenge, I always see Gordon, Joe and Graham talk to each other about what dish they would do or how they would do it, and they talk about it quite loud. Is it possible for a contestant to listen to the judges and then execute the same dish?

    One more thing, in one episode in season 3 where the contestants had to cook a dessert with corn, David wanted to make rice pudding and when he stepped out of the pantry, he forgot the rice. He was so devastated and even the judges said that he couldn’t do anything else now that he has all the ingredients for rice pudding. But I was thinking, he had milk, sugar, egg, and corn, so it was possible for him to do a corn creme caramel, or a corn creme brulée, so is it the rule that if a contestant chose one dish he cannot change it anymore?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Tee, I heard the judges whispering about what they would do quite a few times on my season. But I was in the 2nd row from the front. And they were talking quietly. (The mics pick up the sound very well.) I suppose I could have done what they were suggesting to each other…but ultimately, a passionate cook does what HE wants to do. Also, you formulate your cooking plan during a very short time frame after the challenge is announced, and it’s hard to change gears once that’s solidly in your head. (Though disasters can be make you change course later in the challenge.)

      On my season there wasn’t a rule that a contestant couldn’t change his dish halfway through. Many of us did it. It’s POSSIBLE that rule was put in place on Season 3. (There are many rules you don’t hear about.) However, my guess is that David was dead set on this rice pudding and didn’t stop for a second to realize that he could have done something with the corn instead. When you’re in the heat of the challenge, your brain doesn’t think rationally.

  11. Marie Porter Avatar

    You know, I kind of wondered about whether she was really a vegetarian. If that’s fake, I’ll be so disappointed – Adriana Guillen was there as a LEGIT vegetarian, and blogs vegetarian meals that actually look amazing (I’m a carnivore, through and through!)

    Where “vegetarian” has definitely been a storyline thing, I feel like if Bri isn’t actually veg, Adriana was cheated. She’s such a total sweetheart, I hope that’s not the case 🙁

    1. Tom Avatar

      If she is a hired actress it might not be important if she is vegetarian or not….or maybe a bit. I am not a vegetarian myself so I don’t care too much about that fact. Maybe I would think in a different way as a vegetarian. She Cooks meat quite well for a vegetarian, sometimes too proficient. Starting to doubt most of the ‘facts’.

      1. Marie Porter Avatar

        I just think it would be a shame for a talented, legit vegetarian to be cut to leave room for a fake one to take the spotlight / fill a “character” slot, you know? If the fact that she’s vegetarian wasn’t so integral to the storyline they’ve crafted for it, it would be a totally different thing, for me.

        I have no idea if she is or not, though. I think we may have exchanged a sentence or two in LA, and we’re not friended on Facebook or anything. NO idea what she’s like/about.

        1. Tom Avatar

          You are absolutely correct, assuming that there was any chance for real homecooks to fill this character Slot. Which by now I seriously doubt. She is an interesting character, I even like her in the show.

      2. MaryAnn Avatar

        I don’ t like that they are ‘hiring’ anyone to fill certain slots. Heavens knows enough people try out for this show that there shouldn’t be any problem whatsoever finding someone to fill all the slots! It’s wrong to do that, especially when a passionate home cook is sent home and a ‘character’ hired by the producers is left in the competition.

        As far as vegetarians cooking meat, I have not eaten meat since I was 13. Prior to that my parents gave me no choice but at 13 I majorly rebelled and said no more! I hated the taste and texture terribly. BUT that said, I have cooked meat since I married my husband in 1980 at 20. Most people assumed that my husband cooked it and I have gotten great compliments on what I’ve served over the years. I just don’t taste what I’m cooking and use flavor combinations I have found by reading cook books, recipes, etc.

    2. Ben Avatar

      Awwww…I LOVED Adriana. Was so upset to see her go. Vegetarians are definitely not the target audience for MasterChef. Especially considering the Walmart meat commercials. So I’m am puzzled as to why they would script in a vegetarian charade for Bri to play. No vegetarian has ever gotten this far on MC.

      1. Marie Porter Avatar

        I would assume it’s because of the challenge they previewed for the next episode. 🙂

        Have you seen Adriana’s blog? Gorgeous: .. Just sent you both a friend suggestion, too 🙂

      2. Michelle B Avatar
        Michelle B

        I’m not at all surprised they’d script in a vegetarian. Last season you had Christine Ha wow people with her ability to overcome all odds as a blind chef. How do you top…or at least continue…that? What other disadvantage can someone overcome? They had someone who can’t see what they cook, so how about someone who can’t taste most of the food they cook. Aha – a vegetarian!

        People love to root for the underdog – the person who battles extra odds to make it to the top. Just like Christine Ha didn’t just appeal to blind people, I think the idea was that that a vegetarian wouldn’t just appeal to fellow vegetarians.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Fabulous insight, Michelle, I hadn’t thought about it that way. Bri certainly appeals to me, and I’m FAR from vegetarian. I feel more connected to her than ANYONE else this season.

    3. Jon Parker Avatar
      Jon Parker

      It was a crime that Adriana was eliminated so early. I’ve made a couple of recipes off her blog and they were really good (although it makes me nuts that she calls for fleur de sel in recipes where kosher salt would be just as good).

      I agree that Bri is adorable, whether she’s a plant or not.

  12. Tom Avatar

    Couldn’t agree with you guys more, a very strange episode even for MC US standards. It might be okay to bring some contestants back for some dramatic effect and the overused phrase of America being the country of ‘second chances’. All good and well, MC Australia has done it too but in a very different Fashion.

    Doing an egg can be a challenge but that is bordering on the comical. In German you call that “jemanden verarschen” (to kid someone). I mean cmon; you are brought back and have to do eggs and after 10 minutes you can go home again?? ridiculous!!
    Then there weren’t any burned eggs, just eggs that were browned a bit and at least in my humble opinion taste better than the colorless abominations on the plates! 🙂 But hey, who am I to question the demi gods of cooking! 🙂 I am just a humble home cook and have worked as a professionell chef for a couple of years.
    But then I got really upset when they started to throw away all those eggs with the plates. Really?? This might be a show that tries to maximise dramatic effect but there are certain things you just don’t do any more or should have done in the past. I might have lost the last bit of respect for the judges.
    So, the battle of the high heels starts in earnest….funny again that all were dressed up for dinner but not one had a clue what was coming! I will be watching this series to the end but there is no way I will be watching the next season of MC US…..
    The most interesting part are the articles on this blog and gosh Ben gave us some really interesting insights in the art of the egg!! THe Sun Tsu of eggism! 🙂

  13. Joseph-Marc Ouellette Avatar

    I just finished watching the latest episode of MasterChef online… Something is definitely fishy here, and I don’t mean the salmon. The three candidates chosen to fight it out for a return to the MC kitchen should have been the last three eliminations (Eddie, Bri and Bethy), IF they had to choose just three. Also, there is definitely something odd about Bri. She’s just a bit too perfect for a vegetarian cook. She can cook meat, fish, etc. just a tad too well for someone who is supposed to have been vegan since, what, 14 years old? Obviously the producers like her, but even her apparent disgust at the fish she had to prepare, seemed a bit contrived, if not over-dramatized. There’s also a seeming lack of genuine surprise when she passed the egg test. Like she knew she would pass with no worry.

    Now that I’ve read your blog post, Ben, I understand a bit more why. She’s “been friends with upper-level producers BEFORE the show was filmed.” (Isn’t that a conflict of interest?). Whether or not Bri is a ‘ringer’, or a professional pastry chef, this one fact alone should have disqualified her from the show.

    But then again, this is not a real, or a fair, competition, now is it?

    1. Tom Avatar

      It is not really a fair competition and the question is if it ever was one. Going home on just one dish is way too random. Even the best Chefs struggle from time to time and have to do dishes a second time. But keeping them all and adding up just Points till the end would be too boring for many, wouldn’t it?? Where is the thrill, where is the drama?
      Even ‘the great British bake off’ sends People home but there you are at least judged on different dishes over a Weekend. So if one dish wasn’t perfect you can redeem yourself. This is a much fairer process and still interesting to watch.

      @ all, sorry for some typos. My autocorrection slips back to the German version and I am getting tired of editing all the time when the damned machine thinks that it knows everything better. 🙂

      @ Ben, I think you might edit the recap to episode 18 and not 14…:)…

      1. Ben Avatar

        Ooops…thanks, Tom!

  14. Motty Avatar

    I have to disagree with your assessment of the correct way to run a cooking competition. Look at professional football as an example. The regular season is very exciting for about 14 weeks, and the last 3 weeks have a lot of games that aren’t meaningful because the players have already been eliminated from playoff contention. So rating take a hit. The playoffs games are always exciting because they carry the element of win or go home. Sometimes an upset happens, but really that’s what makes the game so exciting. Weather, injuries, luck… those all factor in to keep things interesting, and those kinds of variables should be present in a cooking competition too.

    The challenge in any sport is to create a scenario where the best player or team really does win, but also to avoid non-meaningful games. Perhaps the right approach might be what they do in PGA golf. They start with a large group of golfers and then do a cut halfway through. They could even do multiple cuts… perhaps ending off with a final four. The problem with that format though, of course, is that everyone complains that they don’t show all of the dishes in the first half of the season because there are too many cooks. Then again, that could be solved by starting with a smaller group.

    Perhaps start with 12, do three to five episodes. Go to 8, do three episodes. Go to 6, do thee episodes. Go to 4 and maybe have three episodes where they do a round robin. Then have a grand final with just two cooks. If you want more episodes, you show more audition stuff, or alternatively you have some specialty prizes for eliminated contestants. So, for example, the top two bakers might get dropped halfway through but be brought back for a bakeoff with some small cash prize. That way, you’re being transparent that certain chefs get brought back because they’re fun to watch, but the real prize remains up for grabs to the best all around chef.

    That would be the way to do it. But honestly… I doubt you’d get the ratings that masterchef gets. Fox knows what its doing. Manufactured drama sells, sometimes better than the real thing. Look at pro wrestling versus pro boxing. Which industry makes more money consistently year after year?

  15. Michelle Avatar

    To be perfectly honest, though I was glad to see Bri back (mole or not) I was more distracted by WTF they did to poor Krissi with her hair.

  16. John W Hall Avatar
    John W Hall

    Having enjoyed sunny side ups since a kid, I have always had a major problem getting the whites to cook properly throughout, without actually burning the edges. A couple of years ago, I was talking with a friend in a short order kitchen, and I noticed that the line cook cracked the eggs into the pans, then used the edge of a spatula to ‘break’ the thicker white part of the eggs. The result was that the two different consistencies of albumen kind of merged together, with the end result being a very uniform thickness, and perfectly cooked throughout.

    Naturally, I thought that this was just a trick, but I experimented on no less that 22 eggs – and it WORKS!!

    1. Ben Avatar

      That’s a great tip, John, thanks for sharing!

    2. Jennifer Allen Rossi Avatar

      That’s the same “trick” I used when I worked as a short order cook, and it does work like a charm!

  17. Zhofran Avatar

    I think the reason why bri can cook meat because she decided to become a vegetarian not too long ago (when she was on college). She mentioned that on her audition

    But really, a vegetarian can FILLET a salmon and cook SEVEN portion to PERFECTION? This must be something fishy isn’t it?

  18. Piper Avatar

    I’m feeling rather… betrayed by this show if the rumours are true. I don’t expect a lot out of reality television other than some passing entertainment, but when someone you start enjoying, someone you feel drawn to because they’re a little different and you recognize those same things in yourself… and then to find out it might be an act. It just sours the entire show for me.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Piper, in a sense EVERY character you see on MasterChef is an act, because you’re getting a heavily filtered, censored image of them. Bri may, in fact, be exactly like she is in real life. Or maybe not. Christian Collins on my season was NOTHING like he is in real life. In fact, *I* am very little like the character you saw on MasterChef. If you like Bri’s character…enjoy those feelings. Anything that makes you happy is good for you!

      1. steve Avatar

        In fact, *I* am very little like the character you saw on MasterChef.

        Yeah, I Knew the nice-guy act on the show was a sham. You cruel, cunning manipulator you.

        1. Constance Avatar

          Ha! Where’s the like button?

        2. Ben Avatar

          HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now you know my horrible secret!

  19. Leslie Lockwood Avatar
    Leslie Lockwood

    If you watched the opening of the show the clip with Paula Deen shows you who the final 5 are or who they want you to believe are the final 5….James, Luca, Natasha, Krissi, and Jessie. I don’t think anyone is off to the left. That thing of Bri is very fishy

    1. Deborah Avatar

      This makes bringing someone back all the more bizarre. At least when they engineered Josh’s return they took him to final 2. Why bring someone back for one or two episodes, and in such a bizarre way?

      Ooh–maybe they’re going to paint Bri over Paula Deen, thereby vanishing her from the show?

  20. mary helgeson (@nursemary_23) Avatar

    I’m still blown away by the judges bragging about Walmart steaks and produce! The fact that they can say it with straight faces tells me the show is a farce, but I still get sucked in year after year!

  21. 1 Avatar

    Bri’s foodspotting profile. A year ago she was quite happily cooking and eating seafood and now she makes the comment about salmon and dead bodies.

    1. Marie Porter Avatar

      WOW! She “Wanted” lobster a year ago? I guess that settles it. UGH 🙁

      1. Marie Porter Avatar

        Boo. I was hoping it was just seafood, so maybe it would just be “well, she’s pescatarian…” (Which still makes no sense about the salmon drama), but nope… I scrolled down, there’s pork and chicken and other meats in there.

        1. Constance Avatar

          Marie, the MC Facebook page featured a recipe from Bri recently for chicken teriyaki.

  22. Natasha Avatar

    Clearly once again if you re-listen to when Bime comes back into the competition its two totally different sound bites put together as one of me calling him a “loser”, BECAUSE I distinctly remember saying kind words about him being back and how his daughters would be so proud. Oh Ben, knowing now what has happened and how it all works and goes down, I would have never ever have even ventured into this nonsense. I swear being in the Public eye people can just be plain rude and heartless. Then again C’est la vie. Live, learn and move on.

    Love your realistic views on it all.


    Have the time of your life at burning man, and if your close to SD come by and visit please.

    1. Ben Avatar

      As always, so great to have you pipe in, and it sounds like you’ve become a TRULY MC survivor, girl! Ha ha ha… I was SUPPOSED to be in SD for a week prepping for Burning Man, but it ends up prep is happening here in Texas, but my two dearest friends live in SD and I’m there all the time, and I can’t WAIT to meet you! *big hugs*

    2. Tom Avatar

      As the show must go on I have stopped to judge people on the “facts” of TV-programmes. Were you allowed to change your style of dressing? Can’t remember if it was MC US oder MC Australia; some of the contestant told the public that they had to stick to one dressing style in order to be identyfied better as a unique character or so. (I think it was MC Aus; the young female teacher of last years season)

      1. Ben Avatar

        Tom, the show does require some contestants to change their look. Kathy, one of the top 18 from this season, was a big, bold, sassy dresser. Giant earrings. Bright colors. Dyed hair. They took her to a salon to have her hair cut and dyed brown, made her wear a bunch of track suits to make her look “quiet and normal.” On my season, contestants from Texas were encouraged to talk with a regional accent. Adrien Nieto was asked to speak and curse in Spanish as often as possible. They definitely manipulate people to fit more into the character stereotype they were cast to fill.

    3. Adam Ferrero Avatar

      Natasha, I thought after I heard that on the show that something was odd because of how you are when you come here. I watched that segment again, and the sound bite splicing is obvious. It’s apparent that the producers just don’t care about you or any of the contestants one way or the other. Paint you a villain and let slip dogs of war on social media; not their problem. Keep coming back and showing us the person you really are – I’m pulling for you (whether that means you winning MasterChef or escaping further horrors at their hands, I’m not sure.)

      Ben, what do you think is more likely? That the voting went as was shown, that the votes were accurate, but reordered to produce the most drama, that Joe knew the votes and voted accordingly to produce the correct result & drama, that the contestants were ORDERED to vote the way they did, or that Joe walked around the corner and was handed a platter with the votes pre-arranged, never actually being the contestants votes? At any rate, I wonder if when the votes were over, if Joe dropped the platter in the garbage. I could have used more plates…

      1. Ben Avatar

        I don’t believe contestants would ever be ordered to vote a certain way…the show goes to great lengths to convince you that it is 100% merit-based, and that the judges have all the say. (However, when the army of producers and network people file out of the control room to meet with the judges before they announce who is eliminated, it tends to shatter that illusion pretty rapidly.) If the results were really that evenly split, I would imagine the producers arranged the cards in such a way that they delivered maximum suspense. You can imagine the mutiny that would happen if the contestants found out their votes had been completely manipulated though. So I have no idea HOW they consistently come down to these “the last vote decides” scenarios. But they somehow magically always do.

        I do, however, wonder if there isn’t some instruction regarding voting that is issued to the groups that judge group challenges. It’s VERY bizarre when, for instance during the surfer challenge, you can have a straight run of 15 votes for the same team…then suddenly that switches to a straight run of 20 for the other team. That’s so statistically unlikely that it would be worthy of scientific investigation if it was a truly random occurrence.

        1. Tom Avatar

          Sometimes votes from the public can be very strange. I did some competitions at a local hobby store (painting model miniatures) and ifrom time to time it occured that the results that came in were really strange. So it can be that 15 people in a row vote for a certain miniature or in our case a team. I really doubt that they order contestants to vote this way or the other. The risk of being exposed by some of the contestants seems to be too high. Maybe they wait with Joe’s vote and maybe there really were 3 votes for Bime and 3 for Bri, doesn’t seem totally unlikely. I assume that the contestants might talk to each other for whom they have voted, so it would be strange if everyone said that he or she voted just for one…..again, just educated guesses. 🙂

    4. Ian (@yoursisalsomine) Avatar

      Hello, Natasha! I am amazed to actually find you commenting here. I stumbled upon Ben’s blog on reddit a few minutes ago and have been browsing ever since.

      It sucks that you’re getting so much unnecessary hate from immature viewers. These people are most likely the ones who believe that everything on tv is real and 100% legit. I’d advice you to just ignore them but I’m sure that’s what you’ve been doing all this time already.

      Anyway, for what it’s worth, I actually love you on the show! Always have been right from the start. I still have some catching up to do on my episodes though as I am only on episode 14. I watch the series online, you see. Anyways, I think you’re great and ignore the immature haters who feel like they know you just because they saw you on tv 🙂

    5. Deborah Avatar

      Natasha: The last few episodes I feel like I’m watching a battle between the contestants, all held hostage by their contracts, and the producers. It’s very dramatic, but not the inter-contestant faceoff they’re trying to show.

  23. Sean Avatar

    Ben, I’m a huge fan of you and your blog, and always agree with you on every single thing you say and have all the same feeling and ideas as you. I have two questions. The first about your overall Masterchef experience. Just how fake is the show. How much of it is talent and how much of it is the Producers doing what they want. Do they assign characters to the contestant (take Christian from your season for an example. I feel like he wasn’t actually so cocky, but after Max Kramer left they needed an (excuse my French) ass-y character so they told Christian to become that. Basically how different is what we’re seeing from what actually happens.

    Secondly, if this were a completely fair and true show, when the contestants were judging between the two meals, do you think any of them would vote for the worse one because they knew this would be a future competitor?

    I really hope Bri is not a fake because I love her!

    And If you’re ever in Nashville I’d LOVE to meet you. We are really getting a blossoming food scene here!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sean, characters aren’t specifically assigned to the contestants. Contestants are cast into a list of desired characters when they match those characteristics. Some people match more than one. Christian was the cool young dad who’d lived a hard life with drugs, and found a new life when he devoted it to his son. He was also the very confident, cocky guy who, like many folks from Mass, has no problem speaking very honestly about what he thinks regarding his fellow contestants. Producers love that kind of character, because they can edit him EITHER way. They don’t tell you, “Okay, now you’re the villain.” Christian’s behavior didn’t change one little bit when Max left. The way they EDITED him changed.

      SO MUCH happens on MasterChef, and you see only a fraction of it. Sound bytes from one place in the season get pulled out of context and edited in at another place. Very little of what makes it to the screen is actual reality. You need to watch the show for entertainment purposes ONLY, and don’t start trying to make judgement calls about how a person is like in real life.

      I’m not sure if a contestant would deliberately vote for a worse dish to get the weaker contestant back. Then again, I’m not sure the results you see on the show are the actual votes from the contestants! (I was always HIGHLY suspicious of the judging results, especially in group challenges.)

  24. Minda Avatar

    The wastefulness of this episode when we have millions of hungry people in this country was disgusting. I have a hard time getting past that and on to the Bri rumors. Another thing that bothered me was that poor Natasha was shown (thanks to editing) frowning the whole episode…I guess to make her look mean? The producers must think we are seriously gullible. The drama on Breaking Pointe is more tolerable.

    1. Tom Avatar

      Couldn’t agree more with you Minda. It was disgusting. And it wouldn’t come as a surprise if Natascha is a friendly caring mother in real life, who actually laughs a lot. 🙂

      1. Natasha Avatar

        Tom, you couldn’t be more on point with that comment!

        1. Tom Avatar

          thought so. ;D
          enjoy life and don’t give to much about gossip. And Ben is a good example of what is important in life; love, good food and following your dream!

    2. John W. Hall Avatar
      John W. Hall

      Minda said “The producers must think we are seriously gullible.” ……….Suddenly everything about the show fell into place with a thud – it’s obvious – the show is actually designed solely for WalMart customers – and if you want to see more about them, Have a truly wonderful WalMart Prime cut Black Label Ribeye day y’all 🙂

      1. Ben Avatar

        Well, there ya have it!

        1. Marie Porter Avatar

          That has got to be the weirdest, most hilarious use of RuPaul music…

      2. Michele Avatar

        John — The trashing of Walmart clients is cruel and hateful, but that kind of crap seems to be SNAFU for the internet nowadays. Most of these people don’t deserve this kind of hideous treatment–to have photos stuck up their butt or crotch, etc. IMHO the purveyors of this kind of junk are the real human trash. I personally hate shopping at Walmart because of how they treat their employees but I have loved ones who do shop there and it suits their needs. Human beings don’t deserve this kind of treatment simply for where they shop or for dressing bad, or in the case of many of these photos, for just being lower class folks who deserve to shop without being ridiculed and having some asshole with a camera secretly shooting them when they bend over to pick something up.

        Ben, thanks for your blog and telling the un-reality of “reality TV.”

        1. elisheva Avatar

          Could not agree more, Michele. Best comment on this blog thus far.

      3. Constance Avatar

        Eek! I need brain bleach after viewing that video.

  25. Joi (@Joi_the_Artist) Avatar

    I hate, hate, HATE the wanton smashing of plates! All of my plates are thrift store finds, or cast-offs from friends, because that’s all I can afford. Seeing perfectly good things being wrecked in the name of drama just makes me ill! (I feel the same way about the mounds of butchered meat I see in episodes: what happens to the vast amount of food that’s wasted on the show?)

    1. Ben Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more, Joi. There’s waste on so many levels going on there. You can be certain that the vast, hard working culinary team that supplies the pantry would never let a rare, expensive, or hard-won ingredient go to waste. They’ll snatch up the rest of that salmon and take it home that night. The leftovers on the stations are eaten by the crew. And the excess from the pantry is donated. So in that sense, waste is kept to a minimum. But to flaunt waste like they did in this episode is just excruciating to watch.

    2. Michele Avatar

      The smashing of the plates really disgusted me. They could have donated them to charity if they didn’t want them.

      1. elisheva Avatar

        The plates were bought specifically to smash in dramatic manner (or dedicated to this usage after purchase in bulk for general use of the show). It is unrealistic to be angry at a show for smashing plates – television programs spend huge amounts of money on production costs, and this is a very very small drop in that bucket. With a consumer-based society, you buy something and it is now yours to use as you see fit. The plates were very much wanted and very well utilized (from a production standpoint). Trying to dictate how one uses their purchases is a very slippery slope…if you want to be outraged, there are far more worthy causes.

        1. Tom Avatar

          For me it is a synonym for the waste that seems to be everywhere nowadays….perfectly good food is destroyed because it doesn’t look pretty anymore, the huge supermarket chains try to lure us into their stores with ever growing ranges of food while in other parts of the world people lack the very basics. So yes, there are more worthy causes to be outraged, but I can decide to dislike this display of wastefulness on the TV-screen. I do not care too much about the plates, cause everyone knows that that this is more peanuts but I care about the wrong signals. And yes the customers play their part in the charade…in the end it would be us who have the power to change certain behaviour.

  26. Linda Avatar

    After reading your blog, I was prepared to watch the episode with a critical eye for all the drama but nothing prepared me for utter wastefulness. Throwing good food into a rubbish bin just for the drama disgusted me. Not to even mention the perfectly useful plates smashed. Can’t they scrape off the eggs if they really need to make a point or just set them aside to show that they are below par. Seriously, all the grimacing is not because of the smashing but the wastefulness that they are showing. Disgraceful.
    Oh, on a brighter note– will miss your posts!! Happy Aidilfitri from Singapore.

  27. Andrea Avatar

    I can’t stand non-stick pans for eggs either, Ben! In fact, we have an assorted collection of old, very battered specialized (regarding size) pans for eggs we call cacerolas, and they work wonders. Especially my mother’s favorite, an oval-shaped, totally wonky one that never stays still on the stove, but is amazing.And of course, they have lids.

    I enjoy eggs, but due to a family history of high triglyceride levels in the blood, I prefer to not eat them more than twice a week. And like you, I love it when the edges are brown and slightly crunchy. No bland all-white stuff for me, muchas gracias. Which also raises a point I say to all my people over here after living in Houston: I very much prefer the eggs we get in Colombia. Granted, they’re nowhere near as good as getting them fresh from your pet chickens (say hi to the ladies from me!), but they have way more flavor than the ones I sampled in the US. To the point where every time I cooked eggs for breakfast, I invariably added some kind of cheese to them to give them some flavor!

    Regarding Bri’s return, can’t say I’m really that surprised. Ever since the first episodes, I did suspect foul play regarding her. I asked some of my veggie friends, and they suspect it too. It’s a damn shame the show has become a really bad circus. While Bri seems like a nice girl, I would’ve loved Bime to be back. You can’t fake that big heart!

    Also, what is this about you being very little like the guy we say on MC2? To be honest, I feel that the guy we saw there is a very subued version of the bubbly, hilarious guy I read on this BLOG (though you certainly have a heavy bite on your comments regarding MC, and I really enjoy it).

    Enjoy Burning Man, and don’t worry about the recaps! Your life and happiness is more important!

    1. steve Avatar

      Ever since the first episodes, I did suspect foul play regarding her.

      I think it’s more the fowl play that’s the problem.

      1. Andrea Avatar

        I see the pun there XD

  28. Marie Porter Avatar

    Bime was one of the people I hung out with most during my week at MasterChef 4. His personality on screen is pretty accurate – he was the funniest, most energetic people there, and always had us laughing. Total sweetheart, great sense of humour, very friendly and warm… I don’t think I saw him NOT smiling at all, the whole time. Definitely a great guy.

    1. Ben Avatar

      That’s a great testimonial, Marie. I’d love to meet the guy.

  29. steve Avatar

    Natasha, if it’s any consolation everyone except Jessie and Luca were portrayed as being a bit rotten to Bime.

    Overall you are coming across as less of a ‘mean girl’ in the latter episodes.

  30. Steve Avatar

    I was amused by Joe’s comment about “a unique second chance”…

  31. Dana Avatar

    Hey Ben! I just stumbled upon your blog because I only got into watching Master Chef this season (Hell’s Kitchen really turned me off from GR so it took a while to come around to this show.) I admit I spent a least a few hours going back through you blog and reading the insider tips – love them. I am also completely obsessed with Master Chef: Australia and the differences between the two shows are SHOCKING. MC:A seems to always give them DETAILED recipes and the gallery helps everyone out. I like the teamwork aspect of MC:A more than the American version but I like the judges on teh US version better!

    Keep up the great insights and recipe tips!

  32. joshoconner Avatar

    Thanks so much for this run down! This episode really bothered me for a variety of reasons. For one, the flagrant waste of foods was ridiculous. Secondly, I’m really tired of the need to constantly mention that Bri’s a vegetarian (I think it’s great and I am too, but seriously it’s not as if she doesn’t understand food because of it). The $500 salmon was way over the top especially considering this seasons shameless promotion of Walmart.

    Anyway… this episode got me thinking regarding the ethical responsibilities of shows like Masterchef, so I appreciate your thoughts on the subject. I posted mine on UrbanTimes –

    1. Ben Avatar

      WOW, what a great blog post! If you don’t mind, I’m going to share this on my blog…

    2. Tom Avatar

      cool article and I think that there could be much more interesting cooking formats. MC Australia is more diverse than MC US and I like it cause they do different cooking styles, go to different Locations and generally have a better attitude (more friendly), while still being competative and promoting brands and companies.
      The BBC had a good Programme with three well known Chefs (just can remember Angela Hartnett..), they had to cook on a tight budget. This are TV-Programmes that can be eye openers to many People who think that everyone can afford a Steak a day.
      Unfortunately they have removed the Episode from the BBC Iplayer but you can still read the recipes.
      If you follow the link one can see that there are many vegetarian dishes.

  33. Tiger Gray Avatar

    Burning Man? I’m so jealous! One of these years I’ll have to go.

    Bri is suspiciously adept at cooking meat. I suppose that could be the case if she cooks meat for omnivorous friends and family a lot, and I know they get some instruction, so I am not sure if it’s enough for me to say that she’s not an authentic contestant. Though, I find her appearance a little constructed, like a stereotype vegetarian hippie.

  34. steve Avatar

    Okay, here’s my theory on Bri. I want to emphasize that this is an uneducated guess based on rumors, so it’s probably about as reliable as the Russian justice system.

    The producers wanted to cover their bases, so intended Bri “to play the b-tch that everyone hated”, but also hedged their bets with a possible portrayal as Michelle B suggested above of the geeky “vegetarian underdog”.

    Bri managed to annoy some other contestants during on-camera time, but couldn’t maintain b-tch attitude all the time, and actually got on well with a number of contestants. The producers also had other people (Krissi, Natasha) they were finding they could portray as ‘mean’ or ‘bullying’, and at some point made the call to go for Bri being an underdog. But they made the compromise that she was the geeky underdog that rubbed some people up the wrong way (some people being other contestants, some in the audience).

    It would seem win/win to them.

    This may explain her alleged different behavior on camera and off.

  35. sockii (@sockii) Avatar

    I tried to pin Bri down on the vegetarian issue early in the season… you can see the conversation here: When I asked her if she was vegetarian or pescatarian she replied: “i believe in eating what your body tells you. i don’t go out of my way to eat seafood, but if i don’t eat for the rest of the day and my only option at staff meal at work, for example, is seafood, then i know i’ll need to eat some to get through the day. i do, however, only strictly consume seafood that i know is sustainable, and preferably, local, if that is the case.”

    I’ve seriously smelled a rat with her from the beginning when I was researching the contestants for my own recap blog and saw her acting/modeling portfolio.

  36. Ben Avatar

    Folks, in case you’re coming back here to check on or participate in the big argument that was going on in this thread, it has been removed. I DO NOT like censoring anyone’s comments (other than bleeping the occasional cuss word, since kids do read my blog), but the tone was getting very nasty on all sides, and I like my blog to be a place of positivity and rationality. My deepest apologies to those whose comments were removed. I left part of the original comment which sparked the argument, primarily because it illustrates how a contestant said one thing, and careful splicing in the editing room changed it to a completely opposite comment. (I’d have rather removed the ENTIRE comment to eliminate all traces of the argument, but I feel that part is important to the over message of my blog in terms of reality TV…ie, it’s fake.) Let’s keep all personal attacks to private email, or better yet, let’s not attack ANYONE…even if we believe it’s justified.

    1. Andrea Avatar

      I hold no hard feelings to the people in the fight, but I’m honestly glad you deleted that. It’s not fun to read someone’s bickering in a BLOG that isn’t even their own!

      1. Constance Avatar

        Glad you deleted it Ben. It was getting ugly with the squabbling and name calling. Your blog, your rules.

    2. MsShay Avatar

      I have no problem with the deletions. I rarely read blogs, much less comment on them, but I do on yours because I like yours because you try to create a positive place in an increasingly negative world.

    3. Deborah Avatar

      I’m glad it vanished. Like others, I come here to get a behind-the-scenes look at how this is stitched together. (I started MC for a cooking show a la Chopped–here’s a couple of unusual ingredients, let’s see what you can do–and am now caught up in the drama of the poor contestants held hostage by production. Next year I don’t think I’ll watch at all, all veneer of cooking having been stripped away.)

  37. Ben Avatar

    Folks, Bri has sent me a comment regarding the information in this post, and I wanted to share it. It came from her private Facebook account, so I will assume it is legit. Again, I stated VERY clearly in this post that all this is rumor, and I haven’t attempted to claim that any of it is fact or has been researched, so anyone who is taking this as fact is a bit outta their minds. 😉 Here’s what Bri has to say:

    Conversation started Thursday
    Brianna Kozior

    Hi Ben!

    I wanted to find you and write to you rather than post on your blog mostly because I didn’t know how or was afraid i’d type a really long message and it would never get sent haha. BUT feel free to use any or all of this message on your blog in response to your recent post!

    i just wanted to clarify a few things, so that there can be NO rumors. As you know, i graduated as a theatre major but my concentration was in acting. hence, me being an actor. however, like you, i was in MUSICALS, and have never before done any type of television work. If I was working for production as a spy and getting paid, that would make me totally awesome and a badass if i could actually pull that off! however, i’m not THAT cool. I am simply a weird 22 year old who was in her senior year of college, loved food more than life, and went to audition in NY for a show she had never really even seen before. which brings me to number two. facebook. i have NO IDEA who i was friends with on facebook before the show that was on production. for real! tell me if you know! because then it would just be a weird coincidence.

    As for my look, which A LOT of people have commented on online: yes. these are my actual clothes. as you know, we get wardrobe on the show but almost every single outfit you see on air is mine. (all except the stupid horse dress coming up in the next episode!) i don’t think i’m pale and geeky! okay well, pale, yes, we filmed in january/february but i really don’t see myself as geeky ha! maybe thats part of it. I lived in australia for about 7 months and after going my university classes ended, i worked as a professional model while i lived there. which is why the pictures look different. but either way, if anyone REALLY knew me/did their research, they’d see that i’m really into fashion and it’s not all cat shirts for me. my style is constantly changing and obviously just needed to be consistent on the show…along with EVERY other competitor.

    Lastly and MOST importantly, i’d like to clear up the statement about my current occupation, because it really makes me angry to think that there are people out there that believe im a trained chef who was planted on the show. i worked JUST as hard or harder than every other contestant this season. i FAILED at an eclair challenge. i NEVER made desserts on the show. i hated pastry! but i will tell you how it came about. After the show, I decided to stay in LA and persue becoming a chef. there was a new restaurant opening up in Manhattan Beach and so i applied for the only open position: “line/prep cook”. I went in for an interview but the chef was stuck at the bank and never made it in, so without looking at my resume, the Chef de Cuisine told me to come back in two days for a kitchen trail, having no idea i’d never worked in a kitchen before. (i did bus tables at 14 but that doesn’t really count). I immediately called my mom and had her overnight me my crocs and my knives–which i had by sheer luck because i used to sell Cutco knives in college. I then went to Surfas in Culver city to buy chefs pants and whites. At my trail, I did a small amount of prep but obviously wasn’t familiar with working in a professional kitchen. The chef never once actually saw me trail. a few hours later, he met with me, looked at my resume, and after me begging and convincing him that i was one of the hardest working and most passionate people he would ever have in his kitchen, i was hired. the next day, however, i never got to begin work as a prep cook. the pastry chef needed an assistant and being a new restaurant, he was working the whole department alone. I made all the desserts that night, including a new one i made myself and put on the menu…it was the only dessert that sold that night. after that, i secured my place in the kitchen. However, i didn’t need to. 10 days later the pastry chef never came back to work and i became head pastry chef. for 2.5 months i worked 12 hours a day 7 days a week. i made 4 different desserts changed out at least twice a week and hand rolled at least 300 pieces of bread out daily. the bread was my own recipe as were 90% of the desserts. I worked my ass off in that kitchen to both prove myself and learn. and learn i did. After four months of dealing with EVERY single paycheck bouncing, i finally gathered the courage and sense to leave. I applied to restaurants in NYC and heard back from two: The Breslin (michelin star, april bloomfield) offered me a position as a pastry cook, and Bouchon offered me a position too. i needed to be in a position where i could learn from others because i was running out of things to teach myself. I quit my job, found someone to takeover my lease, packed up my car and over a span of 4 days, drove to from LA to NYC. i also stopped in chicago after being invited to work pastry at both Graham Elliot Restaurant and Graham Elliot Bistro. After my trail at the breslin, i was offered the position on the spot. I was up against 14 other people for the position and was being hired based on skill level. Bouchon also offered me the position and being higher up, i accepted. I would also like to point out I never ONCE mentioned to any of these jobs (LA, NYC or otherwise) that i was on masterchef. I’m sure they found out on their own eventually but i wanted to be hired based SOLELY on skill level, not because i was on a tv show about cooking.

    Today was my first day at Bouchon and although i am WAY less seasoned working in a professional bakery, i am proud to say i can hold my own. I am honored and humbled to have been offered this position. but i also want people to understand how incredibly hard i worked to get to where i am right now. I literally began working in a kitchen exactly four months ago tomorrow. you said on your blog, “Such offers have NEVER been bestowed on an amateur chef from MasterChef before…in fact, such an offer is practically unheard of in ALL of competitive food television, including shows with professional chefs. ” which is probably true. I was hired after less than four months experience. 99% of people would never be offered this opportunity. but i am the 1%. i always have been, in every aspect of my life. ask anyone that knows me. i have ALWAYS pushed to people that length of time/experience and skill level have nothing to do with one another. i think i display that pretty well on MasterChef this season. I appreciate all of my followers and supporters on the show this season. Every single fan is amazing and surprises me every day. The people who spread these “rumors” are contestants who never got an apron and are obviously bitter. they just need to find something else to do with their time. but for now, they can keep making up lies about me, because i will proudly keep proving everyone wrong. most people leave masterchef and go back to their everyday jobs and might have some sort of food related thing on the side. But i will keep cooking and working hard and completely immersing myself in the food industry until i get where i want to be. which, i promise you, will happen.

    anyway, sorry for the really long message but i really wanted to clarify those things. thanks for reading and i hope to meet you in person some day! and just a friendly reminder to fact-check your information before you make claims to the entire e-universe =]

    1. Deborah Avatar

      More proof that the contestants have really interesting stories if production could ever got off their manufactured feuds.

      1. John W. Hall Avatar
        John W. Hall

        Unfortunately, manufactured feuds are better for TV ratings than manufactured foods………. sorry!

        1. Ben Avatar

          Ha ha ha… Pun intended, eh? Good one, John.

  38. Yelena Avatar

    Hi Ben,
    After watching through the season 4 and reading all the discussion down here, I decided to re-watch the season 2 just for the sake of comparing the drama-level. And, oh my God… You guys looked like a great team, supporting each other and having each other back. There are almost no nasty comments and hate-talk. Even when Max was eliminated, the is so much respected and maturity in what he says about Christine needing the title more. I am just wondering where the hell the MC production team going, turning a professional culinary show into a drama filled disaster. Even when I look at the judges, what has gone wrong to Joe? I mean he’s tearing up every other episode, really??? This is utterly emotional to be on such a show, people go through a lot of stress, but I think people who watch this really want to see some fine professional cooking, some new stunning recipes and not all the tears and the hate talk. Really a big disappointment …
    I’m so happy to find your blog and see that there are actually a bunch of major foodies who share my emotions. Keep up the posts and I hope you bring some videos from the burning man as the previous one was a real gem… Hope to make it there some day

    1. Ben Avatar

      Very interesting perspective Yelena! It is impossible for me to watch my season as an innocent bystander, so it is fascinating to hear you say what you said after re watching my season. Thanks for your comment!

    2. Steve Avatar

      I watched season 3 first, then 2 then 1. My impression was the same: seasons 1 and 2 seemed (a little) less about ‘drama’ and a bit more about the food and knowing and liking the contestants, by comparison with the current season.

      Season 3 apparently still had some pretty unfair edits of people (David Martinez, for instance), but I still felt by-and-large the audience were meant to like the group on the whole. Even “villains” like Tali and Ryan were kind of likable – presented more as a little deluded than actually nasty.

      (By the way, in the planed movie adaptation of MasterChef, Ryan Umane going to be played by Ryan Reynolds.)

      As I’ve said before, season 3 apparently increased the ratings by 9% overall, and 8% in the “key” demographic (read: the people the advertisers think buy their product).

      To me, it doesn’t seem like the producers have tried awfully hard to emulate season 3, and have instead tried to emulate the worst aspects of each of the three preceding seasons. I dunno, but something ain’t quite right.

      1. Yelena Avatar

        Well I guess the ” food-loving people” are a tiny minority compared to the ” drama-lovers” , so they basically play up the script accordingly, after all it’s TV and they work for ratings and nothing else. What I would love to see is not all the “Walmart talk” but some lines about donating food, which they actually do as Ben stated before. Maybe have a challenge of cooking for disadvantaged youth or smith like that. That would really increase the ratings and bring back some respect for the show from the devoted fans.

      2. Marie Porter Avatar

        I’ve found that almost anything about the change this year can be summed up with

        “I guess the show realized that they’re on FOX”.

        Also, I’m kind of loving the idea of Ryan Reynolds as Umane.

  39. MaryAnn Avatar

    Thank you for sharing Bri’s email and also thank you for removing the disagreement from the comments above. Your blog is about so many good things that you embrace in life that it’s really not the place for ugliness like that. Appreciate you Ben.

  40. Minnesota Commenter Avatar
    Minnesota Commenter

    I’d initially written a longer post, including smartass exchanges between my wife and I that amounted to “Oh, my, what a surprise!”… but what it really comes down to is that I find it easier to suspend my disbelief when watching Doctor Who than Masterchef.

    1. Tom Avatar

      What a pity! 🙂 Would have loved reading the longer post of yours. And yes, sometimes it can be entertaining in strange ways. My daughter and I were watching some episodes of season 3 and she started writing down all the phrases…”life changing experience, the a-game, crispy on the outside, only 1 in ? steaks, restaurant Quality and so on,” and why is Gordon R. talking in such a “clipped” way? After that I decided that watching MC US is a superb source for language learners as so many phrases are repeated…:)
      Masterchef Who?? 🙂 Would be a new idea for a cooking Show, merge cooking with the extraterrestrial…

      1. Minnesota Commenter Avatar
        Minnesota Commenter

        Most of our quips were along the lines of: “It’s down to the last vote? Stunning! Unexpected!” when it came to the more produced aspects and “Plates! Joe smash!” … though I sorta get the impression that Joe feels the nearly uncontrollable urge to smash any plates he sees.

        Your comment about the phrases makes me think that you could turn MasterChef into a drinking game. A sip for each stunning!/amazing!/perfect! and so on. Of course, you’d die of alcohol poisoning even if you were using 3.2% beer… 😛

        1. Marie Porter Avatar

          You know, before the premiere I did up a set of MasterChef Bingo cards for my party (with some contributions from other contestants!)

          Could be a good place to start. I’d add a few more to it now, based on how the season is going.

          “Gordon goes Shatner”

          “The Real Deal”


          … ok, maybe not “wow”, that could kill people…

          1. MsShay Avatar

            Love your “Gordon does Shatner” comment.

        2. Tom Avatar

          love it! Wouldn’t do the drinking game, too short a fun! After 5 minutes I might be already drunk. But definitely a “life changing” experience in a stunning way leading to an amazing alcohol cunsumption! 🙂

    2. Ben Avatar

      Hahahahahahaha… good one!

  41. Ben Avatar

    Well I try to take people at their word. It can be dangerous to interpret something like sincerity based solely upon a hastily typed email on a smartphone. If what she says is true…I couldn’t be more happy for her, and these achievements make her the single most successfulsuccessful MasterChef candidate in the history of the terms of career path. That is very, very impressive.

  42. Tom Avatar

    Are there any MC US candidates with with an own restaurant by now? Or working as executive chefs or sous chefs? I know that there are a couple of quite successful MC Austrialian candidates who have their own television shows, restaurants or work as chefs by now. THAT would be an interesting TV series…the story of former MC candidates…

    1. Andrea Avatar

      Ben mentioned in another blog entry that Giuseppe Morisco (from season 2) opened a restaurant (or seveal, my memory fails at this point).

      1. Tom Avatar

        Thank you very much Andrea; I have found it..
        Seems to be quite a story, maybe not totally out of the blue as his father seems to be already in the Business.

        1. Andrea Avatar

          You’re welcome, and thanks to you for the link 🙂

      2. Ben Avatar

        Yes, Giuseppe opened a restaurant in Costa Rica and one in the Philippines. I’ll be covering him on a future Where Are They Now blog!

    2. Ben Avatar

      Tom, Michael Chen from season 3 is executive chef at The Kessler in Dallas. Adrien Nieto has served as executive chef in a couple of places since season 2, as has Christian Collins. Jennie Kelley and I have an underground restaurant in Dallas called FRANK. We were just filmed for an upcoming TV show called The Illegal Eater. No one has their own TV show yet. It’s entirely possible that Christine Ha from season 3 will have a show, and I strongly believe that Jessie from this season will end up on Food Network due to her marketability. But getting a show on the air in the US is incredibly difficult…practically impossible.

      1. Tom Avatar

        thanks a lot for the info. I read some comments written by Michael Chen and you can see that so much on this show is more drama and more drama and that contestants are pushed towards it. Some might fall along the lines, others might almost break under the pressure. Maybe the one true phrase might be ” a life changing experience”..for good or for bad. 🙂
        Recently I have tried watching the three judges a bit more closely. Seems to me that they are not entirely convinced of what the are doing, Feeling uncomfortable? Prisoners of their own success? Don’t know….but especially with Joe I get a strong feeling that he hates it….could be wrong, maybe he is just a bad actor.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Tom, Joe is a bad actor. He is VERY uncomfortable in front of the camera. He often needs 2 or 3 takes before he can get out what he wants to say. (This is the reason that on previous seasons, you see him just taste the food, stare, and walk away. The producers were frustrated with how much he stammered when talking. He’s getting better, though!)

  43. Sandy Avatar

    Is it possible that the plates with eggs were smashed to remove any ‘incriminating evidence’ as to the ‘quality of the cooked eggs’?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Well, Sandy, that’s entirely possible. Though I would imagine the contestants would have balked if a good egg was tossed. (Or maybe they did and it never made it to the final edit.)

  44. teddy Avatar

    Want to know how MC is fake?
    Well, you could obviously tell who’s going to be in the final 2 this season…Natasha and Jessie.
    Why? Well remember season 2? the final 2 were a blonde (Jennifer) and a brunette/brown person (Adrian)
    I see a pattern happening here.
    Season 1 winner was a brunette
    Season 2 winner was a blonde
    Season 3 winner was a brunette
    Season 4 winner…will be a blonde?
    That would be Jessie.

    I mean think about it, the producers dont want James to win because he won’t really
    contribute anything to MC’s “good name” because he doesnt have that star quality and
    “hollywood” feel to him. Also he doesn’t look like the guy youd buy a cookbook from or read
    recipes from while sitting on your backyard deck or porch sipping on some lemonade.

    Luca won’t win because he really needs to grow as a chef. It’s only a matter of time before he’s eliminated,
    and then Gordon would be like: “the person going home today is….Luca. Listen Luca, dont be disappointed, you made it to the top 5 this year. Last year you couldnt even qualify to be here. Youve grown as a chef and never give up your dreams to open your own restaurant.” Yeah could totally see that happening.

    Krissy wont win because in the end the bad guy always goes home in the bottom 3, leaving way to more seriousness for the last 2. The producers want her drama for the ratings as long as they can until they let her go, then they can concentrate on the ratings the final 2 will bring.

    and I dont know about Bri anymore. After finding out more about her, Im so puzzled as to what her position is on this show. But she will eventually go home.

    That leaves natasha and jessie. Think about it, I would def. tune in to watch that finale. They never had any contact with each other, theyre very strong,theyve been the strongest cooks since the beginning and they are the strongest cooks remaining, they have the “looks” as most would say, and which is what producers want, two girls who are easy on the eyes battling it out in the finale. One has a husband and baby, the other has supporting parents, I mean comeeee onnnn, I can see this a mile away. And as always, the uninformed American audience will tune in because it’s a “these two are really good cooks, who in the WORLD is going to win this finale, man I gotta watch!) kinda scenario.

    and the vote casting thing where bri was brought back, how can anyone in a million years not know that’s staged?

    also notice how theyve been getting rid of the boring people lately? Savannah was considered a boring person who didnt please the producers, Bethy was ousted because she was the most boring and untalented out the cooks remaining when she was there, Eddie was sent packing because they probably realized that he can only cook and grill meat and nothing else and that he only has a girlfriend that went to see him. No family members or any one of great significance that would make for a great family back story. I mean who wants to see someones girlfriend be the only one rooting for him in the finale? and also we know nothing about her. When Graham introduced her it only took like 2 seconds (…and Eddie, its your girlfriend Melissa) NEXT….

    And watch the first 2 episodes of MC. The ones with the auditions or whatever. In the room where all the cooks are in, the MC season 4 contestants are conveniently placed in direct sight of the viewer. Go ahead, check it out.

    well that’s my take on this show. I still like it though i guess, it’s fun to watch on a boring wednesday night…

    1. Ben Avatar

      Interesting take. I actually know the order of elimination for the rest of the season, so I can’t wait to hear what you have to say after the show is finished airing!

    2. Constance Avatar

      Teddy, your observations are interesting but I can’t agree with many of them. Bethy was certainly not boring and was a very talented cook. Eddie cooked more than meat, remember his cheesecake? While I’d love to see either Krissi or Natasha win, mainly to annoy the haters, I think a man will take it this year. Krissi and Natasha are the “mean girls” so no win for them. Jessie cooks Southern food and there has already been a MC Southern cookbook. James and Luca are very popular with viewers who are clamoring for a male winner. Either of their cookbooks would be a change. Luca’s would focus on Italian food, James’ on meat.

  45. Masterchef fan Avatar
    Masterchef fan

    Bri is such a sweetheart and she is one of the best cooks I know. I am really happy she got another chance in the masterchef kitchen. I really hope she wins masterchef and showcases her talents as an amazing vegetarian chef.

  46. Chi Mai Avatar

    Finally, someone likes browned sunny-side eggs with crispy bottom just like me! I’m Vietnamese and back in my hometown, everyone want their sunny-side eggs that way. When I came to MC and heard how the judges want theirs, I just thinked: “Well, after all it’s not a Vietnamese plate. Maybe it’s the way the ‘original version’ is.” LOL
    So good to know I’m not (or we, Vietnameses, are not) the only one who likes crispy sunny-side egg. 😉

    My dad use to sprinkle the hot oil in the pan over the layer of white egg to cook it. I don’t know how thick this layer of your egg is, maybe this tip works? In the worse case, you’ll only have a fried version of the poached egg LOL

    And for Bri, for the same reason why we should not judge Krissi by what being edited and shown on the TV (because we din’t know her true-self), I think we should not discuss about Bri or judge her just because of some rumours either. We don’t know for sure her true-self, neither her relations with the producers. Judging her when you know nothing at all like this hurts as much as bashing Krissi.

  47. Smart_third_worlder Avatar

    The sheer wastefulness of this episode (broadcast today in my country) disgusted me so much that I no longer wish to follow this series.

    Food wastage is not an acceptable value to promote…. Even if (particularly,since) the series is primarily meant for residents of one of the world’s richest countries. Which reminds me of this article that I read sometime back on food wastage in the US

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much for this comment. This, also, was the straw the broke the camel’s back for me. Wasting food intentionally is a crime.

      1. TOM Avatar

        indeed, sadly it is still so widely spread that one can just wonder. I think it is important to start in the own household and be honest about it. We have never wasted much food but still too much. We have tried to reduce it to a minimum by making a weekly cooking plan, better coordinated shopping and doing more dishes that use leftovers. SOmetimes the odd tin escapes my attention and while I use most of the stuff after its expiratory date some have to go to the bin. What really freaks me out are reports of our army which seem to htrow away tons of food on a daily basis….or local supermarkets…cause everything has to be super fresh and spotless! I get strange looks each and every time when I ask for ripe bananas (which tend to be not so yellow anymore) as I really love banana bread…..but you have to have ripe ones…..and the list would go on and on and on… is shame and tv-series should be more aware that they are kind of role models.

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