Category: Breakfast
The Best Waffles on Planet Earth (with sourdough option)
Printable link at BOTTOM of recipe! TOYS IN THIS VIDEO: All Clad Belgian Waffle Maker (The very best, heaviest Belgian waffle maker on the market…STILL.) (“SMART” Version) My favorite kitchen scale (restaurant grade, takes AAA batteries or plugs in) Danish Bread Whisk (“Brotpisker,” incorporates batters more delicately than a whisk) Non-contact Infrared Thermometer (Allows precise…
One-Bowl No-Mixer Pumpkin Muffins
So it’s no secret that I’m enamored with pumpkin, and I have dozens of pumpkin recipes that get busted out in the fall. But for many folks, the idea of setting up the stand mixer to cream butter and sugar…or having multiple bowls and measuring cups to clean up afterward…it’s just too much to contemplate…
Crispy Cheese-Crusted Omelet
Just imagine it…a delicious, fluffy omelet chock full of your favorite ingredients, but wrapped in a crispy, crunchy, savory crust of cheese. It’s way easier than you might think. I’ve recently been making a lot of these unique omelets for breakfast, and decided to post the method, even though it’s pretty simple. But I haven’t…
Cinnamon Masa Pancakes (with gluten-free option)
So I make pancakes 2 or 3 times a week for breakfast, and that gets boring. Yeah…you can add chocolate chips or nuts or berries. Yeah…you can make gingered citrus syrups to pour over them. You can top them with whatever. But after a few years, they get boring. So I developed a new pancake…
Quick Sticky Buns
Over the last few years I’ve migrated away from commercial yeast and toward my sourdough starter. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even keep yeast around anymore. This means my breads have gotten infinitely better…but also take infinitely longer to bake. There’s no such thing as “quick sourdough” anything. So while I have…
Calas (Creole sweet rice fritters)
At our last FRANK, we wanted to serve a few Creole and Cajun classics that would be unfamiliar to the majority of our diners. After all, everyone knows beignets, etouffee, gumbo, jambalaya, and boudin. Calas (pronounced cah-LAHS) turned out to be a perfect option. These lovely little yeast-risen rice fritters were typically eaten at breakfast…
Bourbon Preserved Figs
If you’re lucky enough to have a fig tree, or a neighbor who has one, you have figs coming out your ears in early summer…and perhaps again in late fall, especially if you live in a Southern state. This fall crop of figs often gets interrupted by early frosts. The figs are still green when…
Caramel Stuffed Banana Nut Muffins
What’s better than a banana nut muffin? A banana nut muffin stuffed with caramel. Of course. This recipe is based on the great Alton Brown’s banana bread recipe, which I’ve tweaked to make these decadent muffins. If you’re looking for a healthy breakfast recipe, this ain’t it. Check out my whole grain low-fat banana bread…
Cabernet Jelly
Have you ever had wine jelly? It’s divine. And couldn’t be easier to make. In fact, the hardest part of this recipe is sterilizing the jars and lids, which is easy. You should do that first, because the jelly comes together VERY quickly once you start. This recipe makes about 4 pints of jelly, or…
Bourbon Fig Jam
You fall into one of two categories of humans. The first: someone who has to pay an outrageous amount of money to purchase figs at the grocery store when they’re in season…sometimes up to a dollar a fig. If you’re not that person, you fall into the other category. Either you or a neighbor has…