Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: brining

  • On Brining…

    It’s turkey season, and that means all the TV shows are full of tips and tricks for the perfect Thanksgiving turkey.  Baste it every 10 minutes.  Bake it in a bag.  Deep fry it.  Rub butter under the skin. The turkey, like all meats that have both light and dark on the same carcass, presents…

  • Perfect Thanksgiving Turkey (brined)

    For this recipe, you will need three 10-pound bags of ice, 1 gallon of apple cider vinegar, 1-2 boxes of Morton’s Course Kosher Salt (see the recipe below for different types of salt), white sugar, canola oil, aluminum foil, a cooler, a roasting pan, a meat thermometer, and, of course, a turkey.  Do not brine…