Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: souffle

  • Masterchef 4 Recap: Team Mystery Box and Chocolate (S4E23)

    For the second to last time (Ben is back from Burning Man, but is currently trekking across the wild west and has no time to partake in MasterChef), hello, Starr-struck citizens of the internet! I am doing a temporary takeover of his blog in order to write the MasterChef recaps that so many of you…

  • Pumpkin Cardamom Souffle

    Souffles are one of those things you see on cooking shows and MAYBE you’ll make one or two throughout the course of your life.  I’m not sure why this is the case.  Perhaps it’s because there is an old myth in the kitchen that souffles are temperamental and impossible to get right.  This is malarkey! …

  • MasterChef recap: The Final Four

    (Please note: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef, and they would prefer you not read it.  This blog reflects my own uneducated and uninformed opinions about Season 3 of MasterChef, and I have no inside knowledge about how the show is judged.) We’ve got 4 contestants left: Christine (age 33), Becky (27),…

  • MasterChef: Rancheros and Huevos

    Today’s blog is brought to you by WalMart, which can figure out how to sell a dozen organic eggs for $3, but not how to make a commercial with decent actors. (That’s a joke, my blog is not endorsed by Walmart, though the link above will lead you to a fascinating article that talks about…

  • MasterChef: Kid’s Block Party and Cheese Souffles

    It’s time for another team challenge, and when we get dropped off in this Stepford-like neighborhood, with its perfect hedges and gabled houses, and see that big “MasterChef Block Party” sign, I figure it’s gonna be a barbecue challenge. THANK GOD!  I’m not a cocky person, but NOBODY left on the show could stand up…