Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Did I Make the Finals for TasteMaster?!?

Friends, I woke up this morning, eager to find out if I was among the 3 finalists for Tourism Australia’s Taste Master…the dream job of a lifetime.

And the vegemite jar was empty.ย  No Western Australia for 6 months for this crazy cook!

I want to deeply thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for participating in this journey with me.ย  So many of you all around the world took time out of your lives to snap a photo for me, or take a video for me.ย  The response has truly been overwhelming.ย  I’m no celebrity, and I never will be.ย  But the fact that thousands of you who I’ve never met would actually take time to do something for me to help me follow my dreams…that’s just miraculous.ย  I can’t thank you enough from the very bottom of my heart.

For those of you who’ve been sick of my crazy and incessant Facebook posts and Tweets the past few weeks, I deeply apologize.ย  I’ll be a bit quieter from now on, and not so needy.ย  I promise!ย  Ha ha ha…

There are 21 other shortlisted TasteMaster candidates out there in the world today (and 116 candidates for other “Best Jobs in the World”) who are dejected and very sad.ย  I’ve been through this type of crazy casting process a half-dozen times, so it’s old hat to me.ย  (I went to bed last night rather than waiting up for the results.)ย  So my thoughts go out to them right now.ย  They spent endless money, time, and effort doing NOTHING but Australia stuff the past month, endlessly hopeful and optimistic.ย  And when that momentum suddenly stops and you face rejection, its hard.ย  The first few times, at least!

For me, this simply means that my garden won’t grow wild with 6 months of neglect…my chickens won’t forget who I am and I’ll get to taste their first eggs…my family and friends won’t have to manage my life while I’m gone…my puppy and partner will continue to have a snuggle buddy at night…FRANK will continue to capture the excitement of Dallas foodies each month…and you all will just be getting photos of tomatoes, kitchen experiments, and chickens rather than wallabies and wombats and Western Australia beaches.

As with everything in my life, I see this as a sign that there’s something wildly more wonderful waiting in my future.ย  And if I was in Australia, I’d have missed it.ย  Opportunities knock every day for everyone.ย  And we’ve gotta be ready to jump when it’s the right one!

31 responses to “Did I Make the Finals for TasteMaster?!?”

  1. Andrea Avatar

    Sometimes things happen, or don’t happen, for a reason. As long as you, and us, the Monstarrs, your fans, did our best, that’s what matters. You’re still the Starr in our hearts!

    1. Ben Avatar

      You’re a peach, Andrea! *hugs*

  2. william Avatar

    they missed a great opportunity to have someone who can paint pictures with words, and I am sure what you are really meant to do will turn up

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, William! I’ll be out to visit you next week before our next FRANK! I’ll email you tonight or tomorrow.

  3. Bonnie Renegar Ballinger Avatar

    Great attitude, Ben. I’m sorry for THEIR loss, but as you said, something even more amazing is right around the corner. Can’t wait to see what it’s going to be!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks SO MUCH Bonnie!!!

  4. Gregory Wright Avatar
    Gregory Wright

    On the other hand, you will be able to taste the latest brews I’m sending out soon! Sorry you didn’t get it, I still think you were ultra perfect. They have NO IDEA what they are missing.

  5. louise siebert Avatar
    louise siebert

    Totally their loss….and that is proven by your attitude to this. I’m sorry you didn’t make it… The silver lining (for me) is that I can get excited again about the elusive Frank EMAIL arriving again ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Sarah Avatar

    Ben, we love you for your endless enthusiasm and your ability to make us feel like we are right beside you throughout your journey. I have no doubt that every day, something wonderful is in store for you, because you know how to look for it.

  7. Gina Covello Avatar

    Sad news, but you’re right. Life goes on and it sounds like you have a great one. Keep at it!

  8. Eloah (@EloahJ) Avatar

    Australia’s loss is our continued gain, doll!

  9. Liz Westen Avatar
    Liz Westen

    Well Ben Staahhhh they donโ€™t know what they are missing.

  10. Phillip Sharp Avatar
    Phillip Sharp

    Ben, they made a BIG mistake and all of us know that!!! But I LOVE how you are turning this into something positive – I would expect nothing less from you. You are a class act and I am proud to say that I have broken bread with you twice…hoping to do more of that soon. And…I know that one day soon you are going to hit on something HUGE that will make this little adventure seem so, well, little. Thanks for ALWAYS being a class act and for always being so nice to EVERYONE you meet! I still can’t believe we were lucky enough to eat at FRANK at the first public seating and can’t believe we partied with you on the 4th of July last year. You are a great human being and trust me, you are going to be rewarded enormously one day soon…will keep praying for you, your family and all of your exciting endeavors….cheers!

  11. Liz Westen Avatar
    Liz Westen

    How about โ€œNext Food Network Starโ€?

  12. Jim in PA Avatar
    Jim in PA

    Quote: “As with everything in my life, I see this as a sign that thereโ€™s something wildly more wonderful waiting in my future.”

    Absolutely correct! I truly believe that.

    Maybe you could be a judge for the new Kid Masterchef? That would be kewel…

  13. Susan @ the Ice House Avatar

    You gave it a good run!
    <3 your sunny attitude ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Frank Eastman Avatar
    Frank Eastman

    Good attitude, Ben. Something else will come along for you. And FRANK is here for a while longer. YEA! Cheers, Frank Eastman

  15. Lisa Avatar

    Your positive attitude is inspirational! I was worried that you would be crushed if you didn’t win.

  16. Valeria Zambrano Avatar
    Valeria Zambrano

    Things happen for a reason…if this wasnt for you something much more better will come and very soon you can be sure of that….you rock my friend you are awesome in everything you do so don’t give up never and keep your head up because you are a WINNER… you Ben

  17. Sharon Moore Avatar

    Sorry Benny, this world is missing out on a great star in the making and his name is Ben Starr!! It will happen…………………………

  18. Susan Avatar

    Ben whether you’re a celebrity or not doesn’t matter, you’re always a starr ๐Ÿ˜‰ hahaha ..I’m sure you’ve heard that one before..regardless, I enjoy your endless posts and look forward to your adventures at home or abroad, so keep ’em coming. ๐Ÿ˜€

  19. Julie Gabis Avatar
    Julie Gabis

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Aw, Ben, I’m so sorry, but selfishly I hope this means we’ll get to meet sooner rather than later. Virtual hugs & chicken soup (my Jewish ancestors swear it cures anything from a cold to the blues!) & much, much love to you!

  20. canarygirl Avatar

    I’m sorry this particular opportunity didn’t work out, Ben! I love your positive attitude, you always inspire me! Big hugs and much love!

  21. Judy Glossup Avatar
    Judy Glossup

    They have no idea what they missed out on by not choosing you. Their loss, for sure. Those of us who have the good fortune to have been a part of your life, in any way, will continue to celebrate you, and love being able to keep up with you on your blog.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Judy, you are SO sweet, you always have such a way with words! *hugs*

  22. Debby Kisinger Avatar
    Debby Kisinger

    Ben, it was not to be. For if it was, you would be going south. Apparently, there is something greater in store for you! With your talents, I am certain that you will be “chosen” to bloom somewhere else. Until that time, we will all enjoy you for who you are and where you are! And know this…. “when you are with the right people in the right place at the right time, the right things will happen!” Be blessed! *Hugs* Debby

    1. Ben Avatar

      Debby, you are so sweet, and I SO appreciate your class taking time to make that video for me. It meant so much! I can’t wait to come back and visit again!

  23. Christina Brummett Avatar

    You are still awesome, and I’m so glad I found your blog. My kids loved you on MC, and I’ll definitely keep watching. Sorry you didn’t get your dream job tho… ๐Ÿ™

  24. Liz Avatar

    I was truly hoping that you would make it and I’m sorry for posting this so late (computers haven’t been my “thing” lately). Thank you for taking what could be a negative for some and viewing it positively. I pray for so many big things for you. You have truly been an inspiration for my family and I in our own kitchen and your posts on a variety of topics have struck a cord with me on so many levels. Sometime, I swear you say exactly what I am thinking on particular topics. Thank you!!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Liz, you are SO sweet to leave such a wonderful message. All my love to your family!

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