Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef recap: Prawns and Sweet Corn

Please note that my blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef and they would prefer you didn’t read it.  This blog contains opinion only.  I have no inside information about the judging process, only assumptions and uneducated guesses…

Thanks to the very bizarre (and potently unfair) get-your-apron-back challenge, Josh is back, so we’ve got 7 in the running again.  It’s time for a mystery box challenge, and today’s ingredient is spot prawns…giant shrimp.  The contestants are getting lots of breaks for mystery boxes this year: access to both a staples box and often a limited pantry in addition to what’s under the box.  I wish I’d had that advantage last season!

Some of the contestants are having trouble “dispatching” the squirmy shrimp.  Monti says, “What I hate the most in a kitchen is anything that is living and can look at me and plead for its life with big brown eyes.”  And while she’s trying to fetch them from the aquarium, Gordon gets several baths from all the splashing.  It’s really funny, but I can tell she’s upset.  (After meeting her this weekend, I found out that she was vegan for many years, so the idea of having to actually kill the animal herself is really upsetting to her.)  When you hear her screaming, “I’m so sorry dude,” she’s not apologizing to Gordon for getting him wet…she’s apologizing to the prawns.  She’s got this amazing moment where she’s literally in the middle of hysterical freakout, and suddenly she looks up at Gordon and says totally deadpan: “I’m making risotto, it’s gonna be awesome.”  Biggest laugh I’ve had this season.

Shrimp is one of the most abused ingredients in the kitchen.  I can count on probably 1 hand the number of times I eaten properly-cooked shrimp at a restaurant.  Shrimp need very minimal cooking, ESPECIALLY if they are this fresh (ie LIVE).  Cooking a shrimp for more than a minute or two turns it tough and rubbery.  Shrimp should always be cooked at a minimum, either a light sauté and then remove it from the pan while cooking the rest of the dish…or add it to the dish at the end of the cooking time and let the residual heat from the sauce cook the shrimp.  You should never let the shrimp boil for more than 5 minutes, under ANY circumstances, or they will be overcooked.  (I actually never boil shrimp at all.  2 or 3 minutes in a hot sauce will cook them perfectly.)

To impart a stronger shrimp flavor to your dish, the secret is to use the shells and heads/legs (if you have them) to incorporate the flavor.  Heat oil or butter in a pan, add the shells and pieces, and cook them until they are fragrant.  This is important because most of the flavor compounds in the shells are more easily extracted and trapped in oil.  If you try to just add the shells directly to a boiling liquid, the flavor compounds will dissipate into the air during the boil because they are volatile.  You need to trap them by dissolving them in a fat, so that the flavor will hang around in your liquid.  Shrimp stock doesn’t need to be boiled for more than an hour to extract maximum flavor…so it’s not like a beef stock which needs hours and hours to extract flavor.  However, the contestants only have 45 minutes for this challenge, so I was expecting to see some pressure cookers out to speed up the stock-making.

It’s tough for me to say what I’d have done, because I don’t know what was in the limited pantry.  I’d probably go Thai and make a fragrant stock with the heads and shells and legs in the pressure cooker, puree and strain it, then reduce that stock until it was syrupy with explosive flavor.  Then bring everything together into a curry with coconut milk, lime juice, red pepper, chili paste or hot chilies, thinly sliced ginger, garlic, and onion…adding the raw prawn tails with some fresh basil and cilantro right at the very end so that they remain succulent and tender.  I’d toss some cashews on top if they had them in the pantry.  (I LOVE cashews and shrimp together.)

If there was a lack of Thai ingredients in the pantry, I’d do a crispy paella…that Spanish masterpiece that celebrates shellfish, saffron, and rice, with a layer of nice crispy-crunchy rice at the bottom where it contacts the pan.  I can’t get enough of that stuff.

It’s a mystery box, so only 3 of the 7 will be tasted.  The first person is Becky, and this is her 5th time in the top 3 for a mystery box.  A record in the history of MasterChef USA!  Becky prepared her prawns the way you’d grill a lobster…she took the whole head-on prawn, cut it in half, slapped it on the grill for a few seconds, and served it on top of a saffron rice with salsa verde (which is a Spanish sauce commonly served with seafood, made from green peppers, parsley, garlic and onion pureed together).  A very Spanish dish, on the whole, much like paella.  And it looks VERY sophisticated.

Next is Christine, who was certainly at a disadvantage wrestling those feisty prawns into her pot.  Christine’s dish is so simple and elegant…prawn tails in a pineapple broth with cilantro.  It sounds very southeast Asian.  And it sounds AMAZING.  Definitely the first one I’d have wanted to taste.

The final dish belongs to David.  And, in terms of yumminess, it’s right up next to Christine’s for me.  He has made ceviche (a Mexican preparation where raw fish and shellfish is marinated in citrus acid), but to show some sophistication, he took the heads and made a cooked sauce with them for the foundation of the ceviche.  To be honest, prawns that big and fresh really should be eaten raw, but the conundrum is how you ALSO show off some actual cooking skill when you’re just serving raw shellfish.  And David has done just that with his very complex and delicious shrimp-flavored sauce that underlies his ceviche.  This is a big hit for David, who has appeared to have been struggling lately.  (However, his dish on the Paula Deen challenge with the roasted red pepper grits looked amazing.)

The judges give the win to David!  His first mystery box win.

Let me take a moment to talk about David, since I just spent the weekend with him.  Now that Ryan is gone from the show, I get more negative feedback from fans about David than about any other contestant.  I was really rooting for David in the beginning, after his incredibly passionate speech during his signature dish audition.  But many of his dishes after that were criticized by the judges, and he isn’t afraid to stick up for himself or speak his mind, and the resulting edit of his character led many of us to wonder why he was still in the competition.  The truth is, David is pretty darn brilliant.  He has VAST food knowledge.  Way more than I do.  He is particularly knowledgeable about classic French method, contemporary American, Modernist cuisine (ie Molecular Gastronomy), and, of course, traditional Mexican…the cuisine of his culture.  I was literally blown away within the first few hours of talking to David.  And I didn’t even have to ask him, “Then why was there so much criticism of your dishes from the judges?”  He answered it for me.  “You know how every artist goes through a block?  Like writer’s block?  Where the creativity and skill are inside you, but it’s just not coming out?  It’s a crying shame that my block just happened to set in during MasterChef and is playing out on national TV.  I know I made some bad dishes.  But that’s not me.  That’s not who I am.”

And I COMPLETELY understand.  While it’s easy for viewers to say, “Oh, I’d just make this or that for the challenge, it would be easy!”…the circumstances on set are very different.  The pressure is extreme.  WAY more than in a restaurant.  You’ve got cameras on all sides…a producer in front of you asking you to narrate your dish while you’re cooking, which is incredibly distracting…and then the judges make regular rounds to shout at you and make you question your choices and your skill.  That environment wasn’t conducive to David’s creativity.  So, after MasterChef ended, he plunged into the commercial kitchen head-on.  I think only David and Michael Chen did that this season.  Immediately David started staging (the culinary word for “interning”) at Chicago’s finest restaurants.  And while industry professionals rarely watch MasterChef and had no idea of David’s reputation, the few that DID know about his performance on the show were dumbfounded when he waltzed in and started performing miracles in their kitchens.  In a few short months, David has worked under most of Chicago’s top chefs, has done some highly successful restaurant takeovers, and he absolutely LOVES cooking on the line.  (Which is, frankly, my worst nightmare.)  Listening to him talk about the challenge of pulling together perfect dishes, dish after dish, for 6 hours straight, I see that gleam in his eye and that twinge of excitement…almost arousal…in his voice…that’s a clear indication to me that David is destined for success in the restaurant world.  And I think one of the reasons the producers have kept him around is that they could tell he was VERY serious about becoming a chef, and just from talking to him, you understand the kind of knowledge he’s got in that big brain of his.  (David has a Master’s degree in Education and next month begins his PhD.)  You’ll be able to read more about my weekend with David and Monti in my upcoming blog, but let’s just get one thing straight: David Martinez is SUPER cool, SUPER talented, hysterically funny, incredibly friendly, and not at all like what he appears on the show.

David heads back into the pantry to discover his advantage in the elimination challenge, which is themed “Desserts.”  The trick is that David has to choose 1 of 3 nontraditional dessert ingredients: beets, corn, or bacon.  One of the biggest trends in the restaurant world right now is quirky dessert ingredients.  Bacon desserts have become so wildly popular now that even fast food restaurants are serving them.  (Burger King announced their Bacon Sundae just last month.)

You can see how smart David is by how he rationalizes his choice.  NO to beets, because he’s not that familiar with them.  NO to bacon, because it’s such a trendy dessert ingredient that his competitors would all be on a fairly level, strong playing field.  So he selects corn.

To further his advantage, the judges show him 3 examples of corn-based desserts:  corn panna cotta (an Italian dessert of sweet cream set with gelatin), strawberry shortcake using sweet cornbread in place of shortcake (actually a VERY delicious idea, I’m gonna try it), and finally a corn rice pudding.  To be honest, the only one of those 3 desserts that looks remotely appetizing to me is the corn shortcake.

No pics of me eating sweet corn ice cream in Belize, so here's a pic of me eating termites in Belize. (They taste EXACTLY like woody carrots.)

Corn is a fabulous ingredient for dessert, and I knew within seconds what I’d have made: sweet corn ice cream with corn fritters and caramel sauce.  I first encountered sweet corn ice cream on a trip to Belize, where it is practically the national dessert.  It sounded slightly strange to me before I tasted it…but corn is sweet, so there’s no reason it shouldn’t make a delicious ice cream.  And it DOES!  I ate my own weight in sweet corn ice cream while I was there.  And you all know from my season of MasterChef that I can make some mean corn fritters…I made them for hundreds of kids at the Block Party challenge.  I think that’s a perfect dessert combo: a hot, crispy corn doughnut (though Becky has apparently rarely seen corn donuts), cold, rich, sweet corn ice cream, and a thick, delicious cream caramel to drizzle on top of everything.

If beets were the selection, my first inclination would be a red velvet cake, though that would be really hard to pull off in an hour, so I’d probably opt for some sort of pie with beets and nuts.  If it was bacon, definitely my bacon white chocolate chip cookies, probably with some maple bacon ice cream and candied bacon bits on top.

David decides to make a rice pudding, primarily because his mom used to make rice pudding and he wants to honor her.  He gets to shop the MasterChef pantry in glorious silence so he can focus.

Unfortunately, he forgets his primary ingredient…rice.  A huge mistake, but one that I made several times while shopping in the MasterChef kitchen.  Nerves get the best of you.  After all the contestants have shopped, David makes the rounds to see if anyone pulled rice and might be willing to loan him any.  It appears that the only contestant to pull rice was Becky, and to the surprise of many, Becky gives David her rice.

We haven’t seen that much sharing this season, but I know from talking to the contestants that it happened all the time.  David apparently freely shared his ingredients all season with others who needed them.  And I’m glad they showed Becky giving David her rice, because Becky’s been getting a pretty mean edit.  From her fellow competitors, even Monti (who Becky continually puts down on the show), they say that Becky is very sweet and likeable, and incredibly talented.  Competitive, yes…but if she was so competitive as to want to hijack her fellow contestants, she wouldn’t have shared with David.  But she did.  I’m not claiming that Becky is an angel.  She’s definitely said some fairly crass things about her fellow competitors.  But ultimately she’s got compassion and a soul, which is evidenced by her willingness to help David out.

They prominently feature Josh saying, “If I had any rice, I wouldn’t give it to him.”  And then Graham says that he also wouldn’t give rice to ANY fellow competitor.  Knowing Graham, I’m not entirely sure that’s true.  If it is, that lowers my opinion of him.  On my season I got absolutely fed up with the judges and producers encouraging selfish competition.  I busted my butt to make sure that our contestant family was nurturing and caring towards each other.  I imagine that was frustrating for the producers, but they basically TOLD me to do it.  I tried to leave the show early on when the contestants were fighting and being nasty to each other.  I told the producers that I could not function in that kind of environment and I wanted to go home.  The producers told me, “Then it’s up to you to change the environment.”  So Jennie Kelley and I basically sat everyone down and said, “LISTEN!  We’ve only got each other to lean on for the next 2 months.  So let’s love each other and HELP each other.  And whoever is the best cook will win.  But our lives are going to be miserable if all we do is fight and mistrust and try to sabotage each other.”  And from that point on, we were all pretty much a family.

I see a LOT more effort by the show to try to split friendships and encourage divisiveness this season.  The contestants tell me that the judges really pushed  an “each man for himself” attitude.  And that makes me sad and angry.  The show is going to be suspenseful anyway…we are always going to bite our nails during an impending elimination.  Why not fill us with a sense of warmth and hope at seeing the contestants helping each other out, rather than fill us with pessimism seeing the contestants want to win at all costs, even by sabotaging and refusing aid to their fellow contestants in need?

Josh says, “I think I’m way more competitive than most people in this contest.”  I don’t think he’s correct.  I think that just about everyone in that room is every bit as competitive as he is.  He’s equating competitiveness with selfishness.  I am one of the most competitive people I know.  I have this giant box filled with trophies and medals from my high school and college years, when people at acting and music competitions used to shudder when they heard that Ben Starr was competing against them.  I LOVE winning.  And I work my butt off to make sure I’m the best.  But that doesn’t mean I would withhold assistance from a fellow competitor in need.  EVER.  That’s not good sportsmanship.

That line “I’m not here to make friends” is thrown around so often in reality TV that it’s become trite, but I hate it each time I hear it.  If you’re not there to make friends, you’d better look at the friendships in your life back home and SERIOUSLY worry if they’re genuine.  If you’re not always constantly looking to make meaningful connections to those around you…you’re not very smart.  PARTICULARLY in a competition.  Making enemies of everyone around you does only one thing: it isolates you and leaves you to rely solely your own skill, with nothing to fall back on.  If your fellow contestants love and adore you and have your back, then you’ve also got their support when you need it.  That makes you a stronger competitor.  In EVERY situation.  Period.

Frank says, “I know this is a competition.  But there’s not enough honorable people out there.”  And he’s right.

So why the heck does reality TV always want to praise people for, and encourage them to be, dishonorable?!?

Frank continues, “If he’s gonna go down, he’s gonna go down because his dish sucks.”  EXACTLY.  In order for the competition to be fair, everyone has to be playing at the top of their game.  Otherwise, you win because someone screwed up, not because your A-game was actually better than their A-game.  If I won a competition just because someone else had a catastrophe, I wouldn’t feel as if I’d won anything at all.

What would YOU do in that situation?  Would you have given the rice to a contestant who needed it, knowing that it might give them an edge on you, rather than leave them in a sticky predicament?  Please comment below, I am fascinated to hear your answers.  And be honest with yourself.

Unfortunately, David’s corn and rice pudding with salted caramel doesn’t impress the judges.  Joe says, “It’s really, really, really unedibly disgusting.   Did you taste this?”

David says, “I did.  I enjoyed it.  It reminded me of my mom’s kitchen.”

And Joe says, “That’s a place I’m going to avoid.”

That’s a low blow which is completely uncalled for.  You don’t insult someone’s mother.  It’s the lamest insult in the book.  I distinctly recall last season when Tracy Kontos overcooked her catfish, to the point where it was burnt on the bottom.  Gordon and Graham chastised her for serving burnt catfish, but Joe said, “Every time my grandmother cooked fish, she always burnt it on the bottom.  Always.  So your burnt catfish doesn’t bother me…it actually brings back happy memories of eating at my grandmother’s house.”  I’m not sure how he can justify the insult to David’s mother having said that to Tracy last season.  Joe’s own mother may be one of the most famous Italian celebrity chefs in the country, but this season he has also blasted one of her favorite techniques: making pasta in the food processor.  So perhaps Joe just has respect for grandmothers, but not mothers.

The other judges concur, though, with Joe’s verdict.  It is one of David’s worst dishes.  But the problem is that David thinks it tastes GOOD.  And there’s another catch to reality TV.  If they want you to have a bad day, you’re gonna have a bad day no matter how good your dish is.  The audience can’t taste it.  Neither can your fellow competitors.  So, technically, the judges can say anything they want about your dish, and it would be “true,” because it can’t be contested.  I know this is true because on several occasions, the exact opposite happened to me: I served a truly BAD dish to the judges, and they raved about it.  (My signature dish didn’t turn out good AT ALL…if I were at home, I’d have thrown it away and ordered pizza.)  No one with the palate of a master chef would have praised some of the awful stuff I presented to the judges.  There were also plenty of times I thought I was presenting a delicious dish, and the judges said it was unpalatable.  Of course, I have to trust them when they’re telling me a dish of mine tastes bad, but I KNOW something’s wrong when a dish of mine tastes bad, and they tell me it tastes good.  So I know how frustrated David is at that moment.  On MasterChef, you never get a sense that the judges’ feedback is 100% honest.  There is too much at stake for it to be a legitimate, merit-based competition.  And we’ve definitely seen this season that some of the judges’ feedback is downright incorrect and just made to heighten drama.  So it’s a very confusing position to be in, not knowing if your palate is terrible because you thought your dish was good, or if they are deliberately bashing you to add to the drama of the situation, and in fact your food was delicious.

And I know how disappointed he is, too.  On the challenge where I was eliminated, I won the mystery box right before it, and then squandered my advantage by overcooking the venison.  MasterChef loves a dramatic crash after a triumph.  At this point, I’m willing to bet my house that David is gonna get eliminated.  That’s a very common formula on the show.

Becky is up next with a lovely duo of desserts: Classy Corn/Trashy Corn.  She’s got an elegant corn panna cotta alongside common caramel corn.  A smart play…and the judges love it.

Christine’s dessert is a corn and coconut pudding with what looks like figs on top, and the judges love it.

Monti had the balls to make a corn and lavender soufflé.  There’s still steam coming out of it when they taste it, which leads me to believe they tasted it just out of the oven.  This is further evidenced by the fact that the soufflé hadn’t fallen when she took it up to the judges.  Souffles can’t be “held” for any length of time, they have to go straight from the oven to the table.  So you definitely run a risk when you make a soufflé in the MasterChef kitchen.  But Monti pulled it off.

Felix also takes a major risk.  She makes profiteroles, which are little puffs of egg dough filled with cream.  Her twist is to incorporate both popcorn and cornmeal into the dough, which is something I’d never do unless I had practiced it first.  Cornmeal is very course, and unless you cook it slowly to split open the granules so the starch bursts out, it could definitely have a negative effect on the texture of the profiterole.  And the profiteroles don’t look like traditional profiteroles…Graham goes so far as to say that they look like “novelty cat poop.”  While they’re obviously not profiteroles, they DO sound interesting to me.  But the judges are not impressed.  Gordon says he had Felix in his top 3, but that this is the worst dish she’s made thus far.

Frank is up next with a corn budino.  (Budino is Italian for pudding.)  He’s got this custardy pudding on top of chocolate sauce, and topped with candied pine nuts and corn kernels.  Sounds great, and the judges say it tastes great.  I think Frank is the only one who paired chocolate with corn.

Josh is last, and he’s got a corn crème brulee topped with corn-infused caramel.  First off, I have to say that it’s NOT a crème brulee.  Crème brulee is a custard that has had sugar burnt onto a glassy surface on top of it.  Josh’s surface is soft cream caramel, not crisp burnt sugar.  However, he did appear to have torched the corn kernels sitting in the caramel.  So I guess it’s technically a bruleed-corn custard.  The problem is that his layer of caramel is muddy colored and doesn’t look very appetizing.  Joe says it’s way too sweet and tastes terrible, and Josh argues with him.  Graham says that the flavors make sense, but it looks unappetizing.

The top 2 dishes are Frank and Becky, who will lead teams in the next challenge.

Who to send home?  David, Josh, or Felix?  It’s a tough call, but I’m confident that they’re sending David home because of that classic formula.  He had the advantage, and he ended up with something the judges couldn’t eat.  That makes him EXTRA guilty, just as it made ME extra guilty when I squandered my advantage hot off a mystery box win.

But I’m dead wrong.  The decision is even more shocking.  Felix.  One of the strongest competitors in the competition.  Almost never in the bottom.  To me, Felix was the least criticized of the bottom 3 dishes.  I was certain she was safe.  But MasterChef loves a stunner.  And this was definitely stunning.  I screamed at the TV until I was hoarse.

Ultimately it makes sense, though.  The show was getting so heavy on talented, fascinating female characters.  Before they brought Josh back, it was 4 STRONG female characters, and 2 guys, only one of which was a strong character (David.)  So they brought back Josh, despite a VERY superior dish cooked by Stacey.  They always keep an even split between males and females, and it was making me downright uncomfortable in the past few episodes to see the girls overshadowing the guys.  The guys may have skill, but they’re just not as INTERESTING, character-wise, as the girls.  So to have this big group of fascinating girls, and a sprinkling of talented guys with fairly bland characters…it was just way off balance in terms of what they NORMALLY do.

So they have to get rid of one of their “big” girls, and the only one who screwed up today was Felix.  They can’t lose another guy.  So now we’re down to 6, and it’s miraculously an even split:  Christine, Monti, and Becky.  Josh, Frank, and David.

Was it the right decision?  Of course not.  Felix is brilliant TV, incredibly talented, and from the first 30 seconds seeing her in the signature dish audition, I had her pegged for final 4.  Now it’s gonna be tough to predict what will happen.  They’ve gotta have at least one polarizing figure in the final 4 (which will probably be gender split), and that’s either gonna be Becky or David.  If it’s Becky, I predict final 4 for Christine, Becky, Josh, and Frank.  If it’s David, I predict final 4 for Christine, Monti, Josh and David.  But it’s a weird season, so who knows?

Felix, I am broken-hearted.  I adore you.  I think you’re one of the most captivating personalities I’ve ever seen on TV.  I can’t wait to meet you in LA next month!  For those of you who adore Felix as much as I do, please follow her on Facebook and Twitter, and tell her how awesome she is!  This elimination was not easy for her.

Don’t forget to comment below about whether you’ve have shared the rice if you were a contestant.  And if you haven’t already, there’s a little box on the right side of your screen (it may be up near the top) where you can subscribe to my blog.  This means you’ll get an email notification each time I post.  And there are LOTS of exciting blogs coming up, including my long weekend with Monti and David in Phoenix…and blogs about the massive trip I took across the American West in June.

78 responses to “MasterChef recap: Prawns and Sweet Corn”

  1. Skippy Avatar

    I would have shared. I would not have wanted to win that way. Besides – you never know when the person who forgot something will be you. You might like Top Chef when it starts up again. I hear the next season is filming here in Seattle. I’ve seen the chefs help someone finish their dish when they had a catastrophe. Because they want to beat someone at their best, not at their worst.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I like that, Skippy. “I want to beat someone at their best, not at their worst.” That’s a much more eloquent way of saying what I’m thinking…I’m gonna steal it! 🙂

  2. Genevieve Avatar

    I would definitely have shared the rice … David made a mistake that anyone could have made. The Golden Rule applies everywhere–even reality TV! And Frank was right: if you’re going to beat someone, it should be because your dish was better, not because they were missing the key ingredient from their dish.

    Love your blog! I wish there were more people on TV (and in the world!) like you!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Genevieve! Though something tells me that if television were run by people like me, it would be very boring, sweet and sappy, and WAY too educational!

      1. Mindy Avatar

        Actually, television would be so much better that way.

  3. Karen C Avatar
    Karen C

    I had written to you ages ago about the first Masterchef Juniors Australia. I fell in love with that show. The kids were not only smart and intelligent, they supported each other in a way I’ve never seen on reality tv. Teared me up almost every week! It did not lessen the suspense or affect the ‘drama’ of the series. It was a pure pleasure to watch a competitive program without evil editing monkeys! I hope you get to see it someday. I know you would be impressed!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Karen, I would love to see them do a MasterChef Junior here in the US. I’ve talked to SO MANY fans who have talented chef-kids. And I can’t imagine them turning the show into a battle of drama between kids. Though, there ARE shows like Toddlers in Tiaras, so who knows what they would do with it?!?

  4. randal Avatar

    I would have shared my rice to david
    but lets say becky or frank forgot it
    that might be your one chance to take them out
    it would have made me think
    i still would have given them the rice though
    i just would have hesitated

  5. annie Avatar

    Yes I would definitely have shared. It’s an honourable thing to do. If I hadn’t and that person who needed my rice had failed, then I would have beaten them with no integrity.

  6. Tim Avatar

    David IS fascinating. He’s got such an effusive personality that comes across both on the show and in person. We met at a bar where he was hosting a Masterchef viewing, if only for a second or two, but I get the feeling that his curiousity and genuinely good natured spirit, not at all competitive, will further his culinary career regardless of whether it leads him to the trophy of Masterchef champion. You’ve met him. Let’s face it: David’s got bigger fish to fry, and I honestly can’t understand the bad rap he’s gotten this season, along with the repercussions he has endured with his presence on Social Media. Yes, you go after what the easiest target is, and the bullies revert to the superficial tropes of making fun of someone’s weight, their status as a nerd, a spindly geek, or a member of a protected class.
    It’s so unfortunate, because when that happens, the ones getting picked on revert to their status as the bullied, and I know that he’s moved past that and become successful living his life and doing his thing, but it’s so easy to fall back into old habits. He’s above that, and he knows it, but it’s difficult to put up with that abuse. I just want to be supportive.

    Moving on, I think it was a mistake to leave Josh in the competition. His dish was not at all appealing, and even though David’s dish was poor, Josh’s looked like a pile of slop. I’ve said before that there is a marked difference between home chefs who cook for flavor and those who plate for presentation. Josh, being right in the middle, doesn’t necessarily have that eye for presentation. His cooking techniques are mostly solid, but his pastry and baking techniques leave a little to be desired. Especially if his corn brulee was off in flavor, he would have needed to come up with a presentation that saved him. According to the cameras, he didn’t.

    I want to write more, but I must sleep. Tomorrow!

  7. Ligeia Avatar

    I agree with you that what Joe said to David was quite awful. I think if it would have been me, and he says that about my mother or my grandmother, I would have dumped the food in his face. I was so angry.
    It does not look like you have any sympathy for Josh… not that you have to. I think though, that if things Ryan said were forgivable (and I agreed he was just so immature), then definitely it would be unfair to hold the whole “I won;t give rice” thing against Josh. He is also young… and looks like he has talent too. In general, after editing of course, it did not look like he had a mean heart. And I know nothing about food but if Josh creme brulee was not such… were Felix profiteroles real profiteroles?
    Thanks for the blog. I missed it last week.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I’ve said it before that I like Josh…I think he’s probably the strongest male competitor in terms of talent and personality. Frank may be a bit more skilled, and I actually adore Frank’s laid-back personality, but I don’t think he’s as marketable as Josh.

      The reason I easily forgive Ryan’s comments is because Ryan was playing a role. There was no honesty behind ANYTHING Ryan said. He was scrambling to get attention and camera time. I don’t believe there was any real hostility in his words.

      I do think, based on Josh’s facial expressions, that he does have a sort of ruthless attitude about the competition. He’ll do anything to win. And that will ultimately make it impossible for him to win, in the same way that it would have been impossible for Ryan to win.

  8. Anony Mouse Avatar
    Anony Mouse

    Felix got robbed. They seem to really be tilting things in Josh’s favor, both in bringing him back and in this elimination challenge. It just seems so transparent.

  9. Steven Mon Avatar

    If someone asks me for rice, and I have it, I’m not going to say, “No, you can’t have it.” But I would have been irritated I think. Unless it was one of the women contestants asking me. You can’t get mad at a woman asking you for rice.

    As for Felix, I felt they made the right choice because I thought she blew chunks with that “dessert.” It looked like a ball of corn dough. I don’t care how awful David’s pudding tasted, I recognized it as rice pudding. But what Felix made. Ugh. “Oh boy, I can’t wait for dessert! Look, Felix made us some…what the F is that?!” She has serious skills though.

  10. Gene MD Avatar
    Gene MD

    Hi Ben,

    Pressed for time here, to bad MC was not on tonight, just HK re-runs. Which is like watching bad hacker point soaps in a foreign port……

    I think anyone who cooks, would lend another something in need. If you do it at home, then why not do it in your natural state of mind on the show. I think the viewers were lead by the hand again, I hate being played when I want to see people cook and learn something. Even when David asked Monti in Spanish for rice, the producers tried to make a simple honest request seem sneaky. I know I have seen others lend items on the show before in all the seasons. Cooks are People too…….

    To bad Felix left. I am sure she will do very well and I did sub her FB. Glad that David is doing the rounds in Chicago, he will excel in his cooking. I lived there for a year and the food selection is FAB.

    I have had Prawns served in all fashions in many parts of the world. In most places if you ask for shrimp or lobster, they will bring you Prawns because that is all they have and the language barrier plays a factor. Almost always they are served whole.

    FB msg on BB is coming soon, I hope you like it.

    Gene MD

  11. Courtney Avatar

    Shoot, give me some sweet corn on the cob and that’s almost dessert on its own! 😀

    Glad that you’re talking about the editing process, and how contestants are pretty much given roles to play in a show that fosters individual competition. I started watching this show when season one began because I’m a fan of the Australian version. The biggest difference that strikes me is how… competitive people are shown to be in the US version. I wasn’t sure if it was just editing, or producer intervention, or what. I mean, I know contestants in the Australian one are competitive as well, but the difference how the two countries portray the competition astounds me. In the US, well, you’ve lived it and seen its results post-production. I think in this season of the Australian one that just ended, there was perhaps one meltdown that they showed. That’s it. There’s no villain, no one you’re waiting to get sent home because it would feel like justice served. The focus of the show is more on the food, and the contestants working together and helping each other in friendly competition, not the drama. And it’s not weak television for the lack.
    It all comes down to editing and what production thinks viewers want to see, I suppose.

    By the way, thanks to you, I am anxiously waiting for pumpkin season. 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Oh, Courtney, I’m anxiously awaiting pumpkin season, too! ESPECIALLY because it’s not 109F in pumpkin season. Ha ha ha… THanks for your comment! *hugs*

  12. Min Avatar

    Hey Ben,

    Greetings from sunny Singapore! Great fan of your blog and Masterchef. It was really interesting to read about your take on how if reality TV wants you to have a bad day, you’re gona have a bad day no matter how good your dish really is.

    I’ve always been intrigued about how during the audition episodes there is so much polarity among Gordon, Joe & Graham over the signature dishes (i know its to heighten the drama and drum up tension) but they’ve been almost unanimous in their verdicts of every dish in the Top 18. Makes me wonder if the producers make an overriding decision on behalf of the judges to universally condemn a particular dish.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Tracy’s catfish from last season was one of the few rare cases (or perhaps only case) where one of the judges had something nice to say as opposed to his fellow judges. The most recent episode had Graham commenting that the flavours of Josh’s pseudo creme brulee made sense. But beyond these mild examples, it’s hard to look past the fact that when the judges set out to castigate a dish, it’s almost always set in stone.

    Personally, I would have preferred to get an insight into how some of the bottom 3 dishes had redeeming qualities or if one of the judges actually liked the dish rather than succumbing to the majority, then we would probably get a better idea of why that person got eliminated. While I feel that most of the past decisions made on Masterchef have maintained an air of believability, the past two episodes have left me really befuddled over some of their calls.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Min, the judges give conflicting feedback ALL the time, it just doesn’t make it into the final edit. When you only see one or two judges talking about a dish, chances are the others expressed differing opinions. But it would be confusing for an audience to see an elimination when the judges weren’t in agreement over it. And the show seems to be staking out this stance that there are universals in the culinary world, and the judges are telling you about them. That’s why they always seem to be in agreement. It’s bizarre.

  13. M86 Avatar

    Personally, I don’t think I could deal with something that moves and is still alive! That would be my biggest challenge.

    I think David is a strong contender, but was the rice thing staged? I really wonder sometimes…

    And, wow, thank you for the insight on this show… Good for you resisting to the producer’s so-called cravings… It’s people like you we like to watch! Are they complete idiots?

    Also, if I remember right, they didn’t show Tracy Kontos’ catfish on TV? (I love Tracy… so down to home, like you). I hate when they exclude dishes when the judges are tasting. Skip the dumb drama and show everyone’s dishes!

    I’m still rooting for Monti and Christine!

  14. flkajsdfkl Avatar

    I would’ve given it to David if I thought he was a weak contestant.

    Remember how people kept Tali around? He was good insurance in case you were in an elimination challenge in the future.

    I think Becky was confident in her ability to take David out in the future so she gave him the rice. Had it been Frank I’m pretty sure she would’ve said now.

  15. Cristy Avatar

    Benny! Awesome blog post. Please let David know that I’m quite proud of his degree in education and now going for his PhD. If there is anything I can do for him, please let him know I’m happy to help.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks, sweetheart! We need to get you two together sometime. His dissertation is going to be on the cost of educating an economically disadvantaged minority in the US, vs the cost of NOT educating him. He wants to be able to provide the federal government with a simple, proven equation. THIS is exactly how much it costs to educate a poor Latino in the US. THIS is exactly how much it will cost society and the government if he is NOT educated. It’s a fascinating concept, and I think you and he would really get along. He is SUCH a passionate youth advocate. Both he and Monti are the most active of this year’s contestants in terms of advocating for disadvantaged youth.

  16. friedapaula Avatar

    When Joe made that comment about David’s mother, I had an instant flash back to season 2, when Guiseppe said something about the judges mom’s and Gordon looked like he was about to rip his throat out and fry it up with some gorgeous mushrooms. We don’t know what the dishes taste like, which is what bugs me most about MC, I usually get extremely hungry while watching it. David’s dish might have been awful. But insulting one’s mom, that’s a no-go.
    I am rooting for an all-girls finale (it’s never gonna happen, I know), I think Becky, Monti and Christine head to head would be amazing.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I totally agree. They definite had enough talent and personality on the female side to have an all-female final 4.

  17. Peter Avatar

    I’d have given him the rice in a heartbeat if I was in Becky’s shoes. She didn’t even need the rice! Especially to a guy who’s shared before during the competition if what you say is true. Not out of desire to beat him fair, but just to BE fair.

    However, if I was cooking there next time, and Josh forgot something that I had, I’d be very tempted not to give it to him. It’d feel satisfying after all he said last time. I think I would still give it to him in the end, just in hopes of making him feel a little bad about his speech last week (and because I really can’t imagine ever being that selfish), but deep inside I’d really want to deny it to him. And I do sort of like him, and definitely respect him, ever since his signature dish audition. I just didn’t like the selfish super “competitive” attitude. Might just be the professional basketball player talking; no room for friendships between teams in sports. (I’m actually feeling very petty now, after reviewing my post 🙂

    I also seem to remember Jennifer denying Christian something that he’d forgotten last season. It might have been that she just needed it all (at least that was her excuse), but afterwards to the camera she sounded really pleased to have denied Christian something. I didn’t like that either.

    I was super sad to see Felix go, but at this point it sucks to see anyone go. I guess I’d still rather see the “competitive people” go than the nice ones, but I like everyone at this point. Still rooting for Frank; his speech about honor heightened my opinion of him even more. Nice that they showed at least someone in support of sharing.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Great comment, Peter. Yes, last year Christian needed something from Jennifer but she didn’t give it to him, because she didn’t have enough to give. She needed it for her dish. But there WAS animosity between Christian and Jennifer, so she might not have given it to him even if she had enough. I’m not sure.

  18. Saeed Oshee Avatar

    I’d Share… I always do… You know… There are many horrible things that can happen to a person and they have happened to me, But I never Cry for those… but a tear falls when I hear about the goodness in Human beings… Its so rare these days…

    The thing about Television and General Media these days, Is generating controversy… With the internet age the more you talk about a certain thing the more Interest it generates… Controversies spread faster than good news and hence generates more buzz.. and that’s the main of Reality TV…. Well That’s what I think anyways…

    1. Ben Avatar

      Beautiful words, Saeed, thanks for sharing!

  19. Amber grady Avatar
    Amber grady

    Would have most definitely shared!!

  20. HouMom Avatar

    I would have shared, and I think anyone who had any extra would have shared, even Josh. He just felt he had to say otherwise because he has to act extra-competitive after his re-entry. I would have made a colonial corn pudding, flavored with maple and studded with cranberries. For bacon I would have done an upside-down cake with crumbled cooked bacon and pineapple on the bottom because bacon and pineapple together are awesome. My son (who has a cooking blog) says he would have done simple fresh berries and whipped cream, adorned with strips of dark chocolate-covered bacon. For beets I’d cook a compote of dried fruits with ginger and cinnamon, and add some roasted beet cubes before serving so their color would stand out. I think the test audiences that want more drama than cooking are steering the producers away from bigger audiences. Show us the food!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Oh, that bacon pineapple upside down cake sounds DIVINE!

  21. Gregory Wright Avatar

    Of course I’d share the rice! I”m with you, if I can’t beat you at your best I didn’t beat you. I am hugely competitive, and want to beat the best. I need to know I can do it. Being sneaky, or trying to take someone out in an unfair way is just wrong. I lost a bit of respect for Graham and Josh for saying they wouldn’t share. Could be for the camera, but really, that’s petty. If you don’t think David deserves to be there, let him crash on his own. But then again, they may all know how smart he is and don’t know when he will shine. FAce it, that shrimp dish looked amazing. I can’t take MasterChef seriously as a real competition, because they engineer it to eliminate people before their time. If you get stuck on losing teams, you get stuck doing more pressure tests, while a lesser cook who is on winning teams progresses. But it is entertaining and they do choose awesome contestants who cook their hearts out. As a viewer, the only way for me to really figure out who can really cook, is to make their dishes. And I’ve made quite a few (several variations of your pumpkin/carrot as you know) so I have a good idea of many folks skills. Last year especially, I was surprised at how early a few AMAZING cooks went home. I’m so glad you posted how awesome David is, I have liked him from the start and feel his food has a passion and sincerity behind it lacking in many others food. He definitely gets a lousy edit, but as he has said, he shows who he is in real life. Thanks for sharing the tip about the shrimp shells and heads. I save ’em up to make stock but never knew to get the flavor out into the fat! That’s gonna amp up my shrimp stock a ton!

  22. Stacey Avatar

    I would absolutely share, especially in a situation like Becky’s where she wasn’t intending to use the rice. If I was going to make rice pudding, I would have given David enough to make his dish work without sacrificing mine. I was glad to read David is doing so well in Chicago because he was one of my picks from the auditions. TV editing has given him a role, but in unscripted moments I see him talking comfortably with his castmates. And I can relate to not always doing my best under pressure, but then getting into a supportive environment and taking off. So David has “won” the real competion!

  23. Chris Avatar

    This is supposed to be an INSPIRATIONAL show. Not Hell’s Effing Kitchen. And the closer it gets to that, the more frustrated I get, so this act of kindness is necessary towards that inspirational end…and gawd, I’m glad that you changed the atmosphere in MC2, because you became the heart of the show, and even Joe thought you’d be Final Two.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Thanks so much, Chris. This is a very succinct view of the MasterChef situation. I feel like it has a totally different audience than Hell’s Kitchen. And they will alienate that audience if they keep moving MasterChef more toward the Hell’s Kitchen format.

  24. Jess White Avatar
    Jess White

    Of course I would have shared! Is human decency that far gone? If it is that makes me incredibly sad and downright angry all at the same time. Ben, you are amazing, I think I enjoy your blog more than any show on television, you are so raw and real and down to earth, I have learned so so much from you!! But back to it, of course I would have shared the rice, and anything I else I may have had extra of that someone else needed, I would want the same respect from anyone else. It is important to remmeber that the one moment we see someone, is only a step in their journey, later on, we may be the ones who have fallen and need someone to help us back up to our feet.

  25. Christy Avatar

    Like you, I was most surprised that Graham said he wouldn’t share anything with a fellow competitior. That just didn’t fit with the personality we have all grown to love through the television. Of course, I would share my rice. No question.

  26. Marie Avatar

    No no no! That would be good. Period. 🙂

    About the rice, I would share it without hesitation. That is nothing more than normal behaviour and I was surprised and disappointed When Josh didn’t. Just silly.

  27. Jennifer Allen Rossi Avatar

    While I love Josh, and am rooting for him because he’s part of the home team (and also talented) , I am disappointed in him saying he wouldn’t share. I definitely would share my rice, if I didn’t need it myself, of course. I am a notorious soft touch and like to treat people like I would want to be treated. They’re going to sink or swim on their own cooking merits and rice or lack thereof won’t change that. I’m all for competing, but competing doesn’t have to mean losing your decency.

    1. Ben Avatar

      “Competing doesn’t have to mean losing your decency.” GREAT quote, Jennifer!

  28. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    Ben, I actually posted this before, on your “Huevos and Rancheros” entry, but I am going to copy it here because it still applies to this post: As for “reality” show drama, particularly when it comes to cooking competitions, I prefer teamwork. There are a variety of cooking competition shows I enjoy, but there is one thing I don’t like on any of them. I will use “Chopped” as an example because it happens on every episode, consistently. And I hate it, consistently. I literally ignore the tv until the basket opens and the cooking starts because almost every single chef ends their introduction with “These other chefs are no competition. I’m the best and I’m going to win.” Now granted each episode is 4 different people, not a long term thing like MC, so the producers probably feel they have ramp up the drama to make it more interesting. But it’s not interesting, it’s tedious. I always want to ask them “How do you know you are the best? Have you tasted the other chefs’ food, even once?” And anyone who has ever cooked every day (professionally or for family) can tell you, even your best recipe can let you down if you get complacent, distracted or rushed. And in a competition in particular, it doesn’t matter how many times you have made flawless this or perfect that. It matters how you cook *today*. I’d rather just hear about their passion for cooking. That’s far more interesting to me than arrogance. I’m pretty sure the producers sometimes sabotage equipment on Chopped, as well, and I *know* they understock the pantry – both to create drama when one chef is forced to ask another chef to share food or equipment. Sometimes they don’t share, but mostly, God bless ‘em, they do. Once chef said it best (I paraphrase): “I’m not gonna win because I didn’t give him eggs and I’m not gonna lose because I did. If I win it’s because I cooked better.” Which brings me to the conclusion of my long comment: I am not watching a cooking competition to see who is better at sarcastic put-downs. I am watching it to see new and exciting ways to manipulate food. Positive emotions can be just as compelling as negative ones, if not more so. I am always way more riveted to the tv when two contestants who have become friends are standing side by side waiting to see which one is going home than when one chef is trash talking another chef or when those “enemy” chefs are both up.

  29. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    Oh, and salsa verde is made with a base of green tomatoes/tomatillos, rather than peppers, isn’t it?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Jamie, MEXICAN salsa verde is made with tomatillos. Spanish salsa verde is made with green peppers.

  30. Amanda M. Avatar
    Amanda M.

    I would definately have shared. I would want to compete on a level playing field so that if I won, I would know that it was because my food rocked!

  31. Roberta Avatar

    Hi Ben! First of all, I couldn’t have lived with myself if I had refused to give the rice to David.

    Also, >Min, the judges give conflicting feedback ALL the time, it just doesn’t make it into the final edit. When you only see one or two judges talking about a dish, chances are the others expressed differing opinions.<

    You know, it's a shame that happens. Think of Siskel & Ebert in their heyday – we LOVED hearing them go back and forth, and get really animated and heated at times! It would be an opportunity for the chefs to show more of their personalities and have some fun with the audience. But I guess the producers don't see it that way. Actually, the producers don't see it a lot of ways, which is a shame….

  32. Lisa Avatar

    I once saw an episode of Chopped,where on chef shared an ingredient essential to the other’s dish. His rationale? He isn’t going to be beat me, I’m only going to beat myself. Sounds arrogant but basically he was confident in his own abilities and wanted the other contestant to be at his best. I also remember last season, maybe in the finals or semis, Jennifer didn’t share with Christian.

  33. Ehyeh Avatar

    Well to be fair to Josh he didn’t have rice so he has nothing to share and what he said about not sharing was just theoretically-speaking. Having said that, I’m not a huge fan of him. Probably because I was tainted by the idea that Stacey should have gotten over him or Ryan in the wildcard. I still can’t get over how Stacey whose dish was both good in taste and presentation didn’t make it over a dish that looked like a loose bowel swimming in blood.

    Frank just solidified my opinion about him. He’s both a great cook and a really cool guy. I looked at the Masterchef wiki page and Frank is actually right up there with Becky in terms of performances in the individual challenges. But it’s interesting that his edit doesn’t make him an obvious threat compared to Becky. Makes me wonder if that does not bode well for him especially since this is a US-based reality tv show. I still have that lingering feeling that he’s going to end up like Tracy’s 6th place from Season 2 which I hope I’m wrong. If this were Masterchef Australia, he would have easily won at this point since that show cares less about personalities or who provides the most drama (I remember their Season 2 winner Adam being almost invisible in the first half of the season and their Season 4 winner Andy wasn’t really prominent until the later part of the show).

    An all-female finale sounds appealing and while the female cooks this season have the bigger and more entertaining personalities, in an ideal world I would very much prefer if they made it on actual merit. In terms of cooking, the remaining contestants who genuinely impressed me are Frank, Becky and Christine. So that’s my ideal final 3 finale. I could care less about the fourth contestant to be honest.

  34. Tim Avatar

    I’m going to be honest, because I haven’t been in the MC kitchen, but I can understand the pressure. I would have given David my rice, reluctantly. There’s no easy way about it. Most people, I can tell, are good, kind-hearted individuals. Still, the reluctance stems from the idea that I would be digging my own grave if I gave it to him. This isn’t the case, and is no commentary on David, but especially with home chefs, the opportunity to second guess their own talent is never far from the final plate. I do it all the time. I know, despite my best efforts to put something out that tastes good and looks appetizing, that somewhere, there may be an undercooked prawn. I’ll notice that my greens look wilted, or I may have not cooked my rice to the optimal degree of doneness. Now I’m going to give someone my rice? Why? So they can cook a dish potentially better than me, leaving me out of the competition?
    What I DO like about the show is that teamwork does show through, and by this point in the taping, bonds have been formed and forged. The opportunity for Masterchef glory would not outweigh my desire to be a good person and a good friend to someone like David, with whom I share a kindred kitchen spirit and enthusiasm. I don’t have that nature about me that drives me to succeed at the expense of others. Yes, if they’re going to beat me, let them beat me on their merits versus mine. At the end of the day, when the lights on the set go down, who do I want to be remembered as? It’s as important as “winning” the show, if not more, to be alright with who you are. I don’t want to be that guy. Would you give a thirsty traveler a drink of water? What is the worst that could happen? The show, as I’m sure you, Monti, David, etc. can attest to, is more than the money or the fame, because what good is any of it if it is squandered? Live right, do right, think right. Be a good person. Make sure everyone is fed. Make sure everyone is taken care of. Share kindness. Money doesn’t mean a thing if you’ve got nobody to share it with. Same goes for love.

  35. thorn Avatar

    Heya Ben –

    You raise an interesting question – “Would I have shared the rice”? Personally, it isn’t an easy answer … and the reason is simple: the editing of the show itself.

    I’m not an overly competitive person. I enjoy winning, but when I’ve been beaten by a clearly stronger competitor, there’s no anger about it for me. It just shows that I have some work to do. But, having said that, I’m generally not going to help someone reach their own goal if they’ve been particularly unkind to others along the way.

    Which is how David has been portrayed.

    I’ll completely take your word that David is actually a talent, nice, easy-going guy (seriously, I will. And it’s nice to read). But he’s really been edited in such a way that he looks arrogant, mean-spirited (note the blurred flipping off from the balcony), and generally a bit whiny. I’m not saying he IS that way, but from a viewer’s perspective (however incorrect), I did find myself agreeing with Josh.

    “He’s rude to people. He doesn’t seem like a team player. He insults other opponents, and laughs at their failures. Hell no, I won’t share my pantry items with you. Karma, baby. I don’t become your savior, when you’ve done nothing but make their time hellish. You go, Josh!”

    Again, this is the “edit” talking. Having worked in TV for 17+ years, I know they don’t show the whole story. 😉

    But – if we only saw 5% of David, and only the bad – and not the 95% that you’re telling about that the other contestants say – then yes, I would have shared with him. But when I say “No, I wouldn’t have shared”, I hope my reasoning makes sense.

    My personal jury is still out on Ryan, though. In-Character or not, he *did* say all those lines we’re hearing. Next time he’s on TV, he should try a character that seems a bit more likable and less like the ego-inflated Flavor Elevator. 😉

    All in all, this season has been a bit of a letdown. It’s too easy to see the Man Behind The Curtain this time around… drama being scripted, and all that. Felix didn’t deserve to be kicked (we screamed at the TV as well), and Stacey – wow. I stay can’t believe a dessert with questionable consistency beat her pasta dish. Josh appears to be very skilled, but … yeah… Stacey’s exit was seriously a WTF moment. As a viewer, it’s really soured the show a bit. We aren’t all Master Chefs out here, but some of us have enough of a clue to know when a contestant is being advanced due to producer politics, and not actually cooking results.

  36. seigiac Avatar

    This whole thing about sharing reminded me of something I experienced when I was still a student. Back then, I was a computer science student and I noticed that more often than not with my peers that there was this sort of selfishness with our work to the point where the more difficult something was, the more protective of our knowledge we became. The point is, we didn’t share because everybody felt that by doing so we were making things too easy for everyone else and that somehow demerit our own efforts.

    I later learned this was stupid. Not only do one just isolates oneself but it also limits our own potential to grow. When one shares the knowledge with others, the ones who surround us grow and it creates a richer environment where one can grow even further.

    When I was in my senior year I would often say to myself, if someone would have explained this or that when I was a freshman, I would have learned so much much more. So I convinced my peers to start sharing the little that we knew with the younger students. We organized several events and projects with them and very soon they were building some really cool stuff that was complex even for the older students. The cool thing of all of that, is that the ones who actually learned more were us, we became better by helping others, by sharing our knowledge we became wiser. Also, I made some awesome new friends and my remaining time at school was so much better.

    To me, there’s no question about it, I would have shared. I would have helped others as much as I can because I know that that will make myself better and it will bring the best out of me.

  37. Julie Zielinski Gabis Avatar
    Julie Zielinski Gabis

    Yes, I would have shared the rice. I agree — if you believe you’re the best, why not compete with the best? If I’d withheld rice, & David had gone home, I’d always have wondered if I would have beaten him “fairly.” (Maybe the better word is “humanely.”) I, too, hate that this show is becoming so “Springer” for lack of a better word.

    Ever since I found out that Monti & David are friends in real live, I’ve had a whole different view on him & his “character” on MC. I enjoy him a lot, & I LOVED the Mystery Box challenge the 3 of you did at Monti’s station!

    I’m sorry to say that I do not enjoy Felix or Becky. At the very least, they’re rude, crass, catty women due to their edits, but I also believe that they have to have said some of those things. Unpleasant.

    It will be interesting to see how all this plays out.

  38. Valerie Harris Avatar
    Valerie Harris

    Hi Ben,
    Of course I would share my rice! Frank said it absolutely perfect. I will say strategizing about the dessert ingredient is different than capitalizing on someone’s goof up. David was right about the bacon because that would have been too easy for everyone. You don’t have to get too creative. The beets would have been really hard because you either get super creative and transform them but I bet most people would have simply tried to hide them in the dish. Then you might as well not have even bothered. The corn was smart. Like you, I was certain that David was going home based on judges comments and past performance (no offence David, I totally get the creative/execution block). If you are factoring in past performance, Felix clearly had the leg up. Your theory about the shake down for the final four is interesting and I think you may be correct. At least the previous two seasons have been just as you said. I get it, it’s TV!! Personally, I would rather watch a straight on competition and not be “played”; but that’s just me. Felix is such a little go getter I have no doubt she will do well.
    Anyway, back to me… (Just kidding) I always challenge myself to say what I would make with any given challenge. I i
    mmediately thought of something creamy with the corn and I thought the panna cotta was a great idea. A crème brule would be good too but it would be far harder to get it cooled enough and get a good brule to the top. A panna cotta could be setting up in the fridge in no time leaving you plenty of time to come up with a “stunning” accompaniment. I LOVE your sweet corn fritter idea. Mmmm dusted in cinnamon sugar with caramel or praline sauce, oh my. Do they have an ice cream machine? I don’t think I have seen one used but sweet corn ice cream would be good. Back to the prawn challenge, you and I are of like mind. I immediately thought of a nice Thai coconut soup with one big bad boy resting in the bowl and the broth well infused with shrimpiness. Maybe a little peanut prawn salad to the side as well.
    So tonight I will have to appease myself with the re-runs. I suppose I am somewhat unpatriotic not watching the Olympics and I’m even a sporty kind of girl. My team sport days are largely behind me now with solo pursuits more my speed, but MC is the kind of “team sport” that gets me fired up!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Valerie, there was no ice cream machine on my season. However…you most certainly don’t have to have an ice cream machine to make ice cream! Especially if you’re only making one serving. As long as you have a smaller container that can sit in a larger container filled with ice and salt, you can make ice cream!

  39. Julie Zielinski Gabis Avatar
    Julie Zielinski Gabis

    ummmm, real *life* I actually do know how to spell ….

  40. Scott Avatar

    Ben, I completely agree with you on that point with reality show where contestants say that line “I didn’t do this to make friends.” Not only does that comment make you look like a cocky jerk, but how does that benefit you at all? I mean, Masterchef has really been the show to point that out because Max from last year and Ryan from last year were considered the evil people of the season but they were booted fairly early. It’s still a line that makes me nauseous, and it’s really bad in Hell’s Kitchen where that phrase is practically every contestant’s mantra.

    I was actually expecting this episode with David to mirror your own final episode with the success and the misfortunes at the ending. (He forgot the rice, you confused beets with red cabbage, BEETS WERE IN BOTH EPISODES!) But I was really shocked with Felix’s elimination. In retrospect, I got why she was eliminated because she’s made several lows and that dessert didn’t look good. The popcorn inside is an odd choice and it did remind me of anime dog poop.

    I was really amazed at what the contestants could pull off, especially with props to Frank and Monti. Again, I do love this season because it’s really hard to predict a winner and lots of them are showing their talent.

    I am worried about Josh, just because of the cuts they did with this season. I am wondering if they are going to make him like Christian, because he is starting to become a bit selfish and fierce towards the other competitors. I do dig his cooking because it’s always a surprising when he makes an incredible, restaurant-quality dish. But who knows.

    I felt bad for David though with Joe’s comment. It reminds me of the biggest laugh out loud moment I had last season, where Joe removed a steak off his mashed potatoes because of how bad it looks plating wise, and Christian said in a cutaway: “F— You, Joe! :D”

  41. Anissa Avatar

    I would have given my rice to David. I would be thinking things like “how did he forget it? why am I giving this to him?” but they would remain thoughts.

    I fully admit that I am not a cook. In fact, I dislike cooking and avoid being in the kitchen at all costs. However, I watch Hell’s Kitchen (every season except the current one; just so tired of the theatrics). And somehow, in the early part of your season Ben, I watched MasterChef and got hooked. I loved watching you and your personality drew me in. I liked many of your peers as well and found the show amazing. It impressed me that “home cooks”, who in my mind were culinary artists, were such amazing chefs.

    So maybe my opinion would not matter because I am not a cook at all. But I haven’t enjoyed this season like I did last season. At times, there is too much artifice and too much sniping to the point of being cruel. I do not watch for this kind of yuck. I truly enjoy seeing what each person would do with ingredients given to them and without days of preparation or planning. I find that part, the artistry of cooking, to be why I watch.

    1. Ben Avatar

      You’re in good company here on my site, Anissa! We are all folks who want to see more celebrating of the best of humanity, rather than glorifying in the pettiest and worst ind us. WELCOME!!!

  42. Emily Wilson Avatar
    Emily Wilson

    I LOVE Felix so I was so sad when they eliminated her 🙁
    Also I think its awful that they portrayed David as less intelligent than he actually is. Glad to hear you had a good time with him and Monti.

  43. Chris Avatar

    So. They need a villain in the Final Five…..Tali doesn’t do Classic Cuisine, so he won’t do. Then Josh loses the egg competition in a fluke(and so far, though boring, the only example of a REAL competition), and the producers say, “NO! Now we have no villain!”…”Either Ryan or Josh must come back!” …..Josh, the new Christian. Oh, the DRAMA. But I’ll watch, anyway. At least, there’s Monti…the New Ben, in a way. The AntiVillain. I’m sure she’ll Team Up with David, and we’ll have Good vs. Evil…So, we have THAT goin fer us…which is nice.

  44. canarygirl Avatar

    Of course I would have shared the rice. I can’t imagine NOT doing so. Felix is awesome. I hated to see her go. 🙁

  45. Barb Avatar

    Hi Ben,
    I taught kindergarten so I would have to share. I was really surprised at Josh, unless it’s the editing, because I had him pegged for a nice guy. I agree with Frank, that if youre going to win on the merits of your dish, youre going to win. Not because you screwed someone out of a chance when they had a bad day…Thanks for a very honest master chef chat…It is TV I guess so there has to be drama…but what bothers us is that they are sucking up to WalMart????We got their steaks just to judge for ourselves…twice… and twice tough…
    Maybe they know something I don’t as I am just someone interested in good food, but walmart really? I don’t even go there for toilet paper…just my preference.

  46. tigersue Avatar

    Ben I love your insights into the show. Although I mildly disagree over your opinion of Ryan. (What he said to Monti was absolutely uncalled for and sexual harassment at its finest, if Monti had laughed it would have at least shown that there had been friendly banter before. She didn’t appreciate it right of and he should have apologized)

    I would have shared the rice, that being said I don’t blame Josh for saying no. It is entirely possible that before he had been eliminated he would have, but then coming back he would be in more survival mode. I think that can change the approach and what someone would do. Only Josh can answer that question for sure. I am not sure why everyone is so down on this cast. Even Ryan had the ability to compliment Christine on her dish. I am probably one of the few people that would not put him down for Christine having to do a live crab. Frankly I see that as his respect for her skill and abilities, testing her to the fullest. I am sure she has had to deal with crab before with the kind of food she cooks. What I have seen in shots is people hugging, encouraging, helping. I see them crying when someone leaves the kitchen, and when contestants walked back in there were cheers and claps. The only one they didn’t was Ryan, and I couldn’t decide if that was an edit, shock, or a statement that they really didn’t like the man. I tend to lean more to an edit.

    I find I like all the cooks in many ways, I learn from them and I wish I had half the talent of anyone trying out for the show let alone those that make it in.

    Since this is marketed as home cooks, the walmart sponsorship doesn’t phase me. I don’t shop there on the whole, I find it too expensive in the produce, but so many real home cooks, moms, dad, grandparents, students, those who really have to figure out how to make ends meet and cook meals for their family will be shopping there. I get it and it doesn’t bother me at all.

    My favorites to be in the top three, are Christine, Frank, and Becky. I think they are the most consistent, and I have a hard time seeing them put Josh in the top three after bringing him back. I think that would be more of a slap in the face than it already is to Stacy and Felix. If Josh out lives this next elimination I will be surprised. I’m sure I’m wrong but I do think it is a travesty. The one that should be back is Stacy, not just because of her outstanding dish, but her elimination was truly so heartbreaking. I love Christine, but that competition was so lopsided with her disability. She has to be careful and can’t rush, probably why we see fairly simple dishes, I’m sure if she had more time her work is untouchable, but she couldn’t see to give advice to Stacy. It is no wonder they lost, and if I were Stacy I would have been in just as much panic. It was truly sad for both Stacy and Christine. Josh lost because he had a truly bad dish, Stacy lost for reasons that seems much less cut and dried, particularly after her stunning sushi before.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Sue! You know, I completely forgot to mention Stacey’s sushi dish before. She KNEW how to make sushi! It was just the logistics of that challenge that resulted in her elimination. Grrr…

  47. Hrafn Avatar

    I would have shared the rice.

    I used to get in trouble with my coaches back in school (playing Academic Games) because I would help other teams at national competitions, including teams I would be playing later. My theory was always that if I couldn’t beat them at their best, knowing everything I knew, then victory may be more likely, but it was less meaningful. I wanted to win or lose while playing the best, performing at their best.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I LOVE this response! WE think alike!

  48. thorn Avatar

    I know i’ve already given a long thought response, but… a quick followup just occurred to me: isn’t the pantry visit *part* of the competition? To put it another way: if Becky was making an egg dish, and couldn’t figure out how to poach one, would be seem unkind if David said, “No… sorry. I’m not going to poach your eggs for you.”?

    I suppose I’m judging the contestant’s efforts on the entire process – from planning a dish, to getting the ingredients, to cooking them well, to presentation, not just what happens inside the saute pan.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I’m not sure I entirely understand your question. The contestants aren’t permitted to cook for each other except in group challenges. They also can’t shop for each other. However, once shopping is complete (and there is NO access to the pantry once shopping is complete), the judges can permit contestants to share ingredients with each other at their discretion, though they do not have to permit it.

  49. David Martinez @fromfiretotable @mc3david Avatar

    Where do I start? Thank you all for the support, thank you to Ben Starr for a great weekend, and being amazing enough to write this. Thank you to “Monti” for being an incredible big sister that I so desperately have needed for 32 years. I am a sensitive person, I didn’t realize how sensitive until I met Monti. I needed someone like that in my life. My older brothers taught me to be tough, stand up strong and open doors at the break of hinges. I didn’t realize that assuaging doors open is easier. Thank you to Masterchef and its entire team for allowing me to showcase my skill on center stage. I have been so scared to go into a commercial kitchen because, I went to school. I am deeply in debt and felt scared to not use those pieces of paper I own. I am no longer scared and for that I am grateful. Finally thank you to all the harshest of the harsh critics. It took me a long time to figure out why I was doing so bad on the show and in reading all of the horrible comments, and I do mean horrible, I found out the reason. Its simple really. I have been cooking since I was six. I have since then put out plate after plate of great food. It was time to grow, just like a teenager we all go through our growing pains and it is too bad mine have so far played out on camera. I was blocked by my own ability to think outside of my kitchen. Every chef goes through chefs block, when it happens to the best, they go to the south of France, or Finland, or Bornio. Me, I sat on a stage wilting under the intense scrutiny of the camera unable to hide my errors. I was tired, hung over, over caffeinated and under appreciated. I will not lie it was my lowest culinary point.

    Where to go next, ah yes the rice. What a contentious issue huh. Will you or wont you. Fact is early on in the competition we all decided that by hook or crook we wanted the best to continue. We decided we would play this game straight. We decided as a collective that when a person left we would mourn their exit as a friend. We decided that no matter what, we would help each other out, because if you go home it should be by your own hand, not by game play. It was the only way to play this game, you can thank all of us for this. I would walk around and often say, it doesn’t matter if I give you the exact recipe, if you cant execute, you will go home, “by your own hand.” Josh on camera did not raise his hand, in reality he didn’t, he kept his hand down, but guess what, I know, for a fact, 100% because I trust Josh, and I know Josh, that no matter who was missing that rice, if he had it, no matter if he had his hand up or down, he would have given up the rice. At the end of the day, as you saw on camera, according to the court of marsupials, it didn’t matter. My dish was “inedible.” I have never argued one of their decisions, that dish was not perfect, but by no means was it the worst. I stand behind that dish 100% even now. Salt agave caramel, rice pudding with cardamom, clove, cinnamon is a classic combo. Candied pepitas, come on, sounds great. I liked it but I am not part of the opossum Party.

    I didn’t taste Felix’s dish, I frankly didn’t even look at it. Do I think I deserved to go home though, no, no way, not that day. If there was ever a day I should have been eliminated, it was the double elimination day. See above all else here is the thing, I wanted the best to continue, I am not a judge though and since I didn’t go home some weeks back, I assumed I didn’t have the worst dish.

    The popular opinion is that I should have been sent home because I forgot my rice. How could I squandered this advantage. The show is Masterchef though, not Masterchef advantage taker. I did forget my rice but, would I have sat there and made nothing. No way. I would have made a granita, liquado, atole, corn pudding, corn muffins with a caramel center, corn lava cake, corn tamales with a cinnamon sugar sauce, corn churros. There were dozens and dozens of things I could have made with my basket. Why then did I run around asking for rice? Thats a story for another day.

    Finally, Dayvid Mahtines vs David Martinez. These are two completely different people. The former is a shell, a soft person with low moral standard, a person who seems to trip and fall into golden circumstances. The former is a weak cook with little to no skill. Vastly empty cerebral fissures who can not put a coherent thought together. Blubbering, often whining, seemingly interesting and little to no fire inside. The former is a petty, self loathing character.

    The latter is intelligent, full of self assurance, confident but never cocky. Little to no fear of the unknown or or failure because of the lesson. The latter walks through live with purpose never looking back on a decision. The latter makes things happen and doesn’t wait until something falls in his lap. The latter has strength and poise, and a fire in his belly for the things he loves, mainly food and music. The latter is well spoken, versed in language and etiquette. Fighter, lover, kind heart and forged in the fire of life.

    People who have met me like Tim and Ben are lucky because they get to see behind the looking glass. They get to see behind the camera. When they taste the food they understand why it is an utter disappointment to me why I fell so short. The times I’ve gotten to talk to them it was a blast. I will not defend my time on the show so far because really that isn’t me, I don’t consider that a person, I consider that a character I inadvertently played. Im fine with that. What I will say is how that character affected David Martinez is very real. The harsh criticisms, the untimely jokes, and most of all the utter surprise when people realize I can really cook. I didnt get on because of my good looks, or my awesome smile. I got on because I put out solid food. I went into commercial kitchens and ground out a path. I have a good time on line, and I will continue to have a good time, even while studying for my PhD.

    So whats next well we are in the top six. I moved to Phoenix and am wrapping up some last minute media stuff in Chicago. I start school August 23rd and arrive on August 20th for my permanent stay. I will apply at some restaurants and set up my first supper club. It will be a taste of Chicago dinner. I will save and hopefully in a year open my own place in Tempe. I will continue to cook until I reach my culinary goal. As for now I was so moved by the response to this article I had to write something. Thanks Ben and thank you all.

    1. Ben Avatar

      You know it doesn’t take very much to make me cry, David, but you’ve definitely got me crying anyway. This is such an extraordinary response and I am so grateful you left it. I’m going to share it on Facebook so folks can read it, and include the text in my blog today about my weekend with you and Monti. I have such respect and admiration for you, and I’m SO GLAD we’ve become friends! In many ways, you remind me of Alvin Schultz from my season…he was my roomie, and is a dear friend, and was definitely one of the most talented chefs from my season, yet went home far too early. MasterChef is over and done with. It brought us all lots of anguish and lots of victory. The most important thing it brought us was each other. A few short years from now, no one will remember us. But we will still be in each others’ lives, working miracles in the kitchen, and using our skills to help others. I’m proud to call you my friend.

      1. Ethan Horn Avatar
        Ethan Horn

        One day as your thinking about packing up the knives and putting down the pen (or in this case the comp), I will be reading your blog to find what your up too, maybe I will be at David’s resteraunt having dinner… who knows. But the one thing for certain is that as long as I am alive, you will have a fan. You will have someone who waits on pins and needles for the what comes next in the amazing story of Ben Starr… So while your “working miracles” and using your skills to help others, I will not be forgetting you or David. I, good sir, have an elephant’s memory, and if that should ever fail me, I have A favorites tab with you blog on it.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Ethan, you make me cry. Thanks SO MUCH for your kind words. *big warm hugs*

  50. Ethan Horn Avatar
    Ethan Horn

    Its not even something that I would even think about. (Yeah I know I am late to comment >.>), you kind of have no reason to not share. You share the pantry, if I am not using something and its needed… why not? I understand David had the advantage but still he is a competitor, and I suppose it really is just about doing the right thing at the same time, but I don’t understand why not…? Why not give something away you don’t need? Or your only going to use a part of? Its not even something that I need to think about…

    Also I want to add, if not for you and this Blog, I wouldn’t be so upset about Felix’s elimination, because I don’t see how the show makes ANYONE of the competitors appear likeable… in fact the show has made every single one of them (including Monti and Frank, who are the two I hope to see in the Finale) appear a bit snobby and disrespectful. Knowing why Monti was being so goofy in the Mystery Box, her having been Vegan and emotionally distraught about having to kill the Prawns, makes A WORLD of difference (of course… I kind of skipped over parts of the Mystery Box so they could have mentioned something about it… so I can’t really complain).

    Context makes me appreciate the personalities more… Felix didn’t deserve that… I was, and am, quite upset about her going home… It makes no sense, and I really wasn’t all that shocked since I feel like they are holding on to David because they want two “Bad Guys” (Becky is the second, though she has a great amount of talent, I can tell just by the way she presents her food, that she can become a really wonderful chef.) I really am going to miss Felix, and after her elimination I found her on facebook, so I look forward to finding out what she is going to do (well besides stay being AWESOME ^_^).

  51. Michelle Avatar

    I recently found your blog and have been working my way through older posts…so sorry to comment on this so many months after the fact. But I couldn’t resist!

    My first instinct would be to say no, I won’t share the rice. I completely understand and applaud your belief that you should beat people at their best and not their worst. However, (as I interpret it) the show isn’t about beating people at their best. It’s about beating people while under a ton of stress and having crazy situations thrown at them. The competition tests a person’s ability to hold up under pressure as much as their cooking skill. So helping a competitor at all feels to me like cheating. If they can’t cook AND handle the pressure then they don’t deserve the title. If the stress of the competition causes them to make a crucial mistake of forgetting the most important ingredient in their dish, then that’s no different than if the pressure caused them to mistake sugar for salt.

    That said, I know that not everyone shares my opinion. I’d have a hard time saying no. Plus I wouldn’t want to be the on the bad side of my fellow competitors and seen as the bitch on national TV. So I’d do it. But I’d be secretly also hoping that 1 of 2 things didn’t happen: that I wasn’t sent home or that we weren’t both in the top 3 and they edge me out for winner. Then I’d be kicking myself, knowing that we’d each made mistakes, but that I had helped them cover theirs up.

  52. korilian Avatar

    I actually prefer Masterchef Australia to Masterchef US, because it doesn’t have any of this staged nastiness. All the contestants support each other and bond over their shared passion for food. I’m sure there are people who like the reality tv aspect, but I just want to see talented cooks create amazing food.

  53. Tiger Gray Avatar

    I always give people help when it’s reasonable. If a cook in my restaurant is struggling on the line and it’s an honest mistake or the night is just screwed, I’m going to jump in there and help. If someone’s out of something and I have extra, they’re going to get what they need. If the prep cook is having a bad night because he’s lazy and doesn’t care and didn’t do his miz I won’t help unless he’s in danger of bringing the whole team down. Sometimes people have to own their mistakes, and they get used on pawning extra work off on you if you’re too ready to pick up slack.

    Another thing I hate about reality tv is all this polarized gendered bs which I think is actually actively harmful. The genders have more in common than not and setting up an aliens from another planet or predator/prey scenario is a scary thing and contributes to a lot of discrimination.

  54. Bea Avatar

    I would have shared the rice! Why not, if you don’t need it? I was surprised whene the judges made it seem ‘strange’ that Becky shared it. But maybe they wasn’t serious…

  55. Bea Avatar

    ‘Weren’t’, not ‘wasn’t’ 🙂

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