Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef recap: The Season 3 Finale

(Please Note: The opinions contained in this blog are only that…uneducated hyperbole from my brain, and they may have absolutely no basis in reality.  While I was on Season 2 of MasterChef, I have no inside information about how Season 3 is produced or judged, and my opinions should not be treated as fact.)

We’re down to Christine and Josh…our MasterChef finalists for Season 3.  And most of my fans have been commenting that it seemed like these two had been pre-selected for the finals for several episodes now.  They are both talented enough to be there…let’s get that straight.  In addition, Christine is inspirational, and even presented to us as a bit mystical to us, at time, in her complex and sightless relationship to food.  I’ve been assuming Christine would win MasterChef for quite some time now, and who better to pit her against than Josh, a brilliant and fiercely competitive, confident cook who has overtaken the role of pseudo villain since David Martinez left.  We haven’t had a real villain since Ryan was eliminated, and then narrowly missed winning his apron back against Josh in the win-your-apron-back challenge weeks ago.  But I begin this episode utterly confident that Christine will be the winner.  The audience’s opinion of Josh, in general, has been fairly negative since he won his apron back and his attitude became more harsh toward his fellow contestants.

I wonder if Josh knows, going into this challenge, that his chances of winning are incredibly remote, and not tied to his performance?  Last season, Christian Collins held the distinct honor of being an almost season-long villain.  After young Max, who was the same character that Ryan played this year, was eliminated, Christian SUDDENLY switched from being the lovable dad to the a–hole, and the audience hated him for it.  Of course, this was all done through editing.  Christian was the same goofy, pal-around-with-everyone, carefree, New-England-straightforward genius on day one that he was in the semi-finals.  But the night I got eliminated, he confided in me, “I know I’m not gonna win.  I’m the jerk.  The jerk never wins.  I’m just gonna make it as hard as possible for them to eliminate me.”

If you’re familiar with my blog, you know that I’m a harsh critic of reality TV.  I’ve been on reality TV 3 times, and I’m well aware of the symbiosis of reality and engineering that goes into making a show.  My friends at MasterChef are not pleased with my blog, but I hope they understand that my goal is simply to help the audience understand that what they are watching is no different from a scripted show, and to not drawn conclusions about the nature of reality TV contestants just from watching a show.  To automatically assume that Christian Collins or David Martinez are a–holes in real life, because they are edited that way on TV, is not only a shallow and foolish thing to do, it does actual damage…especially when viewers decide they are going to reach out to those contestants and hurl hate messages at them, which happened quite often to Christian and David.  To make a judgement call about whether a contestant is a skilled cook based upon what you see on the screen is also foolish.  Sometimes the judges are able to be completely honest about a particular dish…but sometimes they have to make criticisms that aren’t necessarily based in truth, to add to the suspense or to get rid of a contestant who’s time has come (even if they perform well in a challenge), in order to keep the story moving.  Likewise, they may sometimes have to overly-praise a mediocre dish.

So, as an audience watching reality TV, it’s best to just sit back and be entertained by it, rather than trying to make judgements about the contestants’ personality and skill.  Because you’re NOT watching a merit-based cooking competition.  You’re watching an elaborately crafted and manipulated piece of reality-inspired fiction.

Folks, if reality TV was left completely up to a contestant’s performance in a merit-based competition, it would be utterly boring for most of us to watch.  MasterChef doesn’t cast the most talented home cooks around the country.  (Most of them wouldn’t be very captivating to watch.)  MasterChef casts the most interesting home cooks around the country.  The top 18 that get selected have a VERY wide range of skills and knowledge.  They’re most definitely NOT the 18 most skilled out of the top 100.  Some of them are, to be sure.  Some of them are not…intentionally.  If the producers and judges left it entirely up to skill and talent and performance, we might end up with four monotonous 60-year old Italian guys who can make pasta with their eyes closed and toss a pizza in each hand.  (If you regularly read food blogs, you know that there are some truly brilliant home cooks out there who could cook the pants off ANY MasterChef contestant from any season.)

We NEED the expertise of the story producers, who hybridize the drama unfolding naturally in the MasterChef kitchen, with expert storytelling, to produce a show that is riveting and enjoyable for us to watch, full of characters we connect with (and despise), so that we have to tune in each week to see what happens.  If we just let MasterChef unfold naturally, it would be droll and insufferably boring.

And they’ve done a pretty superb job this year of guiding us to this point, where we’ve got two TRULY brilliant cooks…one of whom most of us love, the other of whom most of us respect but don’t adore, and now we’re going to watch them being pitted against each other in a final battle that most of us hope Christine will win, but are terrified because she’s up against a powerhouse who is 7 feet tall and has produced some of the most stunning dishes in MasterChef, as well as some of the worst.  That’s a PERFECT mix of volatile ingredients for a dynamite finale.

As usual, we’re given an overview of the finalists’ journeys to this point, then they bring in the other contestants, and, of course, the families of the finalists.  That always gets the waterworks going.  You can’t imagine how it feels for us to get to see family for the first time after 2 months of being completely sequestered from them, enduring terrifying and pressure-filled days with long hours, bad food, and fitful sleep.  Seeing Josh’s mom, who he spoke so fondly of in the last episode, holding him and telling him to follow his dreams is such a precious moment.  It’s delightful seeing Christine’s husband John dash to her side, and the excitement that Christine can’t hide.  I’ve had the distinct honor of staying with Christine and John, and hosting them in my home, and they are a truly amazing couple.

The MasterChef finale gives the two finalists the ability to design a 3 course menu with no holds barred.  Any ingredient they desire will be sourced and provided for them.  Any piece of equipment they need is at their disposal.  They have 2 hours to execute.  Literally, their imagination is the only limit.  This is really the only time we get to see ANY of the MasterChef contestants cook the way they’d cook at home for an important dinner party.

Josh’s menu is eclectic Southern, with butter poached lobster alongside sweet corn grits and sweet potato puree as a starter, a green curry rack of lamb for the main, and a bacon pecan pie with vanilla bean and cinnamon ice cream for dessert.

Christine’s menu is Asian influenced, with a Thai vegetable salad with shredded  green papaya for the appetizer, braised pork belly caramelized in coconut soda and fish sauce for the main, with dessert as a coconut lime sorbet with a ginger tuile (a delicate, crispy cookie).

Josh’s menu seems a bit more sophisticated, though there are rustic elements, like the pecan pie.  Christine’s menu is more traditional Asian peasant food, but elevated with techniques and ingredients to give it a bit more sophistication.

The courses are being tasted, and Josh’s lobster and grits appetizer is first.  The “pitfall” the judges point out is when Josh purees the lobster tail with the shell on.  The judges gasp in horror as he does this.  Joe says, “He’s gonna get all the iodine flavor from the shell in his sauce…  He might be ruining his dish right here.”  That’s an interesting comment, considering how the classic French method for preparing lobster bisque is to saute the shells in oil or butter, and then puree them endlessly.  The pureed shell helps to thicken the bisque as well as flavor it.  (See Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking for specific instructions to not throw ANY BIT OF THE LOBSTER in the trash, every last morsel, shell and all, goes into the final bisque.)  Any one of the 3 French masterchefs who judged the top 4 challenge would have screamed at Josh for NOT including the shells.  This is yet another example of misinformation being perpetuated by the judges to create drama and suspense, and give a potential window for a criticism that they can use to ensure that Josh does not win.

Ramsay remarks that the lobster is actually undercooked.  (Though it’s perfectly acceptable to eat undercooked, and even raw lobster, in many applications.)  In my opinion, lobster is perfect edible in any stage until it’s overcooked, when it becomes a rubber SuperBall.  Joe admits that he was wrong about the lobster shells.  (Maybe someone showed him Julia’s book between scenes!)

Christine’s first course is her Thai green papaya salad with jicama, carrot, crab, and shrimp, dressed with fish sauce vinaigrette.  I absolutely ADORE green papaya salad.  The texture of green papaya is extraordinary, crisp and light, yet dense at the same time.  I don’t run across green papaya in the market very often, but when I’m in a place like Hawaii where it’s hanging off every tree by the side of the road, I cook with it all the time.  Green papaya salad is one of my favorite dishes on earth, it’s an explosion of contrastive textures and flavors…it’s sweet, sour, and hot at the same time.  And the judges are impressed.  The only thing the judges ask for is more “luxuriousness” (ie…more crab), and Christine has been more traditional in her interpretation of the street salad.

The judges argue over the winner…Graham and Gordon prefer Josh’s appetizer, while Joe points out that it may have been well conceptualized and well plated, but he didn’t properly cook the meat, which means it was a failed execution, and he prefers Christine’s.  I certainly don’t argue that Josh’s was more complex, with more technique required for each element.  Of course, if you put both in front of me and asked me which one I’d eat, I’d invariably pick Christine’s salad.

Josh serves his main course, a stunning rack of lamb seared with green curry on a parsnip puree with spring veggies.  The lamb is cooked perfectly, but Gordon says that Josh has confused his seasons by plating spring vegetables like peas with parsnips, which are a cool season root vegetable.  Everything tastes and looks beautiful, but there was an error in conceptualization.  Joe disagrees and states that the spring lamb, the summer peas, the autumn carrots, and the winter parsnips is akin to Vivaldi’s Four Seasons on a plate and praises him for it.  (A little hyperbolic and dramatic, but how can I accuse ANYONE of being hyperbolic and dramatic?!?!)

Christine presents her braised pork belly that’s been caramelized in coconut soda, on a bed of rice with a pan sauce, with a crispy kale salad and fried maitake mushrooms and Asian pickled red onion and daikon radish, all topped with a fried quail egg.  Pork belly is one of those ingredients that restaurants love, because it’s cheap (it’s just uncured bacon) but incredibly delicious, and they can dress it up and sell it for $20 a plate and make huge profit margins on it.  And people just can’t get enough pork belly.  Gordon immediately has reservations that the dish isn’t sophisticated enough for MasterChef.  (They delivered the same criticism to Adrien last season, who also cooked pork belly in the pressure cooker for his main course.)  However, at plenty of other times in the runs of ALL seasons, the judges criticize contestants for relying on premium ingredients, thinking the ingredients’ reputation alone will impress the palate.  So this is another bait-and-switch criticism…they’re trying to make us worry that Christine’s not going to win it.  If a 3-star Michelin restaurant can charge $75 for a plate of beef heart, which costs $1.49 a pound but is expertly cooked and delicious, there are NO RULES that say a MasterChef contestant can’t use offal or cheaper cuts of meat, provided they nail the preparation.  In fact, it’s probably an even better indication of their potential future as a chef.  Rack of lamb can cost upwards of $30 a pound.  Pork belly?  I’ve never seen it higher than $3, and usually it’s half that.  Josh is walking away from this course with a much narrower profit margin than Christine.

Gordon changes his mind about his earlier comments when he tastes the pork belly, and suddenly the green papaya starter is redeemed, and the pork belly is divine.  Joe wants more acid on the plate, and Graham wants a presentation that looks as impressive as Josh’s did.  And ultimately the judges are split on their decision about whose was the best.

Josh’s dessert is this bacon pecan pie that he’s been teasing us with all episode.  I’d eat the heck outta that.  I am fairly new to bacon desserts, even though they’ve been trendy for several years, but bacon seems to be a perfect compliment to pecan pie.  (If you wanna try an incredible bacon dessert, check out my bacon white chocolate chip cookie recipe.  And if you’d like my version of pecan pie, check out my pumpkin bourbon pecan pie recipe or my more traditional pecan pie with no corn syrup recipe that uses a bourbon, maple, and honey reduction instead of manufactured corn syrup.

Graham complains that Josh’s crust is a bit oily…maybe the bacon he layered on top of the crust wasn’t rendered well enough…but the vanilla bean and cinnamon ice cream is perfect.  Joe also goes nuts for the ice cream, and Gordon agrees, but says that he can’t detect any bacon in the pie at all.  (I’d have probably used the rendered bacon fat to make the crust, and liberally sprinkled bacon throughout the filling.)

Christine’s dessert brings the meal full circle back to the cold, with her coconut lime sorbet (Doesn’t that sound so refreshing?!?) with a ginger tuile cookie on top.  Graham is disappointed that the coconut is the dominant flavor rather than the lime.  Gordon is incredibly impressed by how beautifully the light sorbet follows the heavy, rich pork belly.

In my opinion, Josh’s menu showed a bit more advanced technique, the presentations were more impressive, but the menu wasn’t very cohesive.  Pecan pie with lobster and lamb?  Christine’s dishes were more rustic, and not as complex, but her menu made sense and flowed flawlessly from course to course.  And while I grew up with Southern cuisine, I honestly believe that southeast Asian cuisine is the most complex, advanced, perfect cuisine on the planet, and requires a much more sophisticated understanding of flavor and texture, and an even, balanced hand, to pull off correctly.  While I was certain Christine was going to win for the past few episodes (and obviously already knew she had won before writing this blog, since I’m almost a week late on it), I still believe that she deserves the win tonight.

Do the judges agree with me?

YES!  Christine wins, and has a complete meltdown.  She can’t even speak.  Josh, his voice heavy with emotion, praises Christine and reasserts his determine to succeed with his goals of starting a cooking school and publishing a cookbook.

And abruptly, the show, and season, are over.

Watching this season has been a roller coaster for me.  In the beginning I was pretty jaded, and disgusted with what appeared to me to be VERY heavy engineering and manipulation from the producers, and it seemed like the contestants were being pushed to throw each other under the bus and talk negatively about each other.  I almost quit watching.

Then, after a few episodes, I started connecting to the contestants.  I already knew Michael and Tanya before they left to be on the show.  And through them, I met Christine.  Then Monti and David came into my life.  Then I shared an incredible 24 hours with Stacey, followed by a crazy evening with Felix.  Ultimately, there’s no way for me to divorce myself from what I know about this season behind-the-scenes, just as there’s no way I can speak objectively about my own season.  I know, care for, and truly LOVE many of the people whose lives were changed by MasterChef this year.

So, rather than spend another moment discussing reality TV and the MasterChef format, I must digress (or, perhaps, progress) to discussing what MasterChef means to the people who give up months of their lives to be on it.

When fans contact me who want to be on the show, I always describe it to them as a blessing and a curse.  MasterChef is easily the worst thing that ever happened to me.  During the filming of the show, I was more miserable, lonely, dejected, depressed, even suicidal than I’ve ever been at any point in my life.  I doubted and hated myself at every turn.  I was thrilled and relieved to be eliminated, which is the exact opposite of what I thought I should feel.

The show aired, and my life lost all semblance of privacy.  Now I have to share everything thing I cook, everything I eat, everything about my life in public forums like Facebook and Twitter.  I can’t get through the grocery store without having to take a photo on each aisle.  Every day I get a dozen requests to help out with charity events or projects, and as much as I want to, I just don’t have the time (or money) to help even a fraction of them all.

If I want to capitalize on the exposure, it’s up to me and only me.  No one else is ready to finance and support trips and projects, or pilots for a potential TV show.  All that has to come out of my pocket, out of my brain, and I have to coordinate it.  I am more poverty-stricken now, in the aftermath of MasterChef, than I’ve ever been in my life, because every penny I can scrounge gets used for self promotion.  Of course, there’s a legion of folks ready to step in if I “make it big” and claim their piece of me and get involved at that point.  The entire reality TV engine is shamefully exploitative and manipulative, with profit and ratings as the primary goal.


And that’s a really, really big “but…”

Now I have this big, warm family of friends I never knew before MasterChef.  And everyone knows, the older you get, the less often you make truly meaningful, life-long connections with other people.  MasterChef is the catalyst for a ridiculously large number of friends who have become so precious to me that I can’t imagine life without them.

And look what we’ve done together!

Monti and David and I have helped raised money for disadvantaged kids who need medical help.

Through my dear fans-turned-friends in Hawaii Cristy Kessler and Liz Zivanov, Tracy and Jennifer and Adrien and Christian and I have been to able help support homeless kids and homeless families and raise awareness about the astronomical homeless problem in Hawaii.

And my dear, sweet Jennie Kelley and I have taken our separate life-long passions and turned them into this extraordinary underground restaurant experience, FRANK, that happens twice a month and gathers 18 fascinating souls around a communal table for an evening of celebration and fellowship.

A day doesn’t go by when my phone doesn’t ring with a call or a text from someone from some season of MasterChef.  Someone who has just had a breakthrough in the kitchen, or someone who has a question about an ingredient, or someone who needs a comforting word with a challenging situation.  And these relationships that came out of MasterChef have enriched my life in a way that’s practically inconceivable at my age.

People from the top 100 of MasterChef who didn’t even get aprons have been given the courage and connections to leave the drudgery of their former lives and start restaurants, catering companies, bakeries, or start selling artisan products, and follow their dreams for a change.

And every single day, even a year after MasterChef, I get emails from fans.  And they run the gamut from “Just letting you know I love you!” to “I lost my mom this year and you inspired me to learn how to cook like she used to cook for me” to “I’m anorexic and have a horrible relationship with food…but watching how much you love food has helped me recover.”  They just don’t stop coming.  And the fact that, through the lens of MasterChef, people have connected to us and it has made their lives better, has also made OUR lives better.  So while MasterChef is easily the worst thing that has ever happened to most of it…it’s also most definitely the best.

I can’t speak highly enough of Christine Ha, and I offer my sincerest congratulations to her on her big win.  Christine has captured the heart of an entire nation.  We’ve watched her battle self-doubt throughout this season.  (And she hasn’t won that battle yet…even now she is still wrestling with judges’ decision and still wonders if her talent warrants the title.)

Christine…it does.  You have accomplished culinary miracles this season, at the same time as inspiring and moving millions of viewers.  Even without sight, you can cook circles around most of us.

The prize money Christine has won will be invested in her culinary future…she has big plans for restaurants and cafes.  You can keep track of her progress on her centralized website,  Here you can link to any of her blogs, including The Blind Cook, where she’s been food blogging since long before MasterChef.  Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.

And if you’d like to be part of the utter insanity that is MasterChef, they are accepting pre-applications for season 4!  Click here to get registered.  A few bits of advice…go to the open call, even if you have to travel.  Getting cast off a video submission isn’t that likely.  And take your lesson about casting from my blog…don’t cook something that you think is going to really impress them.  Cook something that MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU.  MasterChef isn’t casting chefs.  They’re casting characters.  Talk about yourself.  Tell them WHY you cook.  Who is your inspiration?  And why are you ready to change your life?  Because, if MasterChef does anything, it changes your life.

Thanks for following me on this exhausting journey here with season 3.  And for those contestants from all seasons who read my blog, thanks for enduring what you endured.  And always focus on the good things MasterChef has brought you.  And never forget that you’ve been given the gift of exposure that you can use to help others.  And we can help others more effectively together than alone.  Use this opportunity to do as much good for the world as you can.

Please, please, please comment below.  Let’s hear your thoughts on the whole season, the results, and the larger picture of MasterChef’s role in our culture.  And just because my MasterChef recaps have stopped, doesn’t mean the story is over!  Subscribe to my blog in the upper right corner of your screen to get stories about my travels all over the world, often with MasterChef contestants.

The adventure continues!


55 responses to “MasterChef recap: The Season 3 Finale”

  1. baronessheather Avatar

    I probably won’t watch next season. This one seemed horribly contrived, especially with Josh’s return after being eliminated. The overly-dramatic pauses in the judges’ speech would make even William Shatner shudder. I liked some of the contestants, but the show just doesn’t do it for me anymore.

  2. Maria Petrescu Avatar

    I loved Christine from the start, even though I really didn’t expect her to win. At least initially. Then it just became obvious that she would have won. I actually thought she was going to battle Becky in the end, though.

  3. lise lange Avatar
    lise lange

    YOU ARE A WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING, CHEF, AND WRITER. THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you have shared. I love to read about your experiences and now I am going to go back and watch you all over again. To have made such FABULOUS connections and to have brought so much love and light and GREAT COOKING into peoples lives is so beautiful!!!! thank you thank you thank you. I look forward to each and every post in my inbox. Be proud of yourself Ben!!! YOU ARE AN AWESOME PERSON!!!

  4. Georgia Avatar

    Part of why I like MasterChef (up to this season at least) was the lack of drama. Hell’s Kitchen is horrible. It’s not about the cooking. It’s not about the journey, it’s about the ratings and boosting them with drama. MasterChef has gradually moved toward this direction and it’s upsetting to see. I love the show and I love the “feel good” message of the show, but not when you see drama being instigated with hushed whispers and the confessionals.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Well, Georgia, this season of MasterChef looked more like Hells Kitchen than it looked like previous seasons of MasterChef. And I think you’ll see more and more of the name calling and the drama with each subsequent season of MasterChef. Hells Kitchen SLAUGHTERS MasterChef in the ratings. Unfortunately, most TV watchers in this country actually want to see the cussing and back stabbing and name calling. So it’s fairly inevitable that MasterChef will migrate in that direction.

      1. Marie Avatar

        🙁 I tried once to watch Hell’s Kitchen. I couldn’t. It was awful. What I like about MC is that the contestants although edited, well, it shines through that they are not bad people at all and this season’s finale I must admit was the nicest one so far to watch, something I would never have been able to predict as it all seemed so could and mean initially.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Marie, I totally agree with you. I had trouble getting into the season in the beginning because no one seemed to really be connecting with each other. But that probably happens with most reality TV shows, as the contestants grow closer. I know that in my season, there was A LOT of behind-the-scenes fighting in the beginning, and then Jennie Kelley and I sat everyone down and convinced them to be friends rather than enemies.

      2. Georgia Avatar

        One of the reasons my husband and I have followed your journey beyond MasterChef Season 2 is because of how respectful you were toward your fellow contestants. You didn’t give in to drama and were always so kind. We REALLY admire that. Sounds ass-kissy, but it’s true.

        1. Ben Avatar

          Thanks so much, Georgia! Give my regards to your husband!

          1. Georgia Avatar

            Will do 🙂

  5. Becki Avatar

    I love this show and I also love the “grounding” your background gives me about it. One thing my family likes is that this is a group of fairly normal people with exceptional skills at something we all do – we all need to prepare/ or obtain our food. (Unline the show requiring singing, dancing, youth and/or a hot body, lol) And overtime, my family really cherishes them all – even those with obvious edits because we are interested in the their backgrounds and cooking choices. Your insight reveals that basically this is true. And also there appears to be a great deal LESS swearing on this show and no one ever sabotages another contestant. Reality TV is what it is with some shows more scripted than others.

    A couple of questions: WHY do you think hasn’t a guy won yet (I have rooted for the “wrong” winner each time, lol). We also thought that a cookbook by a SINGLE contestant was not going to be as marketable. I won’t be buying Christine’s because I dont really cook those things – HOWEVER I would have purchased it if it FEATURE Christine but also contained recipes/info on the rest what do you think?

    Also – what happens if a home cook TRULY has no clue about a task/recipe/type of food they are instructed to do/make?

    THANK you for all of your time – it is SO FASCINATING to learn all the details of both the front end and backends of this show.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Becky! I’m not sure why a guy hasn’t won yet. I would have bet money this year that a guy would win, but Christine showed up at the casting call, and was so talented and eloquent and likeable…how could she NOT win? They are publishing a collaborative cookbook between a 3 seasons of MasterChef contestants, as well as Christine’s cookbook. Regarding when a home cook has no clue about a type of food or technique…I’m not permitted to speak entirely freely about this subject due to my contract, but I’ll tell you that when contestants say, “I’ve learned SO MUCH during MasterChef,” it’s not just learning from their own mistakes during challenges. There is a lot of education involved with MasterChef. 🙂

  6. Gregory Wright Avatar

    Ahhhhh. You have just stated everything I have been thinking all season long. I WANT MasterChef to be REAL. For REAL, real. But, it isn’t. It’s TV. And I don’t really care, because no matter how they manipulate things, I love watching. I love watching people like me, or better yet people I had no idea were like me, cooking their hearts out. No matter what’s real and who deserved what, every single contestant did something I wanted to try at home. And in many cases I did! All season long I have watched Josh create dish after dish I really wanted to eat, Frank cooly able to it all effortlessly, David struggle and still put out some of the most interesting food, Becky get so caught up in her food she was about to explode, Tali get so frustrated by the judges complete lack of understanding in everything he made, Michael just grab my heart with his enthusiasm (and those dumplings…really good. make those), Ryan’s food get totally over shadowed by his personality and villain edit, Stacy get totally robbed of a chance to get back in that kitchen with a dish that I will never figure out how she finished, Scott and Mike get virtually no screen time or have their food shown, Monti pulling miracles out of her apron time and time again while holding our hands as our everyperson, and Christine astounding with her precision and palate. Easily, it is hard to believe that she was able to do all of this. But, looking at the food, knowing what those flavors are and watching her taste, taste, taste, I start to think, maybe she really had the best advantage. She HAD to do what everyone else should have been doing all along. TASTING. TASTING. TASTING. Did she deserve to win? Based solely on her food? How can any of know without tasting it? I know her food looked amazing. I know I’ve never seen scallops cooked as nicely as hers. I know it sure seemed like all the other contestants took her seriously. And I generally FORGOT she was not sighted. I just liked the food she put out there. I thank EVERY contestant for sacrificing their time and normal lives for us. And once again, many of them have taught me new tricks and amped up my own cooking. So thanks. Thanks again and again.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Wow…Greg…what a comment!

  7. Julie Gabis Avatar
    Julie Gabis

    Ben, as always you are refreshing, too self-deprecating, & a complete delight. This sounds so trite, but I truly approach situations thinking, “WWBSD?” You’re such a kind, giving soul. I believe you enrich the lives of everyone you touch, even those of us who may never meet you. Fox did such a wonderful service introducing us all to BenStahh! Your heart is as big as your body, & you’re kind, & witty, & smart. Thank you for this blog & for staying in the public eye. My world is a much richer place with you in it! All my love & admiration!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Oh, Julie, I just adore your comments! You are too sweet to me. *hugs*

  8. Sandy Kay Avatar
    Sandy Kay

    Casting is coming here to Minneapolis. I don’t want to try out but wondered if there is any entertainment value in going to watch the casting call. Or is the first stage casting call not really open for spectators?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sandy, the only thing you can see at auditions is the line to get in. Spectators are not permitted in the room where the auditions take place!

  9. Monica Avatar

    Thanks for your insights Ben. I didn’t realize that anyone was hating Josh. I liked both Christine and Josh and was quite happy that one of them would win. I don’t pay a lot of attention to the back stabing type of stuff. I like to see someone ernestly trying and being creative. Your shining personality made you a true pleasure to watch. I have always maintained that nothing can be Reality if you know the camera is there. Everyone acts different if they know they’re being recorded. It’s also easy to notice that the shows are edited towards controvercy. I do wish there was one of these programs that just showed the parts that matter instead of being like Jerry Springer does cooking.

    1. Ben Avatar

      I don’t think anyone was HATING Josh. But he was the only polarizing character left…he wasn’t afraid to claim he was better than everyone else, wasn’t afraid to dish on his fellow contestants…and many people viewed him as being “hand picked” to come back to the competition, rather than coming back on his own merits. He’s not a unlikeable character at all…he’s attractive, with a great smile, has great jokes and a bright personality…and he’s incredibly talented.

  10. Nikki Skaj Avatar

    Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and thoughts about this season! I can’t get enough of your writing, and of your personality, Ben.

  11. jenevieves Avatar

    Ahh! I love reading your blogs after watching the episodes. 🙂 They’re so funny and cathartic and EXACTLY what I need. 😉 Just curious, have you met any of the contestants from Season 1? I can barely remember them, 😛 but was just wondering if you have formed any friendships with them…and if they are doing well in their careers. Cheers!

    1. Ben Avatar

      I haven’t met anyone from season 1. I’ve talked fairly extensively with Whitney and David Miller, both of whom I adore. David is actually really active in supporting subsequent seasons. He’s done SO MUCH to help out folks from my season, and he’s even helping me and Jennie with some stuff for FRANK. He’s an amazing guy. I’ve also traded a few emails with Mike Kim and Sharone, both of whom are awesome.

  12. Anony Mouse Avatar
    Anony Mouse

    In some ways, it’s a double edged sword. The backbiting and snark makes things more unpleasant, but gives you a “hook” to the people. The first season felt very samey after the mid-way point and felt like they were just going through the motions until the finale. While the finale was great, close to half the season was unmemorable. Season three had more drama than I’d ever want, but at the same time that very drama drew me in. Yeah, it made Master Chef more of a guilty pleasure than a true pleasure, but the first season wasn’t really a pleasure of any kind. Hopefully they can find the right balance of interesting people and interesting cooking and ease back on the drama (and editing).

    The thing about the finale that really made me wonder, though, was that they were cooking all three courses and then having them tasted. Wouldn’t the main courses have cooled off? As long as the judging took, I half expected the ice cream to be a melted puddle. Is the judging actually staggered to course completion or were the desserts stuck in the freezer and the main courses under a heat lamp?

    1. Ben Avatar

      This is such a great, honest comment…I do hope the producers read all the comments here, but I doubt they do. You’re right..the drama is there for a reason, and it DOES have an impact on us. We wouldn’t have loved Monti so much if Becky hadn’t constantly pointed out that she didn’t belong on the show. We cringe when we hear Becky put Monti down, but it drives us to connect with Monti on a stronger level. Reality TV producers are smart. Way smarter than me. It’s just that they believe the audience wants more and more drama, and you end up with Hell’s Kitchen this season, where there’s no cooking at all, just people screaming at each other and bashing each other in interviews. I do hope they find that balance with MasterChef, but since Hell’s Kitchen is so much more popular, perhaps they won’t.

      Regarding the serving temperature of dishes… Virtually everything you see on MasterChef is tasted at room temp, after it has sat out for an hour or two. That’s just the way TV production happens. I heard through the grapevine that the decision of both contestants to make ice cream for the finale was REALLY hard on the culinary director. She kept having to run the ice cream back and forth between the blast freezer for photographs, beauty shots, tasting, etc. (There are NO ice cream machines made available during the general competition for this reason, but they allow the finalists an ice cream machine if they want it.) But hot dishes are almost always cold by the time they get tasted by the judges.

  13. Sharon Moore Avatar

    The producers of MasterChef can’t be that smart or they would have done something more with their most popular “star” of all three seasons—-Ben!!!!!

  14. G Avatar

    Hey Ben,
    thanks for this recap, it’s always interesting to read your opinions. Here are my final comments on this year’s MC journey.
    First, I look back at all of your posts and this truly feels like a therapeutic journal, a healthy way you found to put your heart out there and revisit your personal MC journey, the good, the bad and the ugly, through the good, the bad and the ugly happen to your season 3 friends. For this and for your willingness to share everything, I admire you.
    Moving on to the show, I have never had any illusion that reality tv is anything more than a commercial product aimed at maximizing revenue. And that’s ok with me as long as it is entertaining. I watch these shows because of the “show” part, not the “reality” part. As you said, if this were to be truly real, it would be boring to death. I pick my favorites based on how their character is portrayed, and that’s the only thing I can really do. I will never meet these folks, and will never know who they really are. I will never taste their food, and therefore cannot judge their skills. Yet, I can enjoy a relaxing hour in front of the tv watching something that is entertaining. To me, Tali’s and “The Food Elevator” ‘s interviews, or Ramsey describing a deep fryer as “the most amazing” is just as entertaining as watching the contestants cook.
    That being said, my favorites this year were Monti, Frank after Monti left, then Becky after Frank left, then Josh in the finale… I just couldn’t bond with Christine due to this lingering impression that she had been picked to be the winner from the get going.
    One last comment: obviously I know nothing about the contestants other than what’s showed on tv, but I ended season 3 with a strong impression that, overall, season 2 contestants were stronger, especially at the top 5/6 level.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Your comments about enjoying reality TV for what it is are PERFECT, and that’s exactly what my goal is with this blog. For people to treat this as entertainment and be inspired and amused by it. Thanks so much for articulating it so well.

      I think it’s interesting that you have an impression of my season as being stronger than this season…I thought the exact opposite. Of course, I LIVED with my season and they seemed more “human” to me, and this season even with mild interaction with the contestants, I was seeing them as TV chefs and was more influenced by the fiction of the show. That’s really fascinating!

  15. Heather Avatar

    I think my favorite part of MasterChef is the Mystery Box challenges– it’s neat to see everyone use the same box of ingredients to make completely different dishes. I know you hated them, but to me, they look like a lot of fun, and I’d love to organize/participate in a challenge like that– just not on TV.

    As for the show itself, while certain contestants do leave a lasting impression, like Rizzo the Rat in “A Muppet Christmas Carol,” I’m pretty much “here for the food.” While it’s not a step-by-step cooking show, I do find inspiration in the dishes cooked by the contestants.

    I was glad, and surprised to see Christine win, as I thought Josh was the one picked to be the winner. I can’t wait for her cookbook to come out!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Heather, there were many people on my season that loved the mystery boxes. Personally, I just don’t like to be limited. At home, I ALWAYS have a pantry of spices and vinegars and starches and other staples that I can use to accentuate whatever limited veggies and meats I have. Mystery Boxes were torture for me, because I didn’t have those staples. This year, the contestants had a “staples” box at their station, which we didn’t have last season. I was very jealous of that.

  16. Ligeia Avatar

    I’m not watching it anymore. I did not want the finale. I knew how it was going to end. It was too much for me… I know this is not about the best best cook, but that was…. too much. I will stick to chopped. Everybody is nice there, and the winners seem to actually win.

  17. Ligeia Avatar

    I meant: I did not *watch* the finale. I guess I didn’t want it either. An easy one for Freud here.

  18. HouMom Avatar

    The ideal cooking competition for me to watch would be a bunch of grandmothers from different backgrounds, given the same starting set of ingredients. Of course, they would have to cook for at least six people because what home cook cooks single servings of anything?

    The ideal set of judges for a home cooking show would include an overweight but picky seven year-old, a teenage boy/food vacuum, Gordon Ramsay, a nutrition expert, and a guest celebrity who looks good to attract viewers. Every judge but Gordon would change every week, and every judge’s comments would be shown. You want controversy, that will give you controversy.

    Hell’s Kitchen isn’t about cooking or food. It discourages people from eating in “fine” restaurants.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Wow, this is a fabulous show concept, I would TOTALLY watch it!

      You’ve also brought up an interesting point with the “controversy.” I think the natural drama of contestants performing to the limit of their abilities is captivating enough. Let’s have the DRAMA come from the judges arguing about who is the best, rather than the contestants bad mouthing each other!

  19. Steve Avatar

    Ben , just finished watching all 3 seasons of MasterChef in two weeks (bored not sad) , i was rooting for you to win season 2. You mention above that you have been in 3 reality shows – what are the other 2?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Steve, I was on Rachael Ray’s SO YOU THINK YOU CAN COOK in 2007, and HGTV’s ALL AMERICAN HANDYMAN in 2009.

  20. Lisa Sharp Avatar

    While I’m sure we are all guilty of picking favorites and buying into the whole villain thing with these shows, I know we aren’t seeing everything.

    This year with Next Food Network Star, some of Bobby’s team were made out to be the “jocks” and the jerks. However, between talking to one of the ones made out to be a jerk and one of Alton’s team (the ones they made it seem like Bobby’s team was picking on) it’s clear it wasn’t what it seemed. They get along fine and the one from Bobby’s team that I talked to seems like a very sweet lady, it was sad to see people bashing her on Twitter the night of the final, even though her “character” was not someone I would want to hang out with, the real person is. All of us could be made to look like jerks or angels depending on how our lives were edited.

  21. Jamie Gardner Avatar

    I only tuned into Masterchef because there was supposed to be a guest judge I wanted to see. Instead, you came on the screen and totally won me over. Ironically you resemble the actor I came to watch, TJ Thyne, but I never even saw him. I could tell how genuine you were and I could see Gordon Ramsay, who I adore (and have never bought his negative public reputation for a second, since I’ve read his book and seen his British shows and interviews on which you can see how gigantic-hearted he is) also had great affection for you. From there I ended up on your Facebook page, embroiled in many a fascinating discussion. This season, I did not watch the MasterChef because it conflicted with another show and was available neither on demand nor online with my provider. Instead, I got to know these people & drooled over their food through your blogs. My point is, you should go to kickstarter and get your money from your fanbase. As many of us as there are, we could only give $1 each and I bet you’d still have seed money for your Hawaii project!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Wow, Jamie…if you think I look like TJ Thyne, I LOVE YOU! Ha ha ha… You are to sweet…I love seeing your comments on my Facebook and my blog. Thanks so much for being a part of my life!

      1. Jamie Gardner Avatar

        Aww, I am very glad to hear that! Thanks for letting me be a part of it. (And seriously, after I watched it, my sister asked me if I got to see TJ Thyne and I said something like “No, but I’m gonna end up watching it coz there’s a guy on there who is like Hodgins’ adorable gay half-brother” lol, Hodgins being TJ Thyne’s character on Bones.)

        1. Ben Avatar

          HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it. *hugs*

  22. mary helgeson (@sixxesfan) Avatar

    You’ve just confirmed what I thought was happening all along. It was kinda like believing in Santa Claus. I wanted the show to be real so bad. What really did it was when they kept plugging the Walmart steaks. I don’t believe for a second that these world renowned chefs would ever use a “delicous walmart steak.” I love the show, and yes, I’ll keep watching it, with eyes wide open. Thanks for your blog!

  23. Rob Avatar


    You’ve proved that not everyone wants the drama and insults. You set a standard of treating folks with kindness and decency and obviously it is what a lot of us appreciate.

    Hell’s Kitchen has more than enough drama (and enough bad behaviors that makes me question if some of those folks even had a mama….I know my momma would be ashamed of me if I ever acted like some of those potty-mouthed brats.)

    What I love about MasterChef is watching people putting together absolutely exquisite dishes with such talent and skill. It really is a pleasure to watch.

    This year was fun in that we knew it was going to be a contest between truly wonderful cooks. It’s inspiring to see who is going to be the “best of the best”.

  24. Chris Avatar

    About that casting call…..remember, the producers are looking for TV stars that can cook, and hold an audience from week to week. Don’t go to the auditions thinking that your food will be enough…in fact, the food is less important than your Star Quality. Or is it Starr? Mine was a cattle call. The most important thing is selling yourself to a casting agent. The food is just a prerequisite.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Ha ha ha…most definitely right, Chris! Food plays second fiddle to your personality. So don’t try to be professional or formal or impressive. Be the person you are after 3 drinks at a dinner party with your friends.

  25. Chris Avatar

    And Ben helped me understand that. Thank you so much, Ben.

  26. nathan Avatar

    One thing I’ve wondered about is how much education goes on behind the scenes. In the first few shows each season, cooks introduce their dishes in very simple terms. (“I made a pork chop with mashed potatoes.”) By the final few shows, they are routinely making fancy dishes with fancy names (often in foreign languages) using fancy techniques and more obscure ingredients. Are contestants getting a culinary education behind the scenes? Is this a case of the producers putting contestants through a crash course in culinary school because it makes for better TV or simply contestants talking to each other about a common interest (cooking) during all the dead time?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Nathan, there is a LOT of education that goes on behind the scenes of every cooking reality TV show, even Next Iron Chef. ALL television is highly engineered…otherwise it would be incredibly boring and awkward. Most of what we learn is, like you said, from each other, and from the fact that all we do for the 2 months of filming is study cookbooks…since there’s nothing else to do when we’re not filming. You eat, leave, and breathe nothing but food for 2 months of your life, and you come back with a miniature culinary education. The first meal I cooked when I was back home after MasterChef, my friends said…”This is REALLY good, what did they teach you out there?” It was really funny. But, yet…even if you took 18 seasoned chefs and put them in a studio and said, “You have 1 hour to make a chocolate souffle…GO!” at least half of them would stand there with their eyes bugging out, having COMPLETELY forgotten the 20 minutes they spent in culinary school covering souffles. So if there’s not SOME form of direct eduction prior to a souffle challenge, you’d end up with colossal failures all around, whether you’re dealing with professional chefs or home cooks. So to keep the show from completely coming to a standstill on every episode, there IS education involved. There has to be!

  27. nathan Avatar

    I am fascinated by your struggle between trying to elevate the tone of reality TV and accepting the need for the tension. Our local cable channel shows both the Australian and the USA versions of the show, and the tones are completely different. The Australian version focuses much more on food and spends a lot less time on counting down the seconds or the overwrought decisions that … you … are … not … going upstairs now … because your shoe is untied and it would be dangerous to climb the steps that way. Even more importantly, they don’t have a lot of the sniping between the contestants. The typical comments in the USA version are things like, “Her food looked disgusting,” or “I’m here to win, not make friends.” In the Australian version, the general tone is more one of everyone getting along, hoping that everyone does well, and hoping that they can personally do something spectacular. The judges are warmer, too. Instead of the three “worst” dishes, they might identify the three “least impressive” dishes. And when they win a mystery box, the “huge advantage” might be a master class with a famous chef in which they (and we at home) get to learn something useful that they can apply in the next test rather than an invitation to screw over their fellow contestants. In short, the Australian Masterchef cuts out most of the things that drive me crazy in the USA version and focuses on food, just the way I would like it to. And yet, thinking in retrospect about my own behavior, when I went to youtube to search for more episodes to watch, I searched for Masterchef USA. I’m not sure which parts of it appeal to me, but somewhere in all that garbage there must be something quite compelling.

    1. Ben Avatar

      HAHAHAHA! Thanks for the comment, Nathan. The American audience has been conditioned to edge-of-your-seat suspense and snarky contestant quibbling from the legacy reality TV shows like Survivor. That’s why a show like MasterChef Australia would never get ratings here. I totally agree with you…I’m far more drawn to the MC Australia format and find it more interesting, educational, and compelling. But you and I do NOT reflect the majority of the network television audience in America.

  28. Bea Avatar

    I didn’t see season 3 yet,because I live in Italy. I hope to see it soon, but I’m not happy to know that in this season there is more tension…in season 2 I didn’t like Christian and other people that always quarreled,but if you say that in real life they are different I believe it:-)however, you were very kind all the time!I loved you for this reason.kisses

  29. Bea Avatar

    Now I’ve watched the season 🙂 I’m very happy for Christine! To say the truth, if I didn’t read this blog I wouldn’t have imagined that this is considered by a lot of people the season with more tension…while I watched it it seamed me that the contestants were quite friendly with each other (though not always), there wasn’t a ‘villain’ (except at the beginning) and Bastianich trew away the food ‘only’ two times, if I remember well…if I had to say in which season I saw more tension, I’d say season 2 (for example between Jennifer and Christian, but not only). But this is only my opinion, I’m not an expert of reality TV at all.
    I loved to read your blog about season 3! Now I look forward to watching season 4 and reading your blog about it 🙂 Hugs!

  30. Sam Avatar

    Ben , hi it was great watching you . You were enthusiastic and bubbly and no trash talking..
    I hav a question : what would they do with the lot of food that they end up by the end of show . Will they end up in trash????

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sam, most of the uneaten prepared food on the show gets devoured by the crew, which is good. I hear that they now donate unused pantry items to a local food bank, which is great.

  31. AJ Avatar

    Felix is fuckin smokin. Good lord.

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