Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

MasterChef Recap: Southern Queens and Sushi Teams

We’re down to only 7.  And the mystery box on the stage is big enough to house an entire cow or side of beef.  And had the commercials not spoiled it, I’d have NO clue that it was a mere human standing inside.  I’m conflicted about the spoiling of the mystery box surprise…I’d have been FAR more excited to be wondering what was inside, than to be wondering why on earth the mystery box is so freakin’ big if Paul Deen is hiding inside it.  Maybe she’s stretched out on a sofa being fanned by pool boys?!?  I know they’ll probably get more viewers by broadcasting Paula’s participation ahead of time…but it really did ruin the surprise.

So here we have the legendary Paula Deen to emcee the next Mystery Box challenge.  Just like Rachael Ray, Paula tends to elicit a fairly dramatic response among TV viewers…you either love her, or you hate her.

I, for one, love Paula Deen.  I think she’s a great TV personality.  She’s fun to watch, her recipes are good, and she embodies the small food entrepreneur success story.  At age 39 after a messy divorce, she moved to Savannah with only $200 in her pocket and started a sandwich catering company.  And look where she is now!  She has an empire, and she is loved by so many.

She comes under very pointed criticism from folks like Anthony Bourdain for promoting traditional Southern cooking, which includes large concentrations of butter (for which she is known), sugar, and saturated fats.  But let us not forget that the great Julia Child championed the butter-drenched, cream-enriched, sugary-sweet French cuisine to the world, and single handedly got people back into the kitchen in this country, after the TV dinner became king in the aftermath of World War II.  I don’t hear Bordain condemning Julia!  I have ZERO problem with Paula’s style of cooking, provided enough education is included to let people who are otherwise unaware, that you shouldn’t put a stick of butter in EVERY recipe.  Just the special ones!

“Why Paul Deen?” is what everyone has been asking me.  She’s not necessarily known for sophisticated cuisine.  Well, the simple answer is: Walmart.  That’s an assumption on my part, but Paula does sell a line of cookware at Walmart (some of which is enameled cast iron, and it’s of pretty decent quality for its price!), and you can’t walk inside the kitchen section of Walmart without seeing Paula’s bright smile all around you.  So it was a natural assumption to think that her appearance is somehow connected to the big Walmart sponsorship.  But I could be wrong.

At any rate, when the mystery box rises and Paula appears from beneath it, you can tell, even if YOU don’t like Paula Deen, that the contestants are peeing their pants with excitement.  I would have been, too.  Bawling my eyes out.  Paula is a legend to me, and the ability to be able to cook for her would have been extraordinary.  My style of cooking is closer to hers than to ANY other celebrity chef I’ve cooked for, including Rachael Ray and Bobby Flay.

Paula has hand picked the mystery box ingredients for this challenge, and let me tell you…while I normally hate Mystery Box challenges, this one would have been CAKE for me: a whole chicken, green tomatoes, collard greens, okra, grits, blackberries, hot sauce, pepper jelly, bacon, cream cheese, red potatoes, onion, garlic, brown sugar, and, of course…butter.  And who knows what else?  I have a suspicion that there is a mystery box pantry this year where the contestants have access to staples like flour, eggs, etc. because Paula said she’d love to see fried chicken, which can’t be done without flour, and there was no flour under the box.  Also, Becky makes biscuits, which we all know can’t be done without flour.  So I’d love to know the list of ingredients in the staples kitchen!

Paula has another surprise…she tells the contestants to open their cabinets and inside is a photo of their family, and a letter.  I cannot tell you how much more powerful this moment was for the contestants than what you saw on the screen.  At this point they’ve been away from home for over a month without being able to talk to their family.  The stress is unimaginable.  The sense of loneliness is overwhelming.  I remember getting a letter from my partner, with photos of my friends and family and Oliver in it, the morning before a challenge in late February.  And I just completely lost it for 2 hours, bawling my eyes out.  I was SO homesick.  And when we, as an audience, get to hear some things in the letters and see the contestants reactions…this is genuine and heartfelt and I WANT MORE OF IT.

Christine’s husband John, who is such an amazing person and actually helped me finish this website, mentioned in his letter that Christine has already accomplished “more in life than most people with no obstacles.”  We catch a glimpse of Frank’s daughter and immediately we re-imagine Frank as a father.  (I wish that had happened last year with Christian.)  Becky and Felix both have heartwarming letters from their parents.  Felix’s parents live in Puna, the district on the Big Island of Hawaii where I want to start my farm, and in their letter we discover that she hasn’t seen them in over a year.  Monti’s face as she embraces the photo of her son, Danger, is priceless.  I wouldn’t have minded if half this episode was taken up with the contestants reading their letters from home and talking about their families.

Time starts, and this would be my menu…fried chicken (leg and thigh), buttermilk biscuits with crispy chicken skin cracklins, collard greens with bacon, fried okra and fried green tomatoes (if there’s no cornmeal in the staples pantry, I’d use grits for the breading), and a little blackberry cobbler with cream cheese in the crust.  And yes, that can all be done in an hour!

The top 3 dishes are:

Becky, with her oven-roasted chicken and biscuits, fried green tomatoes, and pan gravy, with a cream cheese and pepper jelly sauce.

Frank, who departed from the Southern palate with his chicken roulade.  A roulade is just a method of presentation where the ingredients are layered and then rolled.  His roulade has peppers and onions, bacon, chicken, and chicken skin on the outside, and MAN does it look GOOOOD.  He made a chutney with the green tomato and red pepper, and it was served with spicy potato fries.  His spicy fries get the best of Paula and she coughs a little, but declares that she loves it.

And David Martinez, who has a truly stunning dish.  Roasted red pepper grits…and I’m not a big fan of grits, but these sound superb…pan roasted chicken breast with some sort of glaze, and crispy fried onion strings.  Paula jumps on Gordon for saying that grits can normally be “bland and boring,” and it’s funny to see how fast Paula shut him up!  I don’t normally imagine Gordon blushing at being chastised by anyone, but Paula certainly got his goat!!!

And they award the top dish to Frank, for taking basic Southern-style ingredients and churning out a sophisticated, New American style dish.  I didn’t taste, but the dish *I* wanted to eat the most was actually David’s.

Paula kisses the contestants goodbye, and Frank heads to the pantry to learn his advantage, and thus begins the most insane elimination challenge I’ve EVER seen on MasterChef: the sushi tag-team.  Frank gets to pair up the remaining 6 contestants in teams to prepare sushi.  The team never works together simultaneously…they work in 5 minute shifts.  And they have to replicate a large plate of food, including tempura battered vegetables; ahi, yellowtail, salmon, and shrimp nigiri sushi (where the fish fillet sits on top of a pillow of rice); and a California roll, which is an inside-out sushi roll where the veggies and fish are in the center, wrapped in nori (seaweed paper), with the rice on the OUTSIDE, then sprinkled with tobika caviar (eggs of the flying fish, which are bright orange).

This is probably the ONLY challenge I’d have actually wanted to sit out.  Sushi is an incredibly complex cuisine.  Sushi chefs train for literally DECADES before they are permitted to work unsupervised.  While there’s very little cookery involved, the knife work for the fish slicing, and the rolling are not things you can just improvise.  And to complicate matters, Frank was clever in his assignments to choose teams that would have the highest risk for failure.  Becky and David are together, Felix and Monti, and Christine and Stacey.

Luckily, Felix and Christine both have practical sushi experience.  Becky and Stacey, living in southern California, probably eat a fair amount of sushi.  And David says that he is confident as well.  Monti confesses that she’s clueless.  And this bizarre dynamic of the tag-team procedure is definitely going to throw people for a loop.

What follows is the most nail-biting challenge I’ve seen in MasterChef.  Arguments, desperation…and I can’t even imagine how Christine must feel not being able to SEE what Stacey is doing.  If Stacey says, “Am I doing this right?” Christine can’t answer.  They are definitely at the disadvantage in this challenge.

At the end, Monti and Felix have a complete plate that’s actually really impressive.  Monti says, “Felix finished 14 pieces of sushi in 4 minutes and 45 seconds.  That’s about as impressed as I’ve ever been with anybody.”  The other teams aren’t quite so lucky.  David and Becky have a plate that appears to be mostly complete, but Gordon picks through everything and finds wasabi under some fish, not under others, messy cuts, no dipping sauce for the tempura, and David takes blame for much of it.  Christine and Stacey didn’t complete their California roll, which is a glaring omission, and Stacey is sick about it.  The cut on their nigiri is definitely superior to David and Becky, but their shrimp is raw.  Gordon declares it the worst performance they’ve both had in MasterChef.

So we know that Stacey and Christine are on the chopping block.

Not a fun moment.  I love both of these girls, and I know how hard it is for them to be sitting there, facing elimination, feeling like if the other gets eliminated, they’re both at fault.  Since Christine was responsible for the biggest items to get on the plate, the nigiri, Stacey is eliminated.  And Christine is deeply upset about it.  Even Christine’s helper is weeping.  Stacey was so loved by the contestants.

We are given tidbits about the contestants’ lives in the first episode of signature dishes, but we tend to forget these as the contest moves on and we become more familiar with their personalities.  Do you remember that Stacey, 2 years ago, was drinking a liter of vodka a day?  She went through rehab and has been stone cold sober since May of 2010.  Do you remember that the judges sent her out without an apron, but Joe reconsidered and staked his reputation on her?  And she lasted to number 7.  Stacey is a fighter, and a talented one at that.  I shed some tears watching her leave.

But, like always, MasterChef isn’t the end for Stacey.  She’s being considered for an executive chef position at a restaurant on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.  So maybe, in a few short years, we’ll be neighbors!  I can’t wait to meet Stacey in August on my LA trip, because I know that she’s truly one of the most special and amazing souls in this year’s MasterChef lineup.  You blew me away Stacey!

Follow Stacey on Twitter and Facebook if you’d like to keep track of her journey!  And PLEASE comment below!

28 responses to “MasterChef Recap: Southern Queens and Sushi Teams”

  1. Cameron Scot Ennes Avatar
    Cameron Scot Ennes

    Did you see the preview for the next episode?

    1. Ben Avatar

      I did. Excited at first. Then bummed to see that my boy Michael Chen was not among those invited back for a second chance. So I’m a bit grumpy about that. But it’s an interesting twist!

  2. Martha Hughes (@Isewinsf) Avatar

    Excellent recap, Ben! I’m not a Paula Deen fan, though I love her son’s show that takes all that unnecessary stuff out of her dishes. Once I visited Savannah and talked to the people who live there and found out how she truly treats her hometown, well…..anyway, the box had to be big to fit her hair in! 🙂 The top dishes looked amazing, especially David’s, nice to see him get a good one. The sushi challenge was a nightmare. But, communication is something chef’s need if they intend to work in a crazy kitchen filled with chaos and other working chefs. Great challenge. As a recovering alcoholic of 7+ years, I admire Stacey greatly. It takes guts to stop drinking and stay stopped. I hope she has the best of things in life.

    1. M86 Avatar

      Martha, funny, I’ve heard similar things about Paula Deen and Savannah.

      1. Ben Avatar

        I haven’t heard any of the Savannah rumors, however, keep in mind that small towns often turn on local celebrities. Adrien from season 2 could barely function in his hometown because people were calling him a sellout and lashing out at him in jealousy. There is probably a LOT going on here that we don’t know about. Perhaps Paula refused to participate in a big charity event because her managers wouldn’t allow her to, and that was considered a snub to the community. There’s NO telling what’s behind all those rumors. The only way I can judge Paula is based on my friends in the industry who have worked with her, and thus have direct knowledge of her character…and they say that she is a true southern Peach. So until I meet someone who’s actually had nasty dealings with her and can say for certain that it was because she’s a mean old hag, I’m sticking with the Paula that my friends know!

        1. Somnies Avatar

          wtf, people were really treating Adrien like that? That sucks 🙁

          1. Ben Avatar

            Yes…Adrien has had a VERY difficult time since coming home from MasterChef. I’ve encouraged him to leave Ventura and move to LA or San Francisco. He was not welcomed back with open arms, unfortunately.

  3. Anna Avatar

    Hey Ben. Besides Masterchef, the one thing I look forward to every week is your recaps. Which celebrity chef would you have wanted to see in your season?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hi, Anna! Thanks for your comment!!! One celebrity chef? That’s an easy one. ALTON BROWN. He is my idol. I would LOSE MY SH-T if I could cook for Alton Brown and get his honest opinions.

    2. M86 Avatar

      I’m with Ben… I would love to see Alton on Masterchef… or Anne Burrell. Or even Nigella Lawson… Her voice (and her cooking) is therapeutic to me.

  4. Steven Mon Avatar

    I guess I don’t understand sushi. I thought it was all raw stuff–but the shrimp is supposed to be cooked?

    1. Ben Avatar

      Sushi is just a word for seasoned rice mixed with other food. Often the rice is mixed with raw seafood. But most shellfish (crab, shrimp, etc.) is served cooked in sushi.

  5. Tony Avatar

    I was and still am a big fan of Stacey. I thought it was a bit unfair to make the sushi challenge an elimination round. These chefs are unlikely to feature sushi in their future careers in my opinion.

    1. Ben Avatar

      Very much agreed, Tony. But then again, MasterChef is made for entertainment, not to launch chef’s careers. The show would be VERY DIFFERENT it if was actually supposed to be a training ground for budding chefs. Every challenge is designed for maximum audience entertainment and thrill.

  6. Tim Avatar

    I’m pulling for David. I really am. We met for a brief minute at his viewing party a couple weeks ago in Chicago, and I was impressed with how genuine he is as a person. It’s difficult for me to see where this will take him, as he has, like you, Christine, and others, interests that keep him a well rounded individual with exploits outside the kitchen other than, say, drinking and nightlife as alluded to by certain contestants. As far as future ambassadorship for the Masterchef brand, as far as I’m concerned, Monti is Miss MasterChef America. Putting a face, a name, and the brand that is Miss Monti Carlo on the cover of the MC cookbook, she’s got it in the bag.
    I envision a line of cookbooks.
    First- MC
    Second- MC(squared) [Monti Carlo on Master Chef]

    Now, if she were only into Modernist Cuisine.

    1. Ben Avatar

      HA! I love it… I hope Monti reads this comment. Yes, that girl definitely has the X factor. I’m going to meet her in Phoenix next weekend…excited to chat with her.

      1. KWP Avatar

        If this season is going to be all about WalMart and the demographic they’re after then Monti is a no brainer. But she’s still got cooking to do and stiff competition. Enjoy Phoenix next weekend; I lived there 10 years. Get yourself to Carolina’s Mexican south of Buckeye for some shredded beef and the best danged tortillas ever. Take out only when I lived there, sketchy neighborhood at night but you’ll feel like you’re in Sonora for sure. And then tell me how to make that shredded beef, nobody in DFW knows how to do it. While you’re at it don’t miss BBQ at Honey Bears or the (no relation) Honey Bear Hot Wings at Native New Yorker.

  7. Gene MD Avatar
    Gene MD

    Hi Ben,

    This was the best show of the season. Many learning points, a lot less drama, and team building. Your right, and I also believe that any team effort must come first. In this twisted case it also resulted in a person being sent home. Yet, the stronger team won even with weak components, which is the point surmised by Joe. All these cooks are exceptional and the single eliminations are really just based on a simple individual mistake part on fate or random chance. If more team building was done in earlier team challenges, instead of “knocking off” someone, then all three teams would have made it a close race. I really think the judges want this. You see this on HK too.

    The mystery box with Paula and a traditional Southern meal, resulted in all the constants producing excellent dishes. It was really a basic task and I have done this meal myself over the years almost once a week. No way to error. Frank’s dish was FAB, but did not look like the spirit of Southern cooking (IMHO). I was glad to see the Blackberries since I grow them (There is a pix on my FB if you want to see). Blackberries are not just a desert, but a main side dish for all three meal settings. Dozens of ways to fix. I would have liked to see more of that, and I think Paula put them on the board along with Grits for that reason.

    The Walmart thing is OK so long as it doesn’t become a “Walmart Presents MC” label. But, the sponsors had to fork over one MILLION dollars for the MC Kitchen makeover for this season. Meaning the show will probably be around for a few years…..

    Do the constants shop with the Judges to learn how to stock the Pantry? And do they clean up the Kitchen afterward or is it the staff?

    I am so glad that I read this and found out Stacy got a great chance to go forward and defeat her addiction, another Patient cured. I sub her FB also.

    Best one hour diversion on TV yet, which I need. BTW, you need a “Like” button here.

    Gene MD

    1. Ben Avatar

      Hiya, Gene! I’m not sure I have your facebook link…I would LOVE to see your blackberries! I just planted 4 plants this year in a narrow strip behind my back fence that was otherwise useless…hoping to get a good first crop next year! Blackberries are my favorite!

      Answering your specific questions…the contestants do not shop with the judges, nor to the judges shop. The pantry is stocked by the culinary staff, who also clean up after challenges. The contestants are treated like actors or “talent.” Unless cleaning is a part of the challenge, once the camera shuts off, the contestants are “off the clock.”

      WordPress offers me the option of a like button OR a share button, and I figured the share button would drive more traffic here, because it actually posts the blog on your Facebook wall…so that’s the one I picked.

  8. M86 Avatar

    Another great blog post, Ben.

    Personally, I have mixed feelings about Paula Deen… Maybe it’s because I’m a Northerner transplanted to the South? It just seems like she tries too much… I mean, what chef has a line of mattresses? She does have some good “homey/comfort” recipes, but I’ve also heard that Food Network “chefs” have people that create their recipes for them. I don’t dislike her, but she seems too over-the-top for me. I guess I’m picky when it comes to celebrities :). That being said, I do love the old Paula Deen, like Paula’s Home Cooking on Food Network circa early 2000’s.

    When Paula said she would love to see an amazing Fried Chicken, I was really hoping someone would do that. I’ve tried homemade Fried Chicken twice, and I failed once, but the second time, it was really good!

    I liked Stacy… I’ve seen people battle addictions and it’s tough. She’ll go far in the food world.

    When it was between her and Christine, I balled my eyes out. I love Christine, and I’d love to see her in the top 2, for sure!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Well, any time someone seems to have rapport with their audience, they get approached by manufacturers who want endorsements. Some people are very selective about what they endorse, because it can make you look like a “sell out.” However, there’s no telling what cause Paula to endorse the mattresses. But think about it this way…someone calls you today and says, “We would like to put your name on our line of bath towels and we’ll pay you $2million up front, and 3% of profits for the next 4 years. All we need you to do is a couple of commercials and a few appearances. Would you like all this money now?” What would YOU say to that? Ha ha ha… Maybe she needed to renovate her kitchen, and the opportunity arose at that moment. It’s TOUGH to resist free money dangling in front of you. Then again, it may not have been her own choice in the first place…perhaps her management team made the decision for her. Depending on her contracts, that could easily happen. I know for a fact that Rachael Ray hates all the endorsements she has to do, and isn’t really thrilled with this empire that’s been built around her. She just wants to make TV, cook, and hang out with her hubby and her dog. But because of the way her contracts are structured, she doesn’t really have a say in the matter.

      1. M86 Avatar

        Ben, you’re totally right. I just hate when it all comes to money…. And I hate “sell outs”… I guess I can’t blame Paula for going that route. She’s done it well.

  9. Valerie Harris Avatar
    Valerie Harris

    Hey Ben,
    Once again I loved reading your recap. That was such a packed episode. You also keep answering questions that I have about the workings of that show. When I first stumbled on to your web site, I had been casting about looking for some behind the scene answers. Once again you have answered my curiosity about the off camera time of contestants and communications with home. Like you, the letter moments instantly went straight to the heart. Just seeing Monti’s face the minute she realized she was about to have some kind of communication with her little son was something you could never script. Being away would be hard enough but no communication…torture! It is nice that they are sharing a little more about the contestants lives. To me one of the greatest things about this show is that the contastants are “real” people, not celebrities. They could be any one of us (who love to cook) and got a chance to stop our lives for this special chance. It was nice to see Felix drop her gaurd for a sec because she tries so hard to be a tough little nut. P.S. My other half grew up just down the road from Puna and says it is NOT the tourist version of Hawaii. No wonder she’s a tough nutt. I also applaude Stacey’s willingness to share such a private story about her struggle because it will be inspiring enough to at least one person that it will help them change their life. Kauaii has a great vib and I wish her the best. Christines life has been far more highlighted for obvious reasons. But when I saw how crushed she was to have her team mate go home while she remained safe, verified to me how genuinly humble she is. Honestly, I really thought David’s sloppy performance was going to send him home yet I was not surprised that the judges honed in on Stacey’s panic. Confidence really seems to be heavily weighted on that show. Anyway, that sushi tag team was such a tough challange it makes me wonder what they will pull out next year to top that. I was like a guy watching a football game, yelling admonishments like “NO, don’t soak the nori!’. I bet they figured that out pretty quick. Okay, I have plowed on long enough. I look forward to your next review.

    1. Ben Avatar

      GREAT response, Valerie!!! Yeah, I was screaming “Don’t soak the nori!” also! Ha ha ha…

  10. Ania Avatar

    Hi Ben! First of all thank you for your great recaps of this season’s episodes! As someone has already mentioned they are next in order behind the actual episodes when it comes to the culinary fun every week. I have to admit that had it not been for your amazing personality I wouldn’t have been captivated by the show last year. BTW I live in Poland and culinary shows are just starting to appear here (they’re launching Polish edition of Masterchef in September – I hope it will be at least watchable). When it comes to the previous episode, however, it was extremely saddening to see Stacey go. With her truly inspirational story (which has not been used in her later edit hence not totally exploited), charisma and wicked ink she was my favourite contestant (my runner-up fav was Josh – what a terrible streak of eliminations!) and I agree with the opinion that the sushi challenge was,in a way, not fair as it seems to be a very different kind of cooking than… well, cooking 😉 Greetings from Poland!

    1. Ben Avatar

      Czesc, Ania! I am so happy you’ve contacted me. Poland is a place I’ve always dreamed of visiting. Maybe some day soon! I’m glad to hear you’re getting more cooking shows there, that’s great!

  11. Anneth Avatar

    Hi Ben! My first comment here… Strangely enough I feel a bit nervous, almost as if I was a 14-year-old girl writing to some long admired guy in Westlife or Backstreet Boys, haha. 🙂 I simply wanted to say thank you for these recaps – they make the fun in every episode last a little bit longer and deepen the experience. I live in Sweden (so I hope you can understand my poor English) and we’re just about to start season 3 of the Swedish version of Masterchef here. So far I find our version of the show very similar to the American version, but I truly miss nice contestants like you were, not backstabbing or intriguing. Keep up the good work! 🙂

    1. Ben Avatar

      Anneth, WELCOME to my site and I’m so glad you commented! Your English is stunning, don’t be embarrassed. I will have to look up Swedish MasterChef! *hugs*

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