Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: behind the scenes

  • What It’s Like To Be On Reality TV

    (This blog post has now been picked up on Reddit and other sites, so it’s important for you to know before you read this that this post is made in defense of those on reality TV who are attacked for being villains, racists, etc.  On my season of the show, I was treated like a…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Surfers and Chicken Breasts (S4E14)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by Fox or MasterChef, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  The information in this blog is limited to opinion, only, from a former MasterChef survivor.) 10 contestants left, and the judges are arriving at the beach on jetskis…well, Graham swims up in a skin-colored wetsuit, complete…

  • MasterChef Where Are They Now: Tracy Kontos

    For the next installment of my MasterChef: Where Are They Now? series, I’ve chosen one of my personal favorites from Season 2…Tracy Kontos.  Tracy is one of those people that, upon meeting, you instantly feel like you’ve been bosom buddies for decades.  She immediately sweeps you into this comfortable familiarity and makes you feel like…

  • MasterChef Behind the Scenes: Meet Rebecca

    This is Rebecca O’Connor.  She is a full-time author and has published 12 books, everything from fiction and short stories to manuals for bird owners and scientific works on endangered animals.  Rebecca is also a professional bird trainer, and has been a presenter at many of the country’s finest animal shows, including Disney’s Animal Kingdom. …

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Baby Eels and Agnolotti (S4E9)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  The opinions contained in this blog are merely the OPINIONS of a former MasterChef contestant who has no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.) So our magical time machine transports us back from the…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Gordon’s Box and Boxes of Cupcakes (S4E6)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they’d probably rather you didn’t read it.  The opinions contained within this blog post are my own pathetic, uneducated, and uninformed opinions and should not be treated as factual.  While I bore witness to the filming of the entire second season…

  • MasterChef 4 Recap: Children and Cheesecake (S4E5)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they probably would rather you not read it.  The info contained in this blog is exclusively opinions from a former MasterChef survivor who has no inside knowledge of this season or how the show is produced.) It’s time for the first…

  • MasterChef 4 Recap: Auditions #3

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they would probably prefer you don’t read it.  The opinions in this blog are only that…opinions.  While I was a contestant on MasterChef season 2, I have no inside knowledge of how it is produced.) Now it’s time for the third…

  • MasterChef 4 Recap: Auditions #1 and #2

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by Fox or MasterChef, and they would probably prefer you not read it.  The blog entry solely reflects my opinions about MasterChef, having been a former contestant.  I do not have any inside knowledge of how MasterChef is produced.) Here I am, 2 weeks after the…

  • How to Watch a MasterChef Premier…from a MasterChef Survivor

    My blog today is actually not on my site!  It’s on the site of a MasterChef season 4 contestant named Marie Porter.  Marie is one unique gal.  She and her husband Michael have a fascinating website and company called Celebration Generation which is remarkably like my own…there’s a blog that covers cooking and baking, DIY,…