Ben Starr

The Ultimate Food Geek

Tag: MasterChef

  • MasterChef 4 musings: Howard’s End

    I was in such a tizzy yesterday after my negative and cynical blog that I didn’t give Howard the fair farewell I give other contestants.  I’m sorry about that, Howard. Howard’s exit was not mandated by the judges.  He stood up there next to Lynn, the two bottom dishes in the challenge.  And the judges…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Baby Eels and Agnolotti (S4E9)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  The opinions contained in this blog are merely the OPINIONS of a former MasterChef contestant who has no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.) So our magical time machine transports us back from the…

  • FRANK: The first MasterChef love child

    During the filming of MasterChef season 2, Jennie Kelley and I had become very close.  During one pressure test challenge, our team was safe and we were watching the opposing team battle it out from the safety of the balcony above.  Jennie and I were distraught, watching our friends cooking at the very limit of…

  • MasterChef Where Are They Now: Sharone Hakman

    It’s been 3 years since we first saw this strapping young man blow away Gordon, Graham, and Joe on the premier season of MasterChef.  I think most of us first noticed him for his good looks.  (When gathering photos of him for this blog entry from Google Images, the most common 3 searches for Sharone…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Burgers and Lobsters in Las Vegas (S4E8)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and you probably shouldn’t read it.  These are opinions from a former MasterChef season 2 contestant who officially has no inside knowledge of the making of this season.  …well, not officially, anyway.) Because of the disastrous Eggs Benedict pressure test, the judges…

  • A MasterChef Reunion in Houston

    A perfect storm of events happened last weekend that resulted in my need to be in Houston for a few days.  (Mostly to visit a dear college friend who was having much of her liver out.)  Houston takes 2nd place to Austin as the best foodie city in Texas, though I don’t like to admit…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Firefighters and Benedicts and the Return of Walmart (S4E7)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and they would probably you rather not read it.  The opinions contained in this blog are from a Season 2 competitor who witnessed the filming of virtually every episode of that season, but I have no inside knowledge of THIS season of…

  • MasterChef 4 recap: Gordon’s Box and Boxes of Cupcakes (S4E6)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they’d probably rather you didn’t read it.  The opinions contained within this blog post are my own pathetic, uneducated, and uninformed opinions and should not be treated as factual.  While I bore witness to the filming of the entire second season…

  • MasterChef Where Are They Now: Michael Chen

    This the first of a summer-long series, bringing you updates on your favorite contestants from seasons 1, 2, and 3.  What are they doing now?  How did MasterChef change their life?  First up: Michael Chen from MasterChef season 3. On September 10, 2011 I was in Austin, Texas, headed to BBQ Outfitters to pick up…

  • MasterChef 4 Recap: Children and Cheesecake (S4E5)

    (PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they probably would rather you not read it.  The info contained in this blog is exclusively opinions from a former MasterChef survivor who has no inside knowledge of this season or how the show is produced.) It’s time for the first…