Tag: mystery box
Masterchef 4 Recap: Team Mystery Box and Chocolate (S4E23)
For the second to last time (Ben is back from Burning Man, but is currently trekking across the wild west and has no time to partake in MasterChef), hello, Starr-struck citizens of the internet! I am doing a temporary takeover of his blog in order to write the MasterChef recaps that so many of you…
MasterChef 4 recap: T-Bones and Live Birds (S4E19)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog contains the IPA-soaked rants of a former MasterChef survivor who has practically no inside knowledge of how this season was produced. It’s not fit to be read by anyone.) So we’re back up to 7 contestants, now that Bri is back. And it’s time for a mystery box. Krissi tells us,…
MasterChef 4 recap: Family Food and Sushi (S4E17)
(PLEASE NOTE: The content that follows is entirely from the depraved mind of a MasterChef season 2 survivor. It should be treated, not as fact, but as opinion, only…and probably not a very sound opinion, at that!) We’re down to 7 for MasterChef season 4. At this point in my season, Christine Corley and Derrick…
MasterChef 4 recap: Huitlacoche and Walmart (S4E13)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox and they would probably rather you not read it. Contained below are the opinions and maniacal ravings of an MC2 survivor and should not be treated as fact or as inside information.) After a blessed 2 week break spanning the 4th of…
MasterChef 4 recap: Pig’s Heads and Christine Ha (S4E11)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and they would probably rather you not read it. The info contained in this blog is OPINION ONLY from a former MasterChef contestant who has no knowledge of the production of this season.) It was like pulling teeth to summon the courage…
MasterChef 4 recap: Baby Eels and Agnolotti (S4E9)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not approved or endorsed by MasterChef or Fox, and you probably shouldn’t read it. The opinions contained in this blog are merely the OPINIONS of a former MasterChef contestant who has no inside knowledge of how this season was produced.) So our magical time machine transports us back from the…
MasterChef 4 recap: Gordon’s Box and Boxes of Cupcakes (S4E6)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef or Fox, and they’d probably rather you didn’t read it. The opinions contained within this blog post are my own pathetic, uneducated, and uninformed opinions and should not be treated as factual. While I bore witness to the filming of the entire second season…
MasterChef 4 Recap: Potatoes and Langoustines (S4E4)
(PLEASE NOTE: This blog is not endorsed or approved by Fox or MasterChef. All information contained in this blog is limited to my personal opinions and should not be treated as fact or “inside knowledge.”) So our top 19 enter the MasterChef kitchen for the very first time. (It’s 19 at this point, but a…
MasterChef recap: Three’s Company
(Please Note: This blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef. The opinions reflected herein are solely that: opinions. I have no inside knowledge of how MasterChef is produced or judged and my opinions should not be treated as fact.) Josh, Becky, and Christine are the top 3. And beneath the mystery box today is…
MasterChef Recap: Monti Gets the Boot
(Please note, this blog is not endorsed or approved by MasterChef and all information in this blog reflects uneducated opinion on my part. I have no inside knowledge about how decisions are made on the production of MasterChef.) It has been embarrassingly long since my last MasterChef recap. In fact, Season 3 has ended already,…